Mikhail Skipsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "What? Where? When? ", Accusations 2021



The name of Mikhail Skipsky for hearing at the fans of the program "What? Where? When?". The man was dedicated to the game in the elitar intellectual club not one ten years old, twice becoming the winner of the honorary trophy - "Crystal owl". The connoisseur glorified broad erudition, encyclopedic knowledge and a flexible mind, allowing to get to an answer in the most confusing task.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail, as well as millions of his peers, was destined to be born in one country, and to grow into another. And even the hometown of Leningrad, where the boy was born on August 4, 1979, soon became St. Petersburg. But Skipsky also found all the realities of Soviet times and managed to visit the October and Pioneer. Misha studied well, but "Botany" was not. At least, from the spirit of contradictions went in ripped jeans and with long hair, from which a pig remained later.

The bold image was combined with decentive classes - learning English and visiting sports sections. In the youth, Skipsky managed to try football, basketball, table tennis and tourism, from which, in addition to gear, fractures were left and skill to run quickly. The mind of the guy either did not remain idle: with the passion by watching the "Brain Ring" transmissions and "What? Where? When?" On TV, he began to participate in school intellectual contests.

At the end of natural geographic school No. 355, the graduate went to the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen, where he became a student of the Geographical Faculty, and later he went to graduate school. After the university, Mikhail became a teacher of geography at school No. 43. However, the passion for intellectual games turned into a second profession for him, and he also helped to arrange a personal life.

Personal life

With the future wife's hope of Skip Mikhail met in Tyumen, where he held a tournament for "What? Where? When?".

A man could not pass by a girl who was different not only by the mind, but also beauty. They got married in 2008 and now live in St. Petersburg, raising the Son. Photo of family members Expert posts in "Instagram".

"What? Where? When?"

He first started playing in the 9th grade, Mikhail after 2 years became the champion of a city school tournament and a star among young St. Petersburg intellectuals. Naturally, the passion "What? Where? When?" The university continued at the university, where Skipsky acquired experience and became a worse in the strongest adult teams of the Northern Capital.

Having passed the selection into the television version of the game, the connoisseur was in the team Alexey Blinov, where his partners were Alexander Druz, Rovshan Askerov and Elena Orlov. In an interview, the man admitted that he felt then not in his plate and did not understand why he was needed in such a strong company. However, Mikhail has a ripe version and turned out to be correct. So he drew attention to himself and joined the life of the club, becoming his permanent member.

Telebet to "What? Where? When?" It took place on June 10, 2006, but in the game Skipsky became, having replenished the team Balash Kasumov, in which Elizaveta Odeenko, Yulia Lazareva, Dmitry Avdeenko. Each participant of the team had a "Crystal Ol" arsenal, and the captain and the owner of the "Diamond Owl". Mikhail managed twice to take home the cherished trophy, in 2010 and 2016.

In the air-free time a man continued to work with children, in addition to geography, studying and organizing intellectual games. He became a coach for "What? Where? When?" Among schoolchildren and repeatedly brought their teams to victory in tournaments. In addition, Mikhail was fond of a sports option, where, responding to the same questions, several teams compete with each other.

Mikhail Skipsky now

Mikhail continues to play "What? Where? When? ", And also organizes intelligent festivals, tournaments, leagues, and still conducts corporate trainings and events.

In July 2020, the name of the connoisseur was drawn into a scandal, and his flawless biography was threatened. On the wave of frequent conversations about sexual harassment, the journalist Catherine Arenina stated in Twitter, which, being a schoolgirl, suffered from the bailiffs of Scyp, who led her geography then.

Mikhail Scyp and Ekaterina Arenina

The girl claimed that she was not the only minor, which the teacher had an inappropriate sign of attention, and called on the victims not to be silent.

Mikhail refused to comment on what was happening, while several representatives of the Mediasphere had already left the place of work because of such accusations. Producers "What? Where? When?" They talked about not allowing the player to participate there are no foundations, so he appeared in the final issue of the autumn series. And in the new season, part of the players left the game, tying it with the presence of Scyp.

Erudite in the 2021th passed to the team of Andrei Kozlov.

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