Petrus Brok - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Creativity



Petrus Broko - the Belarusian poet, which is chained by the Soviet government. The writers were passed by repression, he was awarded the Lenin and two Stalinist premiums. A lucky verse was not lied by colleagues, and Rygor Borodulin addressed Peter Ustinovich satirical quatrains, which argued that all his poems were "either a rubbish, or shit." However, later the same poet wrote: Despite the ideological husks, in the legacy of the author of the poem "We will sow, Belarusians" there are genuine pearls.

Childhood and youth

Peter Brocci was born in June 1905 in Putylkovichi village, which is now part of the Vitebsk region. Father Penelova and eight children Ustin Adamovich produced the manufacture of chests and cabinets, the mother of Alena Stepanovna was engaged in the house and utility farm. In childhood, Peter Paz Gusey, and when a little smashed - sheep, cows and horses.

Petner brocci in youth (right)

From nine years old, a poet, like his Russian-speaking colleague, Mikhail Isakovsky, helped the neighbors to write messages to relatives who fought at the fronts of the First World War. So, the possession of the ownership of Petruse in the native word was exhausted.

Subsequently, Isakovsky and brovo translated each other's works - it was in the translation of Mikhail Vasilyevich Russian-speaking readers fell in love with the poems of the Belarusian "oak leaf" and "Kivach".

Peter graduated from the parish school in Lepele, the parents did not have enough money for further education. Already in adulthood, the browch received a diploma of the Pedagogical Faculty of the Belarusian State University.

Due to literacy with the arrival of Soviet power, the 13-year-old native of Putylkovich began to work as a correspondence and clerk. At 18, he was elected a delegate to the 1st Congress of Belarusian Peasants, but the guy did not go there due to the lack of funds. In 19 years, Peter became chairman of the Molodenensky village council.

Personal life

The personal life of the Belarusian writer was distinguished by stability. In 1934, Peter Ustinovich married Elena Rydzevskaya. The eyebrow of Mikhail Antonovich headed the study part in the Minsk Pedagogical School and at one time was the head of the future classic of the Belarusian literature Yakub Kolas. Preserved a joint photo of men.

In November 1936, Peter and Elena born the only son of Yuri. The grandfather's grandfather did not have time to donate the grandson: the life of the older relative was cut on October 29, 1937. The cause of Mikhail Rydzevsky's death, accused of participating in the "anti-Soviet spy-terrorist national-fascist organization," was shot.

Petyus Brocci and Wife Elena

In November 1937, they arrested relatives of "Motherland" who lived with him, - Wife Elena Grigorievna and the younger son of Oleg. The mother-in-law of the petrose was received by 8 years of corrective labor camps, and the younger brother of the poet's wife - 5 years. Elena Grigorievna was sentenced to Kazakhstan, where in the years of war in evacuation was her daughter and grandson of Yura. Oleg Radzievsky died towards the Gulag.

After the liberation of the mother-in-law, thanks to the links of the son-in-law, was able to return to Minsk. Elena Grigorievna lived with his daughter's family in a 5-bedroom apartment provided by a writer in the house at the corner of Karl Marx and Lenin. However, the woman was spelled in Marina Hill and live in the center of Minsk did not have the right. In order for the police that guarded the government house, "did not notice" the presence of Elena Grigorievna, the family of browch regularly gave them bottles of vodka.

Now in the apartment of Peter Ustinovich is his museum, and in the smallest room in which the mother-in-law lived, the administration of a memorial institution of culture is located. From 1982 to 2005 he was headed by the museum Yuri Petrovich Brokrov. In addition to perpetuating the memory of the Father, the son of the poet, who lived in 82 years, was engaged in international law, was a doctor of law.


Although the works of Peter Ustinovich were both works, chanting the Communist Party and Lenin, and the love lyrics, the best poems poet wrote about the war on which he left the volunteer. In the poems "Dead Village" and "Nadia-Nadka", the browch told about the mountain, which was brought to the Soviet land. Fascist invaders, and in the poem "Marat Kazei" told about the feat of the Hero Pioneer.

In the "immortality" the poet is chasing the heroism and mercy of the Soviet soldier and describes the "Warrior-Liberator" monument established in the Berlin Trept-Park. In the work, the prototype of the hero was mentioned by the sculptor Evgenia Vetshech, Tronon Lukyanovich, was mortally wounded during the rescue of the little resident of Berlin in the spring of 1945.

Brocci took the real details of the countrycam biography (Sergeant before the war really worked on Minsk radio station, and during the Great Patriotic Wife lost his wife and two daughters), but for the beauty of the syllable called the Red Army man in the same time. In fact, the hero was the younger poet for 14 years.

The poem of the browing "in the density-dressed chinel" also describes a monument. An unknown soldier answers the question of the author, why he, "reaching the village council", did not get to his native hut, words:

"I accepted a firm decision - forever stay at the post."

In the bibliography of the browch there are prosaic works. Peter Ustinovich Roman "When Rivers merge", telling about the construction of the HPP and the friendship of Belarusians, Lithuanians and Latvians, in 1961, was shielded at Lithuanian film studio. In the film played his first role in the Cinema Yooooz Budraitis.


Peter Ustinovich died on March 24, 1980. The writers buried on the eastern cemetery of Minsk, according to the status of comparable to Novodevichym in Moscow.

The name of the poet worn streets in the capital of the republic, in Vitebsk and Gomel and district centers - Polotsk, Lepele and Ushacha, as well as the Scientific Publishing House "Belorussian Encyclopedia", whose chief editor Peter Ustinovich was the last 13 years of life.

In 1985, the documentary film "Petrus Brrovka was published in Belarusian television. Heart voice.


  • State Literary Museum Penels Brovrov in Minsk.
  • The branch of the literary museum in the village of Putylkovichi Vitebsk region.
  • Memorial room of the poet in Great Middle Community School.
  • Memorial boards in Minsk (st. Karl Marx, No. 30) and in the village of Putylkovichi.
  • Documentary film "PETERS BROTIVE. Heart voice.
  • Publishing house Belarusian Encyclopedia named after Penels Brovka.
  • Kolkhoz "Nova Zhetszo" named after P. W. Brovrov.
  • Great Middle Secondary School named after P. W. Brovka.
  • The name of the poet is worn streets in Minsk, Vitebsk, Gomel, Polotsk, Uschah and Lepele.


  • 1930 - "Years as a storm"
  • 1931 - "Calenders: Tale"
  • 1934 - "So the youth began"
  • 1937 - "Spring Motherland"
  • 1940 - "Roads Borovy"
  • 1943 - "Toward the Sun"
  • 1946 - "In the hometown"
  • 1950 - "Sunny Days"
  • 1954 - "solid steps"
  • 1959 - "smells a chabret"
  • 1960 - "far from home"
  • 1961 - "Young Friends"
  • 1962 - "High Waves"
  • 1962 - "Our Museum: Poem"
  • 1969 - "Meach Red Ryabbin"
  • 1973 - "Forests Nadvinsk"
  • 1974 - "And Day and Night"
  • 1974 - "Together with the Commissioner: Collection of Story"
  • 1979 - "What a heart is propelfactory"
  • 1982 - "DONKA-DANIEL: Tale for children"
  • 1985 - "My Homeland"

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