Group Favlav - Photo, History of creation, Composition, News, songs 2021



The initiator of the Favlav project has become the singer Polina Favorskaya. Being a former vocalist "Silver", the girl had long dreamed of writing his own music in the rock genre and carried out conceived, uniting with Evgeny Pynkovoy, together with whom he gave the listeners many memorable tracks.

The history of creation and composition

Once in the morning, the Favorskaya woke up with an obsessive melody, sounding in his head. The performer decided to write it down and took up the tools, and the result later gave to listen to a friend.

He praised the idea, and Polina turned for help to other musicians to finish the composition. So she met the sound producer Yevgeny Pynkovoy, in a duet with which the Favlav group was then formed.


In 2018, the performers presented the very track whose idea suddenly arose in the head of Polina. He got the name "Sand". The premiere was successful, and the artists were in the center of attention of listeners and press. They performed at concerts and gave an interview where they told the story of the Group's creation.

The second song "Freak" appeared only in February next year. Her presentations preceded the video where the soloist fulfills the demo. Soon the premiere of the clip took place, part of which was held in the supermarket. It shows the history of complex and dependent relationships of a young couple. The main role in the video played by Favorskaya.

Success and positive reviews of the audience inspired performers continue to create. In the summer, their repertoire was replenished with the composition of Neverland, in the video to which the stars of Zhenya Milkovsky and Eva Gurari starred.

And at the end of 2019, the group participants performed at the Happy New Fest festival. Then they appeared on the New Year's "apartment at Margulis" together with the musicians of the "nerves", with whom they performed the composition "Overactions", which caused the delight of the audience.

Favlav now

In March 2020, the Favorskaya speakers Music Live TNT! And answered questions about creativity. On April 10 of the same year, FAVLAV planned to release a debut album, but the release date had to be transferred due to a coronavirus infection pandemic.

To raise the mood to subscribers, the musicians promised to present one of the tracks in the scheduled date. As a result of the voting in the official group in Vkontakte, the choice fell on the song "Tony", but it didn't work out. In addition, the performers took part in the "Quarantine-Live" project on TNT Music, where the lively performed "Neverland".

Already at the beginning of May, the discography of the collective replenished the record "Cancellation Syndrome". It entered into it already familiar to the students of the Single "Neverland", as well as eight new compositions, including the long-awaited Tony and "without you", recorded together with the Zhenya Milkovsky.

The release was accompanied by a camorler called "Welcome to the Favlav Universe", in which the soloist wanders on empty corridors, and then smokes on the balcony of a multi-storey building. At the end, the names of everyone who worked on the album was shown.

The leading place in the team was assigned to the Favorskaya, whose voice sounds in all tracks, starting with the introductory "Intro." In addition to her and Pykkova, who was responsible for the bass and keyboards, guitarist Anton Ryabkov and the drummer Oleg Inhiosis participated in the work. All instrumental parties were recorded live.

Creating a plate lasted almost a year and a half and was not easy for Polina, because it reflects the experiences in the personal life of the singer. According to the girl's idea, the track leaf is divided into 3 parts. The first is devoted to betrayal and painful separation, the second - freedom and new love, and the third is disappointment in relations.

The song "Voices in the head" has become the most painful for the artist, and the hardest thing is Tony. Music for Hit appeared among the first, but ideas for the text were not almost within six months. As a result, this composition was successful and listened.

However, other tracks were not ignored. The release was a wicked recall from, where they marked his depth and emotionality. Other critics were less generous for compliments, in some reviews, the singer is accused of exploitation of "Nostalgia in 2000", imitation of the style "Tattoo", "Ranetok" and early Muse.

Now the artists continue to create, please the public with their performances. News About their successes Fans will learn from the Instagram account of the Favorskaya, where photos and video are published.


  • 2018 - "Sand"
  • 2019 - "Freak"
  • 2019 - "Neverland"


  • 2020 - "Cancellation Syndrome"


  • 2019 - "Neverland"
  • 2019 - "Freak"
  • 2020 - "Welcome to the Universe Favlav"
  • 2020 - "Voices in the head"

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