Jonbenet Ramsi - Photo, Biography, Death Cause, Model



On December 26, 1996, the United States stirred the terrible news of the death of a 6-year-old American Johnbenet Ramsey. The mysterious crime was the subject of hot discussions in the media and remains as such today, because the mystery of the death of a young model is still not disclosed.


The girl was a second child in the family, but from early childhood literally pulled the attention of mother to herself. Jonbente was born on August 6, 1990. Such an unusual name was given by the Heiress Father by connecting his two names - John and Bennett. When the baby turned 9 months old, the parents moved from Atlanta to Boulder, Colorado.

The difference between her and brother Burcom was 3 years. Subsequently, friends and relatives argued that the incredible beauty and the popularity of the younger Ramsi caused jealousy from him. The model itself bathed in the rays of glory.

Parents were wealthy people. Father was engaged in business in the field of software. Mother Patricia, in the past "Miss West Virginia", helped his spouse and raised two children. From the side of the family was the perfect - cozy house, financial security, healthy heirs.

A woman who is closely associated with beauty contests, could not not find a way to "live another life" with the help of a child. Patricia, realizing that she grows an incredibly attractive daughter, decided to make Miss America from her.

Parents often arranged holidays with lots of guests. The invited admired young Johnbente. Still - big blue eyes, blond hair and a relaxing smile caused admiration. The girl was granted by compliments, while the mother had a plan for the brilliant career of his daughter in the fashion world.

Model Career

Today, children's beauty contests are not common and even condemned, and in the 90s flourished. For the Ramsi family, it was financially consistently to prepare and represent the daughter before the judges. In addition, John himself sponsored such events.

Jonbenet was perfect for the role of "dolls" for the mother. For his biography, she managed to participate in several contests. At first, the young model simply did what adults were expected of her.

However, soon the bright life carried her. Extravagant outfits, makeup, chic hairstyles - young talent loved the world of fashion, and these attributes became essential and almost daily ritual.

Pamela Griffin, one of the judges and part-time the costumes of the child, later gave an assessment of her behavior on the podium. The woman met the future victim of mysterious murder when that was 4 years. But, for the feelings of Pamela, a girl behaved like 18-year-old.

Patricia Ramsey once saw on stage the daughter of Griffin - Christine, and asked the girl to work out with Jonbente. She agreed and began to instill a good taste, taught the manner of behavior on stage, model gait. She grabbed the lessons on the fly and immediately demonstrated the learned on the next speech. Patricia was pleased with the successes of the baby and built a ceremony of a 6-year-old beauty queen.

Already to these years, a blond girl won several titles. So, Ramsey became the "little Miss Charlevua", the "tiny beauty of the nation", "Little Miss Colorado." Incredible success came up with condemnation. Patricia was blamed that she makes her daughter look sexy. But parents considered it envy, stubbornly continuing to go to the target target.


On December 25, 1996, the little star went out and not being worn out. The terrible events of the next day began with the fact that Patricia found a note on the stairs at home. On three sheets, the unknown led the message that her daughter was kidnapped. The requirement was that the parents of the girls handed $ 118 thousand.

A frightened woman immediately called the police. After some time, Ramsi's house was full of officials, as well as friends who came as support. Everyone was waiting for the considered time when the criminal had to call and tell how to get a redemption.

However, the call did not do. And after a couple of hours, the body of the killed Jonbente discovered her father in the basement at home - the room, which he himself determined like a wine cellar. It became clear that the young model was already dead at the time of creating a note, and the Message itself was a way to lead an investigation into the wrong path.

The cause of the death of a small victim was asphyxia. The wire was wrapped around the neck and hand of the child. But still Medispertiza found out that the girl was injured by the skull, as a result of which her brain swelling began.

After the criminal case was brought, the mother and the father of the deceased Johnbente fell under suspicion. And they behaved strangely, refusing to cooperate with the consequence and testify on separateness.

Several versions were worked out. The first was built on the fact that the baby suffered from night incontinence of urine, and the woman simply flared and hit the child. And then, having seen blood, frightened and decided to draw the abduction.

The second hypothesis was based on suspicions of involvement in the death of her senior brother Broke, who experienced envy and jealousy. Not removed from accounts and father who took psychoactive drugs at the time.

However, none of these theories found confirmations. Neither psychics nor detectives nor the criminal bodies approached the randith of the crime into no step. In an interview, the parents killed by grief were warned by friends and the inhabitants of the Boulder that the killer of their daughter is alive and is on freedom.

Meanwhile, the baby buried there, where she was born - in Atlanta, Georgia. Soon, Patricia and John moved there too to be near the grave of the child. Police decided to take advantage of this point and built a listening device in the tombstone. There was a calculation that the native would say something important when Johnbien will visit.

To surprise, neither the mother nor the father did not come there after the funeral. But traveled through the TV show, sharing their grief and building guesses about the assumed killer. Soon the world saw the book of the Fair Ramsi "death of innocence", telling about the biography of his daughter and including their reflections on what happened. By the way, the authors placed on the cover of their photo.

Jonbente's case regularly poplled into the media. In 2006, a man named John Mark Carr was detained, who admitted that he was next to the girl at the time of her death, and also loved her with all his heart. However, DNA expertise proved its not involved. The documentary series, consisting of three episodes, tells in detail about all theories of the investigation, including this.

In 2016, Pedophile Gary Oliva was caught, who was accused of storing child pornographic pictures. He found more than 300 photos of the young American model. And then his former classmate presented the police the letters who received from Gary, where he confessed in the murder of Jonbenet. Today, Legally, Oliva's fault has not been proven.

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