Sergey KUTERGIN (Sergeich) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Comedian 2021



Sergey Kutergin - Standap-comic, resident "Comedy Club", known for the nickname Sergeich. He is a unique artist, because it acts, despite the diagnosis of cerebral palsy, which seriously limits spheres for self-realization. Starting a career as the author of texts for the KVN teams, the humorist was realized on a large scene and in cinema.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born in Ufa on November 30, 1980. Child cerebral palsy became the consequence of transferred generic injury, which resulted in the cervical spine. The disease provoked a delay in the development of a boy. The first 10 years of communication circulation was narrow - parents and brothers. By 12, Kutergin was able to go to the courtyard alone.

In the family there was no separation on healthy and patients. Father and mother presented the same requirements for Sergey as other sons. There was no pity in the relationship, and the closest tried to do everything possible so that the boy would grow up an independent person.

Kurtegin studied at the boarding school, then became a student of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty in the Belarusian State Pedagogical University. In the same university, the young man received a diploma in the specialty "psychologist." Upon completion of training, Sergey tried to realize in business, and in parallel, monologues for KVN.

Personal life

Sergey Kuthergin was married. Acquaintance with his wife happened due to social networks. The girl herself wrote a comedian about the desire to communicate. Relationships started quickly, and soon Sergeich called the chosen to marry. Diana Kutergina turned out to be reliable support and support in all endeavors of the artist, but the personal life of the pair was unsuccessful.

Young people did not see sense to worry about this and 5 years after the wedding broke up with friends, having fun noting a divorce. The wife did not give the artist of children, so both came out of relationships unfounded.

2 weeks after the humorist became idle, a new love appeared in his life. For half a year, Kutergin lived with a girl who fell in love, but this relationship did not work out. Now Sergey does not pay for romantic feelings of much attention. He feels comfortable outside of obligations.

The comedian leads accounts in "Instagram", in Vkontakte, in Facebook and periodically post a photo. He also lays out funny videos at Youtube.

Humor and creativity

Walking on the creation of comedian texts, in 2011 Sergeić participated in KVN in Sochi as the author reprise. Then I collected my own team. The team performed on humorous competitions and even received the title of "Master of KVN of the Republic of Bashkortostan". Gradually, the group declined to a duet, and soon the young man was left alone. Starting solo performances, Kurtergin realized that he was self-sufficient and without partners.

With a modest amount in Pocket, Ufimets went to conquer Moscow. He met representatives of the KVN team, preparing for the finals of the Premier League. The guys ordered the texts from humorist and provided the opportunity to live in a removable apartment, in three rooms of which 15 people have already junteled. In the future, Sergey managed to communicate with TNT producers. Specialists advised the novice artist of the path for development in the profile sphere. Gradually, the comedian was able to rent an apartment and continued creative activity.

In 2012, Sergeić debuted on the CTC channel, and also received the experience of performances at the "big difference" festival in Odessa. In the same year, the artist became a member of the show "Open Microphone", and then "Comedy Battle. New season, "where he won the 2nd place. The witty monologues of Sergeych were in demand in different projects of the TNT channel.

In 2013, the man became the arriving resident Comedy Club, and a year later I went out to the semifinals of the project "Comedy Battle. Superseason. " In 2016, he experienced good luck on the Ukrainian program of "comic laugh" and again turned out to be in the spotlight.

To get to the "Comedy Club" Sergeich was not easy, because the presence on the stage of the artist with limited physical abilities is fraught with the provocation of viewers. By becoming a member of the projects "Comedy Battle", "not to sleep" and "HB", Kurtergin did not require benefits and special conditions. At the same time, Sergey found himself in the lens of the chambers on stage not so often. In his opinion, several humorous performances are enough for a year, so as not to get bored with the viewer, but also do not let you forget about yourself.

The first successes in front of the wide audience of the audience brought a standap comic popularity. In 2016, Sergey was invited to participate in the artistic film "Love with restrictions." The actors Anna Starshenbaum, Pavel Priluchny, Alexey Vorobyev and Alexey Chadov became his partners in the set.

In 2019, the artist was a guest of the transfer "And what happened next", within which comedians listen to the history of guests and are trying to predict the final of the narration.

Sergey Kurtegin now

The biography of the artist, unlike friends on boarding school, has developed successfully. At similar age, his acquaintances with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy live retirement or work on uninteresting positions in inconspicuous organizations. In 2020, Kutergin regularly participates in humorous projects, in demand as a speaker and leading corporate events, sometimes works by DJ on the radio and goes on tour.



  • KVN
  • "Big difference"
  • "Open microphone"
  • "Comedy Battle"
  • Comedy Club.
  • "Komik laugh"
  • "Not to sleep"
  • "HB"
  • "And what happened next"


  • 2016 - "Love with restrictions"

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