Tanya Savicheva (Tatyana Savicheva) - Photo, biography, cause of death, blockade diary



The painting of Grigory Chukhray "Ballad about a soldier" ends with the words:"He could build houses and plant gardens, but remained forever soldier."

Young Leningrad Tanya Savicheva could become a nurse, a kindergarten educator or even a singer (a schoolgirl was very musical), but because he died at an earlier age than the hero of the film Alesha Skvortsov, remained in mind just a girl. A girl who in the blockade Leningrad led a diary, which was included in the accusation materials in the Nuremberg process.


Tatiana, born in the early 1930s, is the younger child of the former small St. Petersburg entrepreneur Nikolai Rodionovich and his wife Maria Ignatievna. According to one information, the girl was born on January 25 (in Tatiana Day), on others, 2 days later. In any case, Tatiana's father at the time of her birth was 46 years old, and Mom - 41 years old.

The two senior sisters (Zhenya and Nina) and two senior son (Zhenya and Nina) and two senior son (Leonid, who were called Leeci and Misha in the family) were helped to raise the baby to parents. Three more children of Nicholas and Mary died in 1916 from Scarlantine.

In 1910, the father of the family, together with three brothers, created a labor artel, baked bread and hustled residents of St. Petersburg with cakes. Savichev also belonged to the cinema in the "Sands" area. Soon after the birth of Tanya, the family was spawned and sent 101 km under the meadow. From the experiences of Nikolai fell ill and in the spring of 1936 died. The cause of the death of a man became cancer.

Savichev was allowed to return to the old apartment in the house on Vasilyevsky Island, but Nikolay Rodionovich's children were closed access to higher education. But the family was not dismissed, Maria Ignatievna became the seamstress, one of the elderly Father brothers worked as director of a bucinistic store, the remaining family members, except for old grandmother, worked at the Leningrad factories. Savichev played musical instruments and sang. In the summer of 1941, Tanya moved to the 4th grade.


Warm months of the year Tanya and Mother were going to spend in the village of the Court under Gdov's sister Mary Ignatievna Capitolines. It was there that, 11 years before, Tatiana was born, and the man of aunt, who worked as a rural doctor, helped the girl to appear. The remaining Savichevs planned to come to the settlers during the next vacations.

On June 21, a 20-year-old brother Tany Mikhail went to Capitoline Ignatievna on the train. On June 22, Mary Maria Ignatievna Evdokia Grigorievna turned 74 years old. On the same day, Hitlerian Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

On July 9, the Germans captured Pskov, and Savicheva began to consider Mikhail dead. In reality, the young man joined the partisans and returned to Leningrad after the war. A similar assumption after 7 months of Savicheva did about the fate of Nina, which in February 1942 hastily evacuated together with the plant.

The first death took the sister Tanya Eugene, who lived near the casting prospectus. A young woman not only worked in two shifts at the factory, but also handed over blood as a donor. On the day of the death of Zhenya Tatiana made the first entry in his martyrologist.

As a diary, the schoolgirl used a notebook of the Nina's sister with the alphabet. The date of the death of the girl was recorded on a page with the letter "F", the day, when the grandmother died - with the letter "b".

One after another hunger carried the lives of all relatives Tanya, who remained in Leningrad, and Savicheva, the youngest recorded the dates of their care. When the mother of the family died, the schoolgirl led a sorrowful result:

"Savicheva died all. There was one Tanya. "

Becoming a round orphanage, the girl took a box with maternity decorations, testimonies of the death of relatives and their photos and went to the cousin of Evdokia Arsenyeva, who lived on the Street of the proletarian dictatorship. The relative designed guardianship over Tatyana Savicheva, however, going to work, put a niece from the apartment, and after 2 months she determined her to the orphanage.


In August 1942, Tanya and another 124 pupils of the orphanage brought to the village of Shatki Gorky region. Savicheva, the only of evacuated children, sick tuberculosis.

In March 1944, Tatiana was transferred to the house of persons with disabilities, and after another 2 months to the Shatkovsky district hospital. On July 1, 1944, the girl died, now this date is noted as the day of memory of Savicheva.

In the last months of life, Sanitary Anna Zhurkina, who, after the death of Leningrad, began to look after her grave after the death of Leningradets. On the last spring day of 1981, a monument to Tana is open at the Shatkovsky cemetery.

The girl's diary, now exposed in the Museum of the History of Leningrad, discovered Nina and Mikhail Savichev. Sorrowful records made by children's handwriting are carved on marble steles included in the Memorial complex "Flower of Life" in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad Region.


About Tatyana Savicheva wrote a story writer Sergey Alekseev. The product is just as concise, as well as a block for diary. Prosisa only supplemented the girl's records with pie explanations, in which relationship with her were mentioned, and reported on the death of schoolgirl in evacuation. Neither the cause of the death of a young blockade, nor the details of her biography did not reveal the author.

The name and surname of the girls became the name and story of Valeria Voskobobnikova, who, unlike Alekseeva, not only painted the death of each of Savichev, but also mentioned the Red Cat Barsik, who allegedly held the family. But about Brother Tanya Mikhail, who returned after the war in Leningrad, the author forgot to tell.

Young Leningradka, along with Anna Frank, Sadako Sasaki and Samantha Smith, became the heroine of the book Yuri Yakovleva "Passion in four girls. Mystery". Previously, the author told about Tanya from the face of the post-war resident of Leningrad Vali Zaitseva, the work was called "Girls from Vasilyevsky Island".

In 2013, the documentary tape of the director Alexander Efimova "Blocade Diary Tanya Savicheva" was published. The name of the young blockage worn mountain pass in Kazakhstan and asteroid.

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