Ekaterina Gorokhovskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Sounding 2021



Theatrical director and master of voicing Ekaterina Gorokhovskaya in February and June 2020 did not remain aside from resonant political processes. In winter, the celebrity subsided under the appeal of critics on the "network case", and in the summer - under the letter of the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Lyubimova with a request to withdraw a lawsuit on the "Seventh Studio". Together with her, Yuri Butusov, and Dmitry Krymov, and Sergey Nevsky, and Mikhail Bartenev, and other non-indifferent artists were supported by the accused.

Childhood and youth

At the end of the first autumn month of 1976, September 28, Vladimir Gorokhovsky, a resident of the small town of Zeya, located in the Amur region of the USSR, was born daughter Katya. Already about five years old, the baby knew that her future would somehow be connected with the theater. A clear awareness came at a graduation party in kindergarten, where the girl shone in a play in the form of Malvina.

Subsequently, the family moved to the Northern Capital, and in 1989, the teenager entered the teeth, where he had key figures in serious productions (for example, Shakespearean Juliet). With the highest formation of the case was not easy.

At the age of 17, the girl entered the acting and directorial department of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, hitting the wing of the wise mentor Zinovy ​​Korogansky. After reaching the 3rd year, the student suddenly realized that it was unworthy to be an artist, and in 1996 was transferred to the Theater Faculty of Sprggati.

"I honestly learned and was not going anywhere, while my curator and an important person, Marina Dmitrevskaya, who was important for me did not lead me to the BDT on the main role in the play" Arkady ". So I again found myself on the other side of the ramp. Some time was running there and here - she ended his studies and continued to play BDT, "recalled the celebrity in an interview.

In the 2000s, Grigory Kozlov began to recruit his own acting course, and Catherine, "poisoned by the glory of a large dramatic theater," believed in himself and became his solo luster.

Once upon a time the question of the journalist about whether the fears of children from her own in childhood are distinguished, the director replied: now, of course, girls and boys are not afraid that the Americans will drop atomic bomb on them. But the fear of loneliness and remain incomprehensible and rejected inherent in everyone at any age.

Personal life

About the personal life of a talented figure of information is granted a bit. It is known that a woman has long been happily married to the colleague Johan Michael Bott. With the elect, she studied together on the course of Grigory Kozlov in the St. Petersburg Academy and worked on the creation of the play "Five Twenty-Five" in BDT.

In 2002 and 2009, spouses took congratulations on the birth of two sons, Boris and Denis. Later, the actress Dubli confessed that Luntik, whom she voiced in the cartoon was especially native for her, because her children grew up with him.

In an interview in the 2020th, Catherine with a laugh said that one day her cousin Irina asked to congratulate the daughter with Mylen with the voice of the aforementioned fairy-tale character. The child came to such delight and shock from the heard, which was silent a couple of days.

By the way, in addition to the cousin, Gorokhovsky has a native sister Alexander, also received theatrical education. Images of your favorite people, rare archival pictures and photos from work are stored on the director's personal page in the social network "Facebook".


In 1998, Gorokhovskaya first found himself on the stage of the BDT named after Georgy Tovstonogov, playing in Arkadia, put on the play Sir Tom Stoppard. Return to the frame took place in 2006, when the actress involved her husband in the formulation of "five twenty five".

She was then left to the director and created performances in Saratov Tyuses ("Wolf", "Winter will not", "Rostock", "straw guys"), Yekaterinburg ("Gray Shaika"), Tilzit Theater Soviet ("Winters not It will be "), the Lake Theater" Our House "(" Bird Phoenix returns home ").

The honorary list also complement the Krasnodar Drama Theater ("in the shade of the vineyard"), and the "Chekhov Center" on Sakhalin ("Nutcracker"), the theater "behind the Black River" ("Teach me to fly"), and, of course, native " Workshop "under the leadership of Grigory Kozlov (" At the ark at eight "," remembering my unfortunate w ** x "), where the master works now.

In a saturated creative biography there was a place and cinema (in her filmography - "Russian Ark", "Wanderers", "Streets of broken lamps - 11"), and publishing articles in the Petersburg Theater Journal. In the zero, it was firmly substantiated and the sounding of cartoons and full-length pictures - this sphere of activity of the native of the city of Zeya got completely accidentally.

Having trained on the fun of the Putyish from the "Dobryni Nikitich and the Snake Gorynych" and writing a song with Olga Yakotel, Catherine, for a couple with Anna Slalyko, took up Luntik and the beekee in the "adventures of Luntik and his friends."

From 2011, a woman is responsible for Lisa Barboskin in Barboskina, although at first Metila on the baby, which eventually, as a result, Ksenia Brzzovskaya, and from 2018 - for Varvaro-Krasu, a long braid in "Tsarevna". By the way, Alexander Dadhario in Perse Jackson and the Thief of Lightning and the Seasting Perseners and the sea of ​​monsters.

Ekaterina Gorokhovskaya now

Gorokhovskaya continues to voice the cartoons and movies and put the performances. In 2019, she gave her voice of Ellie to Urfin Jus returns and Herlel in "Ivan Tsarevich and a gray wolf - 4".

At the same time, "Thunderstorm" was added to the piggy bank of the productions, and after a year-- "Henzel and Gretel" in Tver Tayy and children's projects in the Velikoluki Drama Theater.

On forced quarantine, introduced due to a coronavirus infection, Catherine took up a recording of audiobook, making focus on fairy tales with a non-bank plot.


Cartoon voicing:

  • 2006 - "Dobrynya Nikitich and Snake Gorynych" (fun Putyathic)
  • 2006-2021 - "Adventures of Luntik and his friends" (Luntik)
  • 2007 - "Ilya Muromets and Solovy-Robber" (Alyonushka)
  • 2007 - "Death Notebook" (Amana Misa, Say Yagami)
  • 2011-2020 - "Barboskins" (Lisa)
  • 2012 - Frankenvini (Mrs. Frankenstein)
  • 2012 - "Perfect Spiderman" (Aunt Mei)
  • 2013 - "Ivan Tsarevich and Gray Wolf 2" (Naina)
  • 2013 - "Henry Oblaning" (Henry)
  • 2017 - "Urfin Jus and his Wooden Soldiers" (Ellie)
  • 2018 - "Three heroes and heirs of the throne" (Fun Putyathic)
  • 2018-2020 - "Tsarevna" (Barbara-Beauty, Long Spit)
  • 2019 - "Urfin Jus Returns" (Ellie)
  • 2019 - "Ivan Tsarevich and Gray Wolf 4" (Heron)

Film sounding:

  • 2010 - "Percy Jackson and Lightning Thief" (Alexander Daddario)
  • 2010 - "Star disease" (Maggie Castle)
  • 2010 - "You" again "(Christine Chenovet)
  • 2010 - Xenon Z3 (Fumi Mesbu)
  • 2013 - "Percy Jackson and Sea Monsters" (Alexandra Daddario)

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