Mikhail Degtyarev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Politician 2021



Mikhail Degtyarev made a rapid career in politics. From youth, a passionate idea to transform Russia's life for the better, a public figure has repeatedly proposed a number of original legislative initiatives. Some of them now managed to embody in reality, in particular the payment of parental capital for the first child.

Childhood and youth

Degtyarev was born on July 10, 1981 in Kuibyshev. Father worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist, mother - a gastroenterologist. In childhood, a child for three years brought up a grandfather on the mother line, as parents were sent to Uganda to assist the local population.

In 1994, the family moved for a year in Yemen - doctors signed a contract with an Asian hospital. At this time, hostilities unfolded in the city, and one day the medical staff hospitals, where their native schoolchild worked, was hostage from the militants. The operation for the release of captured doctors was successfully, and perhaps this event affected the further desire of Mikhail to change the world for the better.

In his youth, he became interested in aviation, entered the Samara International aerospace lyceum, who graduated with honors. Then, in 1998, the young man received a higher education in the Samara State Aerospace University. S. P. Queen, where he chose the faculty of engine aircraft. During his studies, twice turned out to be a scholarshot of the project of the Charitable Foundation Vladimir Potanin.

Personal life

A man prefers not to devote journalists into details of a personal life. From his biography it is known that Degtyarev is married. The spouse of Galina Viktorovna's policy is engaged in business. In particular, a woman is known as the store founder for future mothers "Pusico". Four children are brought up in the family. In the declaration of income for 2018 it is indicated that the deputy earned 4,813,482 rubles. The property Mikhail has a car.

Career and politics

At the beginning of Zero, Mikhail became Chairman of the Samara branch of the youth organization "Going together" under the leadership of Vasily Yaquenenko. This movement was subsequently called a political springboard for many future public figures. Here Degtyarev quickly revealed the leader's depositors and in the fall of 2003 he entered the party "United Russia", and also participated in the campaign "Youth Unity".

After a year, an ambitious young man received a deputy of the Samara Provincial Duma. In an interview, Mikhail was repeatedly enthusiastic with the identity of Vladimir Putin, emphasizing that he sees a reliable support of the state in the young energetic president.

Against the background of this, for many, the decision has become a surprise policy to move in 2005 in the LDPR. Soon Degtyarev met the party leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky and became his assistant. The initiative and talented guy seemed to the head of the faction promising.

Trust in Mikhail turned out to be high: Vladimir Wolfovich appeared with him not only at important official meetings, made a trip around the country, but also batted in the bath. Such relations with Zhirinovsky political scientists described as a patronage. In 2007, a young man passed on the LDPR lists in the regional Duma Samara, and at the age of 30 became a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 6th convocation.

In 2013, the faction proposed the candidacy of Degtyarev to participate in the election of the mayor of Moscow. Sergey Sobyanin and Alexey Navalny appeared among other candidates. And in the spring of 2016, the leader of the party reported in an interview that the politician could compete for the President of the Russian Federation in 2018. In the same year, Mikhail was elected by the Chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs.

Within the framework of the new position, policies participated in the opening ceremony of the III International Hockey Forum along with the President of the Hockey Federation Vladislav Tretyak, Chairman of the Board by Arkady Rothenberg and others. In 2018, he again ran into the mayors of Moscow.

During work in the State Duma, a man offered a number of bills. Among them are the most bright and memorable, the initiative to ban the turnover of the dollar in the territory of the Russian Federation, the ban of homosexuals to act as blood donors, the introduction of a GOST for the images of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden (to curb attempts to use the animators to the New Year holidays of the Christmas attributes of Western countries).

During the Mayorsian campaign of 2013, the public was remembered by the idea to give women vacation for critical days. In addition, Mikhail initiated repainting the Kremlin in white, the introduction of the day of sobriety on September 11. This holiday, according to politics, noted in pre-revolutionary Russia.

Also, the deputy saw the need to introduce fees for investment in foreign sport by Russian citizens. According to Degtyarev, in case of financing overseas sports projects, the sponsor will have to list 20% of the transaction amount. These funds will then go to the development of Russian physical education.

Political scientists noted that the early sentences of the men were experimental, and sometimes scandalous, character. Over the years, legislative initiatives emanating from the members of the LDPR party have become more vital, serious.

Mikhail Degtyarev now

In July 2020, Vladimir Putin liberated Sergei Furgal from the post of head of the Khabarovsk Territory due to the loss of confidence. At the same time, the President appointed Mikhail Degtyarev as a Virio Governor. The politician immediately accepted the proposal and announced the readiness to immediately arrive in the region. On July 21, a man was presented to the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory.

In the first days of work, the Acting Administration made a proposal to reduce tariffs for the local population for utilities. Also politician posted photos and videos in "Instagram" related to the acquired status. The emergence of a new leader of the region has strengthened the wave of protests among the Khabarovsk and the inhabitants of the region, requiring recognizing the innocence of the Furgown. The news of the appointment of VRIO caused the activity of journalists seeking to find a compromising on a man.

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