Sergey Pritula - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Standap-comedian 2021



Sergey Pritula has known from youthful years that humor is his calling, and decided to devote life to this. He became famous as a Ukrainian TV presenter, Standap-comic, actor and public figure.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Pritula was born on June 22, 1981 in Zbarazha, Ukraine. Father worked in small senior positions, but his salary family was missing. Serezhe's mother, teacher by education, sold things in the market so that the children would have the opportunity to learn.

The future Showman and his older brother Vasily arrived from an early age to reading. Prichulya rose to diligently and hardworking, participated in the competition of scientific worksman, graduated from school with a gold medal. The guy had far-reaching plans for life, he wanted to study in the Ukrainian capital and settled there, but the parents dissuade the Son from this decision.

As a result, Sergey moved to the Ternopol Regional Center and became a student of the Academy of National Economy. In his youth, he was creatively active, consisted of Mitzi union, participated in KVN games and engaged in artistic amateur. In parallel, Prichul led the program on the local radio.

Sergey decided to continue their education in London and entered the college, but quickly disappointed as the applied knowledge. Then the guy threw his studies and began searching for a part time. He tried himself in different professions: builder, waiter, loader.

It was a difficult period in Sergei's biography. Prichula filmed housing together with friends, and once a group of intruders penetrated there. During the fight, the young man was injured, which almost cost him her eyes. The showman suffered several operations, but the vision is so fully recovered.

After returning to Motherland, Sergey continued his studies at the university and resumed work on the radio. Due to participation in the rally, the guy was barely expelled, but he still defended the diploma and remained in Alma Mater, to graduate from the magistracy, combining this with the position of the head of youth initiatives.

Personal life

The personal life of celebrities not immediately. The first marriage of the Showman ended in a divorce, but he retained a good relationship with the former wife of Julia, who gave him the son of Dmitry. For the second time, a man married in 2015, the chief became Catherine's Obel. Two years later, the family was replenished with a daughter Solomia.

The father responsibly comes to raising children and from an early age tears them to work. Dima repeatedly acted as an assistant at the artist concerts, fulfilling a simple job to earn pocket money.

In 2019, during the birthday celebration, the humorist broke his leg. At this trouble in his life, it was not over, and soon the press appeared on the mother of celebrities, which became the culprit of the accident, in which a woman with a child suffered. As a result, she received a sentence in the form of home arrest. Later, a man told that he did not help the relative to avoid punishment, but he offered help victims.

Humor and creativity

The first steps on television humorist did as the lead program "It was yours - was our", which was broadcast in 2004. After that, the guy was invited to work on the Kiev radio station "Music-Radio", and he moved to the Ukrainian capital.

To truly declare himself a comedian when he became a resident of the "Comedy Club Ukraine". For three years, he pleased the public with sparkling jokes and monologues, the most memorable of which became "about the Ukrainian wedding".

It is not surprising that in 2008 a humorist got a job on a new channel. He led the morning program "Lifting" along with Olga Freimut and Alexander Pedan, with whom, after that, repeatedly crossed in other projects.

All together worked on the show "Who on top?", Where Prichula and Freymut were leading, and Pedan actually served as a judge. Later, Sergey's partner became Ekaterina Varnava, and then Lesya Nikityuk. Also, the famous Troika traveled together on the set "Cabrioleto". With Alexander Showman produced a joint program "PPS".

Star Status New Channel helped a man work on their own humorous projects. Thus appeared "FION YUKRYNA", and in 2016 the premiere of "Variaty Show" took place, in which Sergey acts as a leading and artist. The most beloved at the audience was the verse of humorist about Kohl and Gali.

Among other gears who led the showman - "Superintuition" and "Children against the Stars". The man has repeatedly participated in the national selection for the Eurovision contest, where he pleased the public with his bikes and humorings. It was not without scandals: In 2018, the audience condemned pritulus for provocative questions about Russia, which he asked participants, and called the nationalist.


In 2019, the artist who has repeatedly expressed concern about the fate of Ukraine and criticized the actions of the authorities, decided to go into politics. He joined the voice of the "voice" of Svyatoslav Vakarchuk and put forward the candidacy for the post of deputy of the Verkhovna Rada.
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At the same time, the artist asked him to put it with number 30 so that the voters had motivation to give more votes for the party. According to the results, he never passed, but remained in the Wakarchuk team as an advisor to political issues.

Sergey Pritula now

In 2020, a man actually remained without work due to a coronavirus infection pandemic. Free time he devoted reading books and writing scripts for the show. There was also news that a humor is going to nominate his candidacy for the post of mayor of Kiev, but Sergey did not give an unequivocal answer to the question about it.

Now Showman continues to engage in creativity. He leads pages in "Instagram" and "Facebook", where it is divided by success and publishes the photo.


  • "It was yours - was our"
  • "Comedy Club Ukraine"
  • "Climb
  • "Who is on top?"
  • "Cabrioleto"
  • "PPS"
  • "Varognat Show"
  • "Superintition"
  • "Children against the stars"
  • "Eurovision"

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