Lion Preobrazhensky (Character) - Doctor, Photo, Series, 2020, Actors, Prototype


Character History

In the fall of 2020, a multi-veneer film "Dr. Preobrazhensky" came out on the first channel. The main character of the painting is a charismatic maxillofacial surgeon, dreaming of creating a beauty center, where every Soviet person could change appearance.

History of character creation

The plot of the series covers the time interval of the 60s of the XX century. The creators of the films Sergey Taramayev and Lvov's love presented the audience a sort of genre hybrid. This is a famously swirling detective, and delightful Noir, and the Soviet decadence.

The multi-sieuled picture is based on real events. In 1967, the Institute of Beauty was opened on Arbat, who was headed by Alexander Shmelev. The doctor became famous for operating well-known personalities. And this first plastic surgeon in the USSR, able to change the appearance so that the mother does not know the mother, "was closely connected with the KGB. And after death, she took political secrets with them, from which today was not filmed by a vulture "secretly".

Naturally, the series Taramayev and Lvova for the most part is an artistic fiction. Also, its creators insist that the chief hero of the film Lev Preobrazhensky does not have a prototype.

According to the Cinema, this character has become a collective way of a kind of wizard who knows how to work wonders with her own hands. The name of the doctor is a reference to a scientist from the fantastic story of the "Dog's Heart" Mikhail Bulgakov and a direct indication on the main ability of the physician - transform people.

The challenger was looking for a major role for 3 months. And in the end, they stopped at an unexpected solution - call Casting Denis Swedov. This actor on the screens appears more often in the role of a brutal man - a gangster or, on the contrary, the guardian of the order.

Denis himself, reading the script, first hesitated from the description of the character. He himself was difficult to imagine what could be common between him, accustomed to the camera to walk in a leather jacket with a gun, and a Soviet doctor. The one who is trying to help people, and not destroy someone.

It is curious that shortly before that the proposal of the Swedes in an interview with Autoradio complained about the lack of interesting roles. The guest of the transfer said - he would like to try himself in the role of a "shy librarian".

A peculiar message to space was heard. A qualitative character from the usual image of the character was not afraid of Denis, and he went to samples. And after it contacted him and congratulated with the statement on the main role.

The company Swedov on the set amounted to Peter Skvortsov (young doctor Ivan Zorine) and Maria Andreeva (Sister Zosya). The role of romantic interest and, according to the quotation of a brilliant surgeon, the "subject of professional pride" performed Agnia Ditkovskite.

Hospital surveys mostly conducted in the Moscow pavilions. Zelenograd became the main location, since Soviet architecture was preserved in this city.

Practitioners came to the aid of the leading role. With the help of consultations of professionals, it was possible to show the operation on the screen so that it was as emotionally, but without physiological details.

The image and biography of Dr. Lion Preobrazhensky

The early biography of the main character largely determined the traits of its character. By the way, a little was said about childhood, but the period of youth for Lion Grigorievich turned out to be tragic. His parents were arrested as the enemies of the people in front of the war, and the guy was left alone with the younger sister of Zose.

Lion sent a girl to long-range relatives, because he was worried about its safety. And there it happened misfortune - the fire, as a result of which Zosya received notice for the whole life - a urtising scar on the cheek.

The happening greatly influenced the young man. Preobrazhensky decided that this story happened by his fault. Wanting to correct the situation, entered the doctor and became the best maxillofacial surgeon in the USSR.

From the first series it is difficult to understand why Lev Grigorievich himself, despite the age (45 years), did not establish relationships. His phrase "There is no time to hurry with this" - a man does not give him a chance for a quiet life until it fixes that the fatal mistake.

The content of the following series resembles a twisted detective. The incredible abilities of the doctor fall into the field of view of the KGB. Mutually beneficial cooperation with the influential Institute of the USSR at first helps the surgeon to take the first step towards the dream. True, none of the actors of the series could not be predicted than later it would end.

Interesting Facts

  • The filming of the film ended 3 years before the premiere (the release date of the pilot series - November 23, 2020).
  • In the film, there are scenes with a semi-digital doctor Preobrazhensky. In front of such episodes, the artist shook tattoos.


  • 2020 - "Dr. Preobrazhensky"

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