Pavel Pets - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News 2021



By telepremorse, Pavel Favim residents, in zero years of the XXI century I was interested in told that about "unprecedented beasts" of distant continents, that about the "unknown tracks" of world capitals, regular appearance on the screens brought fame and money. To both these benefits, a man is almost indifferent. Moreover, the leading "travel of naturalist" by education is not naturalist, but an actor, and wanderings dislikes, tiring from moving and heat.

Childhood and youth

A person who combines the role of a journalist and director, a teacher and artist, was born in July 1957 in Moscow in the family of teachers of Gnesinki, most of whose relatives died in Babi Yaru near Kiev.

Berta Mother Lvovna Kremenshtein led in the school the theory of music, Father Yevgeny Yakovlevich Lieberman - the technique of playing the piano. Among the disciples of men are the famous Pianist Daniel Kramer.

Pavel Favim residents in youth

The early childhood of Pavlik passed near Arbat - in the house on Smolensk Square, the family held two rooms in a communal apartment. Berta Lvovna every weekend drove his son to the zoo, and the boy dreamed of becoming a biologist. When Paul matured, the dream evaporated: the guy realized that she was sinking the animals and displaced the frogs not the same thing.

Another children's hobby Pasha was drawing. Oddly enough, the game on the piano of the musicians did not attract, and read the future book and learned only at 7 years. His favorite books in adolescence were "twelve chairs" and "Golden calf".

When the boy was 9 years old, the family moved to a 3-room apartment on the ground floor in the house on the avenue of the world, but the heir to the musical dynasty continued to attend the previous school on Norovsky Street. Soon Evgeny Yakovlevich created another family, thanks to which Paul had one-sister sisters Karina and Marianna.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the Schukinsky Theater School. In 1978, Pavel on the distribution fell to the Leningrad Comedy Theater named after Nikolai Akimov.

Personal life

Personal life of Pavel Lyubimsyva is closed from prying eyes. A man whose height is 174 cm, never married to death in 2008 Berth Lvovna lived in the same apartment with her. The leads transmitted to the mother from different parts of the world were the "chip" of the leading transfer of "Naturalist's travel".

Mom's death became a big shock for Paul Evgenievich. Berta Lvovna man still calls the main person in his life. In 2012, pets had a hospital with an extensive infarction. Fortunately, the actor managed to recover, thanks to the diet to reduce weight by 20 kg, and the suffering disease now almost does not affect the activity of Favimsyv.

The main hobbies of Naturalist are the work and books. The actor never wanted to buy a car or change the apartment in the house on the Peace Avenue to more prestigious housing. The main advantage of pets believes organizedness and thoughtfulness, and the main disadvantage is the angiveness inherited from the Father.

The meaning of life for Paul Evgenievich is to benefit others. In January 2019, on a page in Facebook, the artist said that 3 years finances the treatment of a nephew, sick leukemia. The salvation of a relative led Lyamytsev to the ruin.

The man never wanted to emigrate, because the whole range of his classes is tied in Russian. The actor believes that emigration is an extreme step that can be done only if Adolf Hitler comes to power. If parents disappear to live abroad of small children, they subsequently become other people and incomprehensible to siblings, talking and thinking in another language.


On stage, Paul began to act under the real name of Lieberman, but under a pseudonym, which is the literal translation of the generic name. True, first the guy wanted to be loved, but Peter Fomenko, who then raised the performances in the Leningrad Comedy Theater, persuaded the young artist on the pseudonym of the pets, explaining that loved in theatrical circles and so much.

However, there were not very many roles for the continued young man in the glasses. Favorites found themselves, returning to Moscow and becoming a reader in Philharmonic and the teacher in his native school. Together with graduates, Pavel Evgenievich created the Studio Studio "White Ball", on the stage of which regularly puts performances.

Pets had a TV on television at 37 years old at the invitation of Mikhail Shirvindt. Among the projects in which actor Erudit - "Living News" and "Dialogues about Animals", "Old Poster" and "City Journey", "I want to know" and "secret becomes clear."

Favimtsev programs were too intelligent for television shifted towards propaganda, criminal chronicles and lighting scandals in the life of stars. The transfer was naocked from the channel to the channel, the graphs of their exit changed.

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In 2015, Pavel Evgenievich finally disappeared from the TV. TV host stories about giraffes and crocodiles, Amsterdam and Bruges, songs and films have been preserved in the memory of viewers who are surprised, meeting in the media photos of Favimtsev without a hat, in which he wandered around Singapore and Belgium.

In the TV TV series, Sergei Ursulak Pavel Evgenievich played himself - the television leader's favorite. The same role was given by the artist in 2005 in the release of the satirical magazine "Fitil" "Svetsky Lioness". He played the TV host and in the film "Four Tankers and Dog - 2". In the musical romantic comedy "90s. Fun and loudly ", replenished filmography of Pavel Evgenevich in the spring of 2019, the actor although he did not give as Kameo, but created the image of Valentine Kozlovsky character, close by the occupation - Dean of the Choir School.

Pavel Favim residents now

In 2019, the publisher "Navona" circulation of 500 copies released the Book of Favimsyva "The Third Pass. Not only about yourself. " In memoirs, the author opens the pages of his biography as an actor, director and journalist.

In October 2019, Pavel Evgenievich, along with Alexei Kolgan, performed Duet Carolina and Pelican from the operetta Imre Salman "Princess Circus" at a concert, given in honor of the 95th anniversary of the Russian Symphony Cinematography Orchestra and the 70th anniversary of the Sergey Violin. For the season 2019/2020, Lyubimtsev was planned participation in the "Authors for all times" cycle on the stage of the Moscow Philharmonic Chamber Hall. However, the concert of the subscription "O. Wilde - "Portrait of Dorian Gray" ", appointed on April 25, 2020, did not take place due to a coronavirus infection pandemic.

Before the introduction in the Russian capital, the quarantine measures of the pet played the television editor Boris Moiseevich in the premiere stage of "Prime-Time" on the stage of the Musicla Theater. The musical design of the play, telling about the provincial, who came to the television vocal competition, combines Chanson, Rock and Rap. I managed to please the audience and the "deceiver", delivered by the Favorus in the school theater of the Schukinsky school by the comedy of Jean-Batista Moliere Tartuf.

The consequences of a pandemic for creative education on May 15, 2020 Pavel Evgenievich and other teachers of artistic institutions discussed during the online conference "Theatrical universities of Russia during a pandemic and self-insulation: problems and ways to solve them." The artist himself hopes for the best and in the season of 2020/2021 plans to participate as a reader in the concerts of the Magic Travel with Pavel Favimtsev subscription in the Moscow International House of Music. The actor's speech will be accompanied by the N. P. Osipov orchestra.


  • 1998 - "Groom by proxy"
  • 2000 - "How important to be serious"
  • 2003 - "Grief fear - not see happiness"
  • 2011 - "Mousetrap"
  • 2011 - "Cherry Garden"
  • 2013 - "Run"
  • 2014 - "Khanuma"
  • 2016 - "Princess Circus"
  • 2018 - "Winter Tale of Shakespeare"
  • 2018 - "At the depths of the fifth feet"
  • 2020 - "Deceiver"
  • 2020 - "Prime Time"


  • 2004 - "Exotic countries"
  • 2005 - "Riddles of Latin America"
  • 2008 - "Essays on the history of the CTECO art"
  • 2009 - "Urban journey. Moscow with Pavel Favimanov "
  • 2009 - "The most wonderful places and monuments of Moscow"
  • 2010 - "St. Petersburg"
  • 2010 - "Kiev"
  • 2011 - "Suzdal"
  • 2010 - "Navoditsky and his twin"
  • 2012 - "Journey to your own life ... Book of memories"
  • 2019 - "Third Pass (not only about himself)"


  • 1979 - "Ferenc Sheet"
  • 1997 - "Strawberry"
  • 2005 - "Case of" Dead Souls "
  • 2007 - "Night visitors"
  • 2007 - "Polonaise Krechinsky"
  • 2011 - "Bikes Mitya"
  • 2011 - "Three days with idiot"
  • 2013 - "apophey"
  • 2015 - "Happiness is ..."
  • 2017 - "Voronins"
  • 2019 - "90s. Fun and loud
  • 2019 - "Moscow Lilac"

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