The series "From sorrow to joy" (2020): Release date, actors, roles, Russia-1


Winter continues his offensive, and "Russia-1" is still in a hurry to delight the fans of melodram and comedies that make up its main audience. At the beginning of the last autumn month of 2020, the TV channel introduced the mini-series "from sorrow to joy", the release date of which fell on November 5th. About the brief content of the paintings taken by actors and their roles, as well as about the involvement of entertaining facts related to tape - in the material 24cm.


No matter how much the parents want to arrange the life of his own child, they sooner or later have to get used to the idea that the solutions will not constantly receive. The baby will grow and go to the independent sailing, where it will bring to bump and stroll through all sorts of rake. And to raise straws in worrying dads with mom will not work. But it will gradually come to understand that Kroch has matured and now itself can manage his own life.

But the heroes of the story that the series "from sorrow to joy" tells, before the realization that the son has grown and does not need instructions, have not yet reached. And because the offspring fell in love with a woman, according to the parents of a young man who is not suitable for the last age, nor the presence of three children, the older generation of the Trifon family decided to take the situation in their hands. And to leave the bride who did not like the bride, despite the attitude towards this issue of his own son.

Actors and roles

The series has performed the following actors in the series:

Fyodor Dobronravov - Vladimir, head of the family of trifone and front of production at a helicopter factory, where other members of the friendly dynasty are working. The fondant and creative person, invariably occupying the first places in the factory competitions of artistic amateur activities. And therefore, having learned that Paul's favorite son was outlined to the "Ladies of the Heart", which came up to the issue of eliminating (non-leaven, of course), who did not arrange his passion off, fantasy and fiction.

However, Vladimir, attracted to his side in persecuting his native son about the loyalty to the matrimonial choice by his wife's hope, and could not imagine that the conceived adventure would eventually entail a lot of unpredictable and unpleasant consequences. And as a result, it will not at all by the final, which was calculated by the concerned by the behavior of Paul Father. But it will threaten the future so diligently a long-matured child.

Inga Obold - Nadezhda Trifonov, wife Vladimir. As a spouse, I am sure that the youngest son Paul in his life companions chose the person inappropriate. And therefore, it is trying by any available ways to force the contender on the heart of a diligently protected sibling "get away from the distance". Only here is the understanding that under someone else's dictation to make a native person be happy is impossible, it turns out to be late and overshadowed the consequences of the deed.

Ivan Dobronravov - Pavel Trifonov, the son of Vladimir and Hope, who fell in love with a woman much older, and even with an additional "baggage" in the form of three children. The choice of Passowa turned out to be negatively perceived by the relatives who walked to correct the "error", perfect with siblings, and influence the heart choices of the latter.

Irina Pegova - Lyubov Zvonareva, a worker of the paint shop of the helicopter plant, on which all adult members of the Trifon family work, and the romantic interest of Paul, with the negative met by the parents of the latter.

Also in the series were filmed: Elena Roshchina, Anna Meshcheryakova, Fedor Leshchev, Ekaterina Pan and Victor Dobronravov as a Roman.

Interesting Facts

1. For the role of the main character of the actor Fedor Dobronravov, the series "From Sorrow to Joy" was the opportunity to implement a long-time "Family Experiment" - to be held in one film with his sons, Viktor and Ivan.

2. The authors of the film claim that the series "From sorrow to joy" is a unique project created by the legs of the best Soviet tapes. And therefore, a pretty serious problem of mutual understanding of fathers and children is filed in the picture in a light and affordable form, the flavored fair fraction of the good humor.

3. The director Edward Parry is familiar to the Russian viewer for such projects, as "lived,", "Oh, lucky!" and "Yellow Dragon". Also put the hand film to the creation of the domestic version of the sensational overseas series "Stay alive" - ​​this adaptation was released under the name "Island of unnecessary people."

The series "From sorrow to joy" - Trailer:

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