Ludwig Wittgenstein - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Philosopher



Ludwig Wittgenstein - Austrian philosopher XX century, which has developed the theory of the perfect language. It was based on mathematical logic. The authorship of the scientist owns the concept of a logical atomism.

Childhood and youth

Ludwig was born on April 26, 1889 in Vienna. The boy turned out to be the younger of eight children of the steel magnate and his spouse. Father planned to grow from the sons of prominent industrial figures and did not trust school education, so in childhood they studied at home.

Wittgenstein-Sr. was a harsh and inexperienced person, which negatively affected his relatives. Three out of five young people committed suicide. Senior Brother Hans considered a genius. In 1902, he escaped in the United States and died under mysterious circumstances.

In 1904, Rudi, a student of the Chemical Faculty of the Berlin Academy, committed suicide in the bar, drinking milk with cyanium potassium. According to some information, he was a homosexual and seriously worried about the death of a friend. Kurt commanded the Austrian army at the end of the First World War. The officer was shot dead in the fall of 1918.

The parent softened and allowed Ludwig with Paul training in public school. The future philosopher was closed, did not demonstrate the success in his studies and with difficulty found a common language with peers.

Wittgenstein became interested in engineering and aviation system, as a student of Technische Hochschule Berlin. In 1908, he received a diploma at the University of Manchester Victoria. An iconic moment in the biography of Ludwig was to familiarize with the works of Gotoba Frege, who were convicted of thinking about philosophical substantiations of mathematics and logic.

Personal life

Wittgenstein consisted of romantic relationships with both women and men. Helping the sister in the construction of the house in Vienna from 1926 to 1928, he met Swedish Margarita RESPINGER. Five years old, the girl persistently transferred the ascetic lifestyle of the partner, but the last straw was a trip to Norway. In it, the RESPINGER realized that he could not become a philosopher's wife, and left him.

Among the elect, Ludwig is called David Pinsman, with whom the philosopher was in relations in 1912, Francis Skinner, his partner in the 1930s, and Ben Richards, who appeared in the personal life of Austrian in the 1940s.


In 1911, Wittgenstein entered Cambridge, where he was an assistant and friend of Berran Russell.

After the death of the Father in 1913, the young man was among the richest Europeans. He divided the state between relatives, and some of the money donated to creative figures. Ludwig himself removed the floor in a rustic house in the Norwegian village of Skolden and wrote a job called "Notes on Logic".

His studies were conjugated with ideas on language funds. He suggested regarding tautology in sentences as truth, and contradictions - as a lie or not to count them to one of the categories.

In 1914, Wittgenstein left the volunteer to the front. After 3 years, he captured and during the conclusion he wrote a "logic-philosophical treatise." Labor was published in 1921. He was successful in the European Professional Community. By the time, Ludwig had already worked as a teacher in a rural school.

Teaching activities for a while replaced employment as a gardener in the monastery. Then the scientist again engaged in pedagogy in an educational institution near the Trattenbach. Here he wrote a new book - Children's dictionary of pronunciation and spelling, which has become the second work of the author, published in full swing.

In 1926, he returned to work on the "logical-philosophical treatise", since he found that he was incorrectly interpreted, and some of the judgments described were incorrect. Wittgenstein's work combined seven aphorisms supplemented by explanations.

The main idea was the identity of the logical structure of the language and structure of the world. He in understanding the founder of the theory is not from objects, but from the facts. Proposals become linguistic units. In accordance with this concept, the language is subject to the laws of logic and may be formalized, and the proposals that these laws are violated are meaningless. One of the important quotes of the treatise read:

"What it is impossible to talk about that should be silent."

Subsequently, Wittgenstein has new ideas that reveal the language as a changing system of contexts in which contradictions may be present. Based on the updated concept, the task of philosophy was to create clear rules for using language units and eradicating contradictions.

Ludwig Wittgenstein and Bertrand Russell

As the founder of the flow of linguistic philosophy, Ludwig Wittgenstein had a great influence on the formation of Anglo-American analytical philosophy. In addition, on the basis of his ideas, the theory of logical positivism was created. Specialists consider a large contribution to the logic on the part of the scientist of his "color notes", in which there was a speech about language games. Proceedings of the scientist were in demand in their homeland and abroad. Soviet philosopher Alexander Zinoviev also appealed to his research.

In 1929, the "logic-philosophical treatise" began as a dissertation in Cambridge. Wittgenstein received a lecturer in Trinity College.

After anchlus in 1938, the scientist became a citizen of Germany. In accordance with Nuremberg law, a man was classified as Jew. The philosopher and his relatives were among the few of those who adolf Hitler had a special racial status. This was influenced by the situation and financial opportunities of the family. In 1939, Ludwig received British citizenship.

During this period, the scientist read lectures in mathematics and philosophy in Cambridge, that against the background of military battles seemed unbearable. In 1941, he settled in Sanitar to the London Hospital. Wittgenstein was engaged in the delivery of drugs from pharmacies under a stranger name and remained in the institution of incognito.

In 1947, the philosopher spoke to colleagues from Oxford in Jowetta's society. He left the University of Cambridge and focused on writing activities. Having visited Ireland, Ludwig remained in Connemy. In 1949 visited New York, having guided friends. During this period, he wrote "Philosophical Studies", published in 1953. The speech in the book was about the experiment called "Beetle in the box". The idea of ​​the study was forced to think about the nature of the language and the format of voicing the ideas about the world.


The philosopher died in April 1951. The cause of death was prostate cancer. The scientist was buried on Catholic rites in Cambridge, not far from the chapel of St. Egidia. His books "Genesis and Time", "On Reliability" and others published posthumously.

Ludwig Wittgenstein conducted diaries, and the close people of the philosopher left notes and memoirs, which described his identity and habit. Ray Monk told about the life of Austrian in the book "Debt Genius." Photo of the researcher today can be found in art books and textbooks on philosophy.

Quotes and aphorisms

  • "From what everything seems to be that it does not follow that it is."
  • "One of the most important talents is not puzzled by the issues that you do not concern."
  • "The world is a combination of facts, not things."
  • "What can be said in general should be mentioned clearly; About the same thing that is impossible to say should be silent. "
  • "Talent is a spring, carrying all new waters. But this spring is dragging if they enjoy it wrong. "


  • 1913 - "Notes on Logic"
  • 1921 - "Logic-philosophical treatise"
  • 1929 - "Several comments on logical form"
  • 1953 - "Philosophical Studies"
  • 1956 - "Comments on the basics of mathematics"
  • 1958 - "Blue Book"
  • 1958 - "Brown Book"
  • 1980 - "Lectures and conversations about aesthetics, psychology and religion"

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