Vladimir Dubinin (Volodya Dubinin) - Photo, biography, feat, cause of death, hero



Vladimir Dubinin - a pioneer hero, whose name is forever remained in history thanks to the feat who perfect for them during the Great Patriotic War. He entered the number of bold young men who sacrificed lives for the sake of salvation of the Motherland. The memory of the brave actions of the schoolchildren is immortalized in artistic works, and the name of Volodya Dubinin is worn streets, parks, schools and children's camps.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir was born in Kerch on August 29, 1927 in a typical Soviet family. Southerne's biography did not differ from the lives of peers. Father served in the fleet, participated in civil, and then in the Great Patriotic War. Red Army died at the front. Mother was engaged in the life and raising of children. In addition to the Son, the parents grew a daughter. Older sister Volodya Dubinin called Valentine.

In 1936, Vladimir went to school. He was fond of the aircraft industry, he participated in public life and approximately studied. For progress was awarded a ticket to Artek in 1941. When hostilities started, together with the mother and sister, the pioneer remained in Kerch. Dubinina had the opportunity to become a member of the partisan detachment with peers, and the bold young man did not fail to use it.

The company of other adolescents Volodya hid in the quarries, performing instructions of the commander. Thanks to a slender complex, the guys were free to narrow clefts, helping military operations. A teenager was repeatedly sent to intelligence and supplied valuable data on the location of the fascist detachments, the number and actions of the divisions. He was good not only as an intelligence officer - on a par with buddies, it was helpful to bring ammunition to the tools, cared for wounded and carried out the tasks of a different nature.


Nazis knew that the partisans are underground activities, and often their plans fell out due to adolescents actions. It was decided to settle the catacombs to destroy the annoying opponents. The Germans poured the lazes found to block the passages.

A sound physique allowed the Volodya to the Dubinin to continue work, so he spent the rods alone. The rest of the guys covered it, distracting the Nazis. In the detachment, the teenager was famous for how deftly led from the nose from German patrol, always returning safe and preservation.

In the winter of 1941, the Dubinin accidentally mined the information that the Germans want to flood the quarry, who were still a trump card of Soviet militias in the area. A few hours before the start of the operation, the partisan managed to get through the enemy posts to the expected detachment. Vladimir warned about the plans of officers and saved the life of comrades. The resistors quickly built protective walls and embroidered holes, through which water could leak.

After a while, it was possible to give a military opposite to the enemy. During the bloody battle, the boy not only helped recharge guns, but also replaced the deadly wounded fighter. As a result of Kerch-Feodosian operation, Kerch was freed from the siege. Dubinin was among those who were engaged in demining the Kamenolomen and nearby territories. After another hike to the minefield, he did not return: Volodya and four other sappers died. The cause of the death of the teenager was undermining in a military projectile.


Vladimir Dubinin died on January 4, 1942. The partisan was buried in a mass grave in Kerch among hundreds of other defenders of their native land.

The last refuge of the warriors was found in the center of the Kamysh Buran Park, located near the Kamenolomen. A young participant in the Great Patriotic War made a special contribution to the victory over the invaders. He posthumously assigned the Order of the Red Banner.


  • Volodya Dubinina Streets exist in Odessa, Kiev, Evpatoria, Podolsk, Kerch, Gorlovka, Sevastopol, Kazan, Dnepropetrovsk, Khmelnitsky, Kaliningrad and many other cities.
  • In honor of Volodya, the city of Dubinino is named.
  • In Novosibirsk, there is a house of children's and youth creativity named after Volodya Dubinin.
  • In the cities of Pechora and Dnipro, there are parks by Volodya Dubinin.
  • Monuments Volodya Dubinin are delivered in Simferopol, in the village berry near Togliatti, in Kerch.
  • About Volodya Dubinine written books "The Street of the Younger Son" and "Children Heroes".
  • On the young Hero, films filmed films "Street of the younger Son" and "Long Memory".
  • In 1975, the composer Vladimir Shainsky on the words of the poet Nauma Oleva wrote a song about Volodya Dubinin.

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