Lazar larr - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Lazar Lagin is a bright representative of Soviet satirical literature. The writer became known and thanks to fantastic works. And the autumn for the author brought the author to the author, telling about the adventures of the schoolboy, and his magic friend-genie.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born on November 21 (December 4) of 1903 in Vitebsk. The child turned out to be the firstborn at Joseph Faelelevich and Khan Lazarevna, Jews by nationality. The real surname of the writer, which he received at birth - Ginsburg. Subsequently, inventing creative pseudonym, the author took the initial letters of his own name and surname.

Later, four more children appeared in the family. The father was engaged in distillation of the rafts, and sagging money, transported his wife and heirs to Minsk, where she opened a brass bench. Up to 13, a teenager studied in Header - an initial religious educational institution. In 1919, the future writer graduated from high school.

At the same time, the young man decided to make a volunteer civil war. At the front, the young man fell ill with tuberculosis and was aimed at treatment in the Sanatorium near Moscow. Here Ginsburg became interested in literature.

Personal life

Personal life in the author's biography is difficult to call calm and harmonious. Working in the journal "Crocodile", a man became acquainted with the future (first and only) wife Tatiana Vasilyeva. She held in the publisher post of secretariat and at that time was considered the first beauty of the editorial board, similar to the movie star Love Orlov.

In 1941, the spouse gave her husband to her daughter Natalia. During the Great Patriotic War, the writer rarely communicated with his family, while at the front as a military journalist. And in 1946, Tatyana decided to leave Lagin - found new love in the face of the press attache of the Yugoslav embassy. Together with his daughter and second husband, a woman moved to Yugoslavia.

Soon, the spouse Vasilyeva was shot, and her own from the arrest saved marriage with Nikolai Virut, one of the favorite writers of Joseph Stalin. However, the second stepfather, being an anti-Semitis, was unbelievable for Padrel. At 16, Natalia decided to move to his father and eventually became an assistant to the writer in creativity.

Career and creativity

The first works of the young author began to be published since 1922. Lazar began as a poet, although he himself did not believe in his own poetic gift. The well-known aphorism of the writer has been preserved, in which the man noted: his main merit to the domestic literature is that he stopped writing poetry on time and forever.

In 1924, Ginsburg got acquainted with Vladimir Mayakovsky, and the Russian futurist noted the originality of poetic works. However, the wizard's praise did not convince the beginning of the author to continue to create in the same vein. Confidence in the poetic gift man received later, in the 70s.

This happened after the submarine was raised from the bottom of the Black Sea, sunken during the Great Patriotic War. In the breast pocket of one of the crew members, they found a newspaper fragment, which preserved a fragment of the poem Lagin "Night of the Commissioner".

In the year of acquaintance with Mayakovsky, with whom, in the future, the writer supported friendships, Lazar was moved to Moscow. At this time, the young man was engaged in the literary studio of the poet symbolist Valery Brysov. At the same time, the cycle "Hisoid fairy tales" was launched - a collection of satirical and humorous stories.

In 1925, the writer received a higher education, graduating from the Institute of National Economy. Karl Marx. And after went to Simferopol regimental school. Since the 30s, returning to Moscow, Ginsburg worked in different prints of the capital - "For industrialization", "True". Since 1934, he acted as the deputy editor-in-chief of the Crocodile magazine.

In the late 1930s, the writer had a fairy tale for children with oriental flavor. In 1938 in the journal "Pioneer", a fabulous story "Old Hottabych" was published, and in 1940, the work was published a separate book. According to the memoirs of the daughter of Lagin, still being a teenager, he met the book of British Thomas Esti Gatri "Copper Jug".

A fantastic story told about the adventures of the London architect Horace of the venture, which randomly produces from imprisonment in the ancient vessel of Ginna. In gratitude, the liberated character begins to serve the Mr. Lazar himself noted that he found inspiration for writing "Hottabach" in the eastern "felt fairy tale" from the "Thousand and One Night" cycle.

The fairy tale has undergone several editions, which was associated with changes in the political life of the Union. The story of Wolk Costlkova and a boiler from the imprisonment of Gassana Abdurrahman Ibn Hottab, the "Soviet" genie, I had to do not only like the children's, but also an adult readers audience.

In some sources, the prototype of the Moscow schoolchildren is called Vsevolod Zamkov, the son of the doctor Alexei Zamkov and the sculptor of faith Mukhina. The child was sick with bone tuberculosis, and the larin, going to visit his parents, entertained the boy by Arab fairy tales and even invented the handling of the Volka Ibn Alesha, who then awarded the hero of his own work. In 1957, the screening of the work was released on the screens, the scenario to which Lazar Iosifovich himself was created.

After the Great Patriotic War, the writer's bibliography was replenished by a number of works of a fantastic genre. So, in the late 40s, readers got acquainted with the Roman "Patent AB", telling about the millionaire, who decided to grow a personal army from 6-year-old children. In the same period, the author created a satirical antimylitarian work "Island of Disappointment".

In the mid-50s, the work of "Atavia Proksima" appeared. The action of the book unfolds in the fictional country of Atavia. After the end of the Cold War, the local authorities are preparing a nuclear transaction, fearing the distribution in their territory of communism.

Later, the composition of Blonde Beesting, discontinued the story about the young "Mowgli" before the public. According to the plot, the protagonist, born in a notable family, will fall into the flock of wolves. Then a teenager, brought up with wolf packages, find and return their relatives. Gradually, the young man from a good and honest person turns into a scoundrel, the leader of the political party.

The topic of "detecting" becomes a favorite in the work of Lazar Iosifovich. The last work of the science was the Roman "Blue Man", the hero of which living in 1959 is sent to the Tsarist Russia of 1894 and getting acquainted there with Vladimir Lenin.


The writer died on June 16, 1979. The cause of death remained unknown to the general public. The grave of Lazar Iosifovich is located on the Kuntsevsky cemetery of Moscow.


  • 1935 - "153 suicides"
  • 1940 - "Old Man Hottabych"
  • 1946 - "Three Chernomorets"
  • 1946 - "Anyuta armadiole"
  • 1949 - "AV" patent
  • 1951 - "Island of Disappointment"
  • 1956 - "Atavia Proksima"
  • 1959 - "Hisoid fairy tales"
  • 1962 - "Major Vell Endjo: His observations, experiences, thoughts, hopes and far-reaching plans recorded by him in the last fifteen days of his life"
  • 1963 - "Edied Archipelago"
  • 1967 - "Blue Man"
  • 1972 - "Tragic Asteroid"
  • 1974 - "About the evil stepmother"
  • 1974 - "Life ago: Memories of V. V. Mayakovsky"

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