Predator (Character) - pictures, "stranger against predator", film, actors


Character History

Predator is a representative of the alien race, which appeared in the 1987 film. The monster got great fame, becoming one bar next to such a space hunter, as a stranger.

History of character creation

An alien after the debut in the film John Mortyrnan appeared in the following paintings, crossovers of the series "Alien against the predator", the eullations of the film, computer games and comics.

Name Dangerous villain could not choose for a long time. Therefore, the sources of the fictional universe used the following nicknames: His and Jouthaja.

The authors of the Space Creation - Brothers John and Jim Thomas - depicted a large-scale humanoid. At the idea, he arrived on another planet, being a representative of a developed civilization. Therefore, the monster operates with improved technologies - uses energy weapons, comes interstellar flights and almost never leaves the chance of the human race to repel the invader.

The concept of the character was not original - the history of the hunter was written off from the low-budget project "Caution". So, in the film Gradon Clark on Earth arrives an aliens, an externally resembling the "classic" Martian - Humanoid with disproportionately with big eyes and skin of green shade.

The design of Jautji was repeatedly recycled. Initially, he was a creature with a long neck, head resembling dog, and massive rhives. The idea of ​​Mandibulch was successful: the frightened jaw became the most memorable feature of the character. But from the rest of the developments had to be abandoned due to the characteristics of the film processing in the wild jungle.

Grigory Nicotero attracted to the formation of the appearance of the aliens, which used the appearance of hyena as the basis of the physique of the villain. Chris Olivia decided to add spikes to the image.

The image and biography of the predator

The villain on the physique resembles a person, only a very high and muscular. The adult individual reaches 2.5 m in length and weighs 200 kg. Visually resembles a pile of muscles, which is justified by the lifestyle and the need to hunt and kill.

Skin color varies from pale yellow to dark green with black staines. On the face of the monster traits traits insects and reptiles. In the film it is clear that he breathes through the mouth (mask), since he has no nostrils.

The rotter apparatus Hero deserves separate attention. According to legend, the earth's atmosphere does not suit the representative of the alien civilization. Therefore, he has a special mask with a thermal imager, which not only filters air, but also serves as a help to detect victims.

Like the insect, Yutji has 4 external jaws - Mandibuli and Maksiles. The hives are also inland jaws, similar to humans. The mystery is how the character uses food. Unfortunately, it was not shown in detail in any film.

There are processes that resemble dreadlocks or tentacles on the head of the villain. But this is a deceptive impression: in fact, the receptors in which the nerve endings are concentrated. The blood of the comic hunter of luminescent green.

Predator without mask

The murderer is strong, its characteristics, whether dexterity or speed, exceed the indicators of any weightlifter or athlete. In addition, the predator has animal reflexes and long lives (300 years).

Already only these abilities could put a representative of the race to the top of the food chain on the planet Earth. But being more developed creating, the alien uses weapons and other adaptations, only detractory chances of the victim to stay alive.

So, on the right or left hand, the monster wears a combat blade, which can be killed and fix the enemy. Metage disk with aerodynamic properties of boomeranga generates destructive micropulse, instantly cutting any object.

If the victim is in the distance, the character uses a plasma gun with a goal search system or telescopic spear. Sometimes applies a grommet that serves something like traps. Shot of intertwined superproof threads can be asked the chase object, so simply cut the body. With the latest purpose, the newcomer also resorts to the whip whip. Acute elements when covering the body instantly cut "food" into small parts.

Highly developed individual also uses computerized fishing methods. For example, a laser trap. The ray network is installed and activated remotely, controlled by a mask.

But sometimes the antagonist resorts to "human" methods: in the crossover "Alone against the predator", the villain operates with a knife with a served blade.

Monster's biography remains behind the scenes. His race hunting creatures not only for food, but also for sports interest. It clearly proves the fact that he is going to gather themselves on the memory of the skull, and sometimes the spines of the victims as trophies.

Experience and physical characteristics allow the encoders to be systematically to exterminate other species, and attempts to conclude a peaceful treaty with them are meaningless. It is known that they visited the land repeatedly, because in some paintings, the trophies became a samurai sword and ancient Musket.

Surprisingly, they do not always attack meaningless. For example, try not to touch children, sick people and pregnant women. And also adhere to the Code of honor. So, if a person manages to win in a fight with a hunter, he commit suicide, since the defeat is horror and terrible shame for a representative of the developed race.

Predator in films

Interestingly, in 1987, Jean-Claude Wang Damma was invited to the role of the antagonist. And this is reasonable: the actor with his knowledge of martial arts could demonstrate the alien villain to the fast and dexterous as Ninja.

But from this idea I had to refuse. The chief hero of the movie - Arnold Schwarzenegger - Wang Damme was inferior both in growth and in the physique. There should be a more overall candidate - they became Kevin Peter Hall.

The same actor participated in the shooting of the sequel 1990, and the director's chair was given to Stephen Hopkins. The picture of the picture was moved to the stone jungle. Now the aliens had to move around the roofs of the houses.

Failed at the box office "Alien against the predator" of 2004 Paul U. S. Anderson. According to the plot of the picture, the battle of confrontation between the two strongest races in the ancient city unfolded. It also involves the military and expedition of scientists. And I tried on the role of an alien hunter British actor Ian White.

In the final of this film center there is an emerge on the light of a hybrid - a fighter. He also becomes a central character in Sikweple "Fans against the predator: Requiem."

In 2018, the American fantastic fiction fiction was released on large screens, which, judging by the chronology, became the continuation of the events of the original trilogy. Brian Prica invited the role of the aliens. Thanks to the skills and classes in Parkur, the actor managed to show the space invader more mobile than in other serials of the franchise.

Interesting Facts

  • The idea of ​​mandibles, which became the most recognizable feature of the character, belongs to James Cameron.
  • The 1987 film was planned to call the "Hunter".
  • On the set of the first picture on the main role "tried" a monkey. An animal had to jump from the branch to the branch instead of the actor. But because of the outfit "Cascade", did not participate in the work.
  • 17 species of Brazilian spiders of Predatoroonops wear names associated with a franchise about a predator thanks to the external similarity of helper.

Fog Film.

  • 1987 - "Predator"
  • 1990 - "Predator 2"
  • 2004 - "Alien against the Predator"
  • 2007 - "Aliens against the predator: Requiem"
  • 2010 - "Predators"
  • 2018 - "Predator"
  • 2015 - "Predator: Dark Ages"

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