Film "Time" (2021) - Release date, Actors and roles, Facts, Trailer


Premiere of the film "Time" - July 21, 2021. The release date of the picture in Russia - July 22, 2021. At first glance, the thriller will seem to the audience with a connection of typical genre patterns: there is a place of secret, mystical events and mysterious victims of inexplicable phenomena. However, the director and producer M. Knight Syamalan, who also belongs to the idea of ​​the project, is known for the ability to turn up the audience perception of the events occurring on the screen. Therefore, the project promises to be interested in lovers of mystical stories.

In the material 24cm - more about the shooting of the project, interesting facts about the actors, their roles, director and plot.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot of the film "Time" Family couple with children, which went on vacation, choosing a secluded wild beach in the tropics for this purpose. However, barely arriving at the place, the spouses notice that the situation does not have a carefree pastime. Together with the group of other vacationers, they discovered the body of an unknown deceased woman on the shore and forced to begin their own investigation.

But soon the heroes notice that there are even more strange and paranormal things here, which do not fit into any standards of the usual world order and contradict the logic and common sense. On the beach, vacationers find things of people whom, apparently, is no longer alive. In addition, children in a few hours are very quickly growing in front of their parents, and they, in turn, notice the signs of rapid aging on their faces and bodies. The present understood that their whole life was now turned into one day.

Film studios of Blinding Edge Pictures and Universal Pictures were engaged in the production of tape. The script is based on the work of Pierre Levi and Frederick Peters "Castle from Sand". The producers made Mark Bienstock, Ashwin Rajan, Stephen Schneider. Music support wrote Trevor Gurekis, and Naman Marshall, Vizl Perez, Caroline Duncan and Karen Frick answered the decoration.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the painting were played:

  • Gael Garcia Bernal - Jack;
  • Elaise Scanile - Evelyn;
  • Thomasin McKenzi - Amanda;
  • Alex Wolf - Mark;
  • Wiki Krips - Kate.

Also in the film "Time" starred: Rufus Sewell, Aaron Pierre, Abby Lee, Nikki Amuka-Berd, Ken Lün, Ambeet Davidz, Iman Elliott, Kathleen Chelfant, Alex Suinton and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. American director of the Indian origin of manowjan Nelljat Shyamalan (M. Knight Syamalan) is also known as an actor, screenwriter and producer. Among his filmmaster, the spectators remember the films and series "Sixth feeling", "invulnerable", "awakening", "signs", "Mysterious forest", "these are we", "Split."

2. The idea to remove this film student came to the director after his daughter once gave him the book "Castle from the sand" Pierre Levi and Frederica Peters. After reading the work of M. Knight Syamalan, I decided to acquire the rights to the shield and thought about moved the literary heroes on the screen.

3. On the production of the film became known in the fall of 2019, when M. Knight Syamalan was chosen by the director of the project. The shooting process started a year later, in September 2020, in the Dominican Republic. This directed by the director told on his page on the social network Twitter. Ended workout work in November of the same year. It is noteworthy that the picture became the first draft director who was filmed outside Philadelphia.

4. The project slogan became the phrase "Life is just a matter of time."

5. In interesting facts about the movie "Time" should be attributed that the tape is removed on the classic 35-milimeter film instead of digital.

6. Initially, the release date of the picture was scheduled for February 26, 2021. But the timing of the filming and the premiere had to move due to the coronavirus pandemic.

7. It is known that the Universal film company concluded a contract with Syamalan on the shooting of two projects in the triller genre. The network has an assumption that the work of the director may be associated with one storyline.

8. After the release of the trailer for the film "Time" users of film reforms noted in the comments that the announcement turned out to be intriguing and tense: the action holds the viewer on a platoon, and the ending promises to become shocking. Most commentators expressed hope for high-quality and spectacular history. However, some critics expressed doubts about the success of the project, paying attention to the low picture budget.

The film "Time" - Trailer:

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