Henry V - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, king of England



England King Heinrich V was the son of Duke Lancaster, joining the throne, participated in the famous century war. Thanks to the historical chronicles created by William Shakespeare, the knight, the ruler and the commander is still known in the country.

Childhood and youth

The exact date of the birth of Henry did not affect the documents, it was believed that his biography began 1386. The ancestors from the south-east of Wales were close to the planages and from ancient times formed an aristocratic environment.

Father Graph Derby, Graf Lancaster, who became the ruler of the state, owned extensive estates and a castle in one of the cities. In his youth, he married the daughter of Lord of the Supreme Constable of England, a leaving from the military elite of the XI-XII centuries.

Portrait of Heinrich V in youth

Richard II, who had a cousin Uncle Henry V, drove his parents from the estates and took the boy in his own home. Fatings accompanied the heir to the King Eduard III, according to the laws at the young age of the Westminster throne.

During the absence of the owner of the supreme power in the UK, the ancestor of the future Hero Shakespeare gathered a detachment of displeased people. He received the throne and the crown as a member of the ancient dynasty, these events were reflected on the fate of legal children.

Heinrich, who was the eldest son, was nailed by Prince Wales and received the title of Duke Lancaster at the end of the 1300s. Following the third person in the state, the young man entered the college in Oxford, in order to become in the future in the policy of one of the leading figures.

According to legend, the young man mentor was uncle - the University's Chancellor, a man watched the ward to demonstrate mental growth. During the uprising, under the leadership of Welsh Prince Owain, Glendura Henry V went to the army and received a responsible post.

Personal life

About the personal life of Henry V biographers are known a little, about the adventures in young years wrote William Shakespeare. Lovers of medieval history believed in friendship with Sir John Falstaf and used fictional "chronicles" as the only true landmark.

The playwright, who was considered to be considered the greatest English writer, described the Duke of Lancaster in the plays as a loose Yunz. However, becoming a king in early youth, Richard II pupils got rid of the fool's fool's attributed light and reputation.

Heinrich V and his wife Ekaterina Valua

It was believed that the image presented in films and artworks did not meet the validity of the time of the cruel century. Heinrich V, who possessed a harsh, but more accurate character, was a talented commander and a politician who took care of the welfare of the country.

Following strategic reasons, he took a French wife, the father of Karl VI Ekaterina Valua became elected. For a marriage of prominent aristocrats with a memorable appearance in the 1420s, human pile was spread.

The king, involved in the battles, rarely visited the rest of the spouse, despite this, in 1421 the son was born in the family of monarchs. Heinrich VI became the latest representative of the Lancaster dynasty, he could not start heirs under uncompanic reasons.

Governing body

In the 1400 heir to the throne was concerned about the fate of Wales, the father's disease over time nominated the eldest son to the fore. Relatives Thomas and Henry Botfort, who actually managed by the state, thought that the young Duke was a potential cruel tyrant.

Disagreements with a weaker monarch on internal and foreign policy issues led to exile from the Big Council in 1411. The applicant for the crown was not upset due to an unfair decision, because he had an intuition and premeditated an inevitable misfortune.

After the death of an incredulous parent of Heinrich V became the king of England, not spending time on lush holidays, he took up state affairs. The ruler returned to the obstacle nobles of the house, privileges and titles, with it, the united nation indulged, stained and bloomed.

If necessary, the duke of Lancaster demonstrated a firm character, during the club of the Lollardov community, he burned down tens of people. Armed conflict in France, who lasted throughout the century, in the opinion of those approximate, added the monarch lacking drama and passions.

In the battles for Azenkur and under the harpler, the British won, the king ordered the execution of knights voluntarily surrendered. In the homeland, the aristocrats decided that after brutal violence on the lands of the former Prince Wales, the time of change would come.

Battle of Azenkur

The monarch, enthusiastic by military actions, did not touch the inner policy, it could provoke rebound and religious split. Heinrich V agreed with the Roman emperor Sigismund, Karl VI because of this was annoyed and angry.

In early 1417, the king invaded the Lower Normandia, Osada Rouana deprived of food women and young children. The death of the civilian population due to lack of food reduced the reputation of Henry V in the society of noble people.

The conflict between the inhabitants of the provinces provoked by the British helped the king take the storm a number of revolving cities. For cruelty in relation to innocent residents of the ruler, they left the church at the end of the 1410s.

Gradually, the troops of the invaders settled under the walls of Paris, and an offensive agreement was signed in the Cathedral of Tru. The English monarch began to be considered the heir to Charles Vi insane and got the chances to penetrate the aristocratic capital.

A favorable marriage provided a suspension of war with France, but later Heinrich V went to the fortress of Montero-Foul-Jonn. The world who lost the past borders was in a state of horror, waiting for further actions planned by the king.


At the beginning of the 1420s, Henrich V rarely visited England, his rapid development of the events of century war was worried. Due to the death of the Duke of Clarence, who commanded the troops in France, the king last went away from the heir and wife.

For several months, the English army and the allies were precipitated enemy troops in the vicinity of Dre, Tent and Mo. Bloody battles involving the monarch were described in the literature and demonstrated in the cinema.

King England Henry V

Taking a small town with a fight, located on the Marna River, Heinrich V stopped in the rest of the castle to relax. The cause of the death of the king of England was the banal dysentery, but it is not known to anyone how in reality he graduated from life path.

The first Duke Bedford John Lancaster, Regent of the orphaned Prince, ordered to bury the deceased in one of the London churches. The grave in Westminster Abbey, decorated with a medieval portrait, from a long time was considered a monument that attracted hundreds of people.


In literature:

  • 1597-1599 - "Heinrich IV" (Piez William Shakespeare)
  • 1599 - "Heinrich V" (Piez William Shakespeare)

To the cinema:

  • 1944 - "Heinrich V" (Lawrence Olivier)
  • 1954 - "Black Shield Falworth" (Dan O'Herlyhi)
  • 1965 - Falstaff (Keith Beckster)
  • 1989 - "Heinrich V" (Kenneth Brahn)
  • 2012 - "Empty Crown" (Tom Hiddleston)
  • 2019 - "King" (Timothy Shalama)

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