Jonathan Stud - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Writer-Fantasy 2021



The beginning of the XXI century critics is called the Golden Eroy of Teenage Fantasy. Among British Prosers who have made the greatest contribution to the development of the genre, the place next to Joan Rowling occupies the younger colleague of the literary mother Harry Potter Jonathan Straud.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born at the end of October 1970 in the city of Bedford, located on the English river Uz. When the boy was 6 years old, the Straudi moved to St. Olbans, now known as the city where Stephen Hawking took the childhood years.

From childhood, Jonathan had two hobbies - drawing and writing stories. If the boy liked a movie or story, he invented new adventures of loved heroes. The favorite writers of young Strauda were Arthur Conan Doyle and John Tolkin.

From seven to nine years, Jonathan hurt a lot and time spent on the hospital bed, Korotal for the composition of the first independent works. The school teacher supported the novice writer, and at 10 years old she read his stories in the assembly hall of the educational institution.

Another adult, approved by the young author, became the Canadian writer Douglas Hill, visiting the school of Jonathan in the late 70s of the 20th century. The boy sent the author of the Pentalogius "Last Legionnaire" his manuscript and received a letter from the celebrity with the words of approval.

After school, Strauda entered the University of York. At one time with a native Bedford, the author of the scientific fiction novels of Justin Robson was studied there.

Having received a diploma in the specialty "English literature", Jonathan took the position of the editor in the publishing house Walker Books. According to a man, the work taught him calmly treat the alterations of the text and presented an understanding that the book was the result of the work of the writer, editor and illustrator.

Personal life

The writer is happy in his personal life. In 2001, Jonathan married the illustrator of Gin's children's books. The wife gave a writer of three children (daughter Isabel and Sons Arthur and Louis), who are the first listeners, and sometimes co-authors of the Father's works.

It was Gina that advised her husband to quit the editorial office and focus on writing. Strava told about this in an interview with the American colleague Rica Riorudan - the author of the Romanov series about Percy Jackson. A daughter in 8 years came up with a "notebook" as a means of communication of young heroes of the cycle "Lockwood and Company".

Straudi and their dog named Alphi live in the city of Childhood Jonathan Saint-Olbank. In the "Instagram" of the writer prevailing photos of British landscapes. The most prominent English writers, a man considers Reddiard Kipling and Robert Lewis Stevenson.


In adolescence, except for the stories, Jonathan wrote comics, poems, plays and plots to board games. The first work of the matured horseman, which the author created, in parallel editing the children's Bible and Encyclopedia for adolescents in Walker Books, is the puzzle puzzle book.

In May 1999, the debut romance of Jonathan "Secret Fire" came out. The work spoke about the British family - Sarah's older sister and teenage brothers Stephen and Michael. The girl carries a vicar, which does not like the boys. When repairing the church, a stone cross is found. It turns out that this is the key locking the evil dragon. Although critics noted the similarity of the Fabul of the "secret fire" with the plots of Stephen King and Klyiva Barker and the crudeness of the syllable of a young author, the work was liked with young readers and their parents.

In 2001, Straud published the second work of the "jump through the barrier". Charlie's girl who refuses to believe in the death of the best friend of Max, comes up with a parallel world, which gradually invades the daily character of the heroine and her environment.

The most famous in the Bibliography of the Strauda two cycles - "Bartimuus's trilogy", which became the "Ring of Solomon" with the tetrallogon, and the "Lockwood and Company" agency ". The plot of the first, which started in 2003 by the Roman Amulet Samarkand, unfolds in an alternative Great Britain, which the magician demonologies rule.

The young student of the wizard Arthur Anderwood Nathaniel is growing in the environment of intrigans and sconened. The only positive example for a teenager is a genie Bartimeus caused by him, which, like his "colleague", Old Man Hottabych, created by the Soviet writer Lazar lagine, is responsible for the humorous flavor of the book.

10 years after the release of Amulet Samarkand, the new generation of readers-teenagers had a new generation, and the romance "screaming staircase" launched a new series. In an alternative reality, London flooded unfriendly ghosts. Breakdown and agencies that are fighting with evil ghosts. However, the ghosts are able to find only the British who have not reached 20 years (which resembles the plot course of the works of Pamela Travers, when the babies understood the language of birds, and the grown, lost this gift).

Trinity of buddies - possessing a sharp hearing Lucy Carlisle, who has supersening Anthony Lockwood and George Cubbers theorist - creates a small agency to which adults are skeptical. The author of the work, commenting on his Stabul, said that in childhood she loved the stories and a story about the ghosts, but the lack of jokes in them. Humor, Suspantly and winning all obstacles of the friendship of characters made bestsellers of the novels of the cycle about young wrestlers with ghosts.

Jonathan Stud now

In May 2020, it became known that the director Edgar Wright (famous for the film "Zombie named Sean") and Joe Cornish (who debuted in 2011, the picture "Aliens around the area") will be engaged in the fission of the Study Cycle "Lockwood and Company". The series in the genre of teenage adventure horror will be supplied on Netflix.


  • 1999 - "Secret Fire"
  • 2003 - "Amulet Samarkanda"
  • 2003 - "Last Siege"
  • 2004 - "Eye of the Golem"
  • 2005 - "Ptolemy Gate"
  • 2009 - "Winners of Monsters"
  • 2010 - "Ring Solomon"
  • 2013 - "Screaming Staircase"
  • 2014 - "Whispering Skull"
  • 2015 - "Ghost Double"
  • 2016 - "Sweight Shadow"
  • 2017 - "Empty grave"

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