Alexander Marnesco - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Submaror



Alexander Marnesco, awarded the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union, was the captain of the 3rd rank, commander of the diesel submarine, which represented the Baltic Fleet. By the winter of 1945, its merit was the operation, as a result of which a fascist military vessel was surrounded, which used to be a passenger liner "Wilhelm Gustloff".

Childhood and youth

Alexander Ivanovich Marnesco was born in Odessa in the house of the Romanian worker and a woman of Ukrainian nationality from the peasant family. The father was a fireman and a sailor who served in a civilian fleet, so in childhood the boy listened to the stories about the ships.

Parents, combined with marriage in the early 1910s, lived modestly and not born as hundreds of working people. The future commander of the submarine, which remained unattended, was in the company suitable in the age of neighboring children.

In the 1920s, young Sasha studied in a secondary school and graduated from a mandatory six-card for incomplete 13 years. Then, using the relationships of relatives, he settled a sailor assistant to the vessel, regularly kiced on the Black and Azov seas.

Acquired experience helped the young man to enter the Sung Civil Fleet School and get into the nautical school with the blessing of the Father. After released from the institution, he became the third, and then the second assistant to the Captain of the Odessa Civil Ship.

The colleagues remembered that Alexander wanted to devote the life of a trading fleet, and he did not think about the career of the military. The circumstances have developed in such a way that the man became famous for this field.

Personal life

In the 1930s, Nina Cariukhina, who later became his wife appeared in the personal life of the submarine commander of the submarine. After the birth of the daughter, Leonora Marnesco, a man who had a freedom-loving character, for a short time.

During the war, Alexander Ivanovich lost his confidence of the spouse, because he regularly started the novels on the side. The family broke up, and the native of Odessa began to live with Valentine Thunder, who became the mother of Tatiana's mother.

Battle way

It all started with the fact that in the fall of 1933 Marinesko on the Komsomol Pourevka was sent to the special courses of the command formulation of the working and peasant red fleet. The underwater Arsenal of the Young Soviet Power required experienced leaders.

Marinesko - a man of medium height, possessed a sharp mind and outstanding abilities, but his discipline left much to be desired. Despite this, a young man who is accustomed to openly express his own opinion, won the location of the authorities and received an affordable characteristic of the directors.

The graduate was appointed to the post of navigator submarine Sh-306 ("Pike"), which included in the squadron of the Baltic Fleet. In the spring of 1936, when the Soviet army introduced a system of sofamile military ranks, Alexander became Lieutenant.

After a time, Marinesko fell a chance to go to retraining courses established by the leadership of the Kirovsky Red Banner Educational Council, which allowed to start the service at the submarine L-1 (Leninet) and M-96 ("Baby").

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the submarine, who was commanded by Marnesco, was relocated to the capital of Estonia. In the middle of the summer of 1941, the ship participated in combat operations in the Gulf of Riga and soon received damages that required long-term repairs.

Coming out of the docks in August 1942, the submarine broke the plans of the convoy of five enemy ships, and after a couple of months, the M-96 crew distinguished himself during the unsuccessful seizure of the German encryption device "Enigma". Marinesko's activities in the first years of the fight against the fascists were marked by the Order of Lenin and the title of the Captain of the 3rd Rank.

The Soviet commander in moments of recreation neglected established by the established rules, on the eve of the next exit to the sea he received a disciplinary penalty. The man was not removed from combat operations and allowed to stay on a submarine with two diesel engines.

In winter, the famous "Attack of the Century" occurred in the winter of the victorious 1945th - the vessel with the C-13 marking destroyed more than a thousand enemies. The target was the floating hospital of the German fleet "Wilhelm Gustloff", the former passenger liner in the mid-30s.

A month after these events, placed by historians as a feat, the submarine sweat the Liner "General Shtyben" on the approach to the Gdansk Bay. The captain of the 3rd rank, who became the personal enemy of the Fuhrer, forgave past relegations and awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

The last military campaign of Marnesco ended with a grand failure: the submarine commander got a German ship, but could not attack him. The actions of the hero of the Great Patriotic War recognized unsatisfactory due to the fact that the submarine did not fulfill the combat task.

Nickname of the Nikolay Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov initiated the removal of the commander from the post and lowering in the rank. The native of Odessa retrained on the traveler's commander and remained on the Baltic Fleet until dismissal.

After the war

In the late 40s, Marinesko took the place of the head of blood transfusion station at the Research Institute in Leningrad. And then he was unexpectedly accused of "diluting socialist means." The fact that the captain of the 3rd rank was sentenced to imprisonment, caused an ambiguous reaction and wide public interest.

The hero of the war was serving a sentence in the village of Khabarovsk Territory, freed by he joined the expedition held by the study of the Onezhsky-Ladoga district. In the 1950s, when the studies stopped, Alexander Ivanovich led the supply unit in one of the Leningrad enterprises.


In recent years, Marinesko has experienced health problems and died due to illness in 1963. At the end of November, the submarine was buried at the Bogoslovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg.

For a long time the grave of the participant of the "Attack of the Century" was in the launch. In the late 70s, the people remembered about the glorious commander, and the people began to come there.

In the years of restructuring, by order, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev Military rehabilitated and honored the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously. In such cities such as Kaliningrad, Kronstadt, Odessa and Sevastopol, monuments and streets appeared called the submariner name.

In St. Petersburg, at the initiative of the sailors, the Museum of Underwater Forces of Russia was created. There put the exposition of photographs, awards and military trophies of 1941-1945, as well as stands with biographies and diaries of participants in great campaigns.


  • Hero of the Soviet Union
  • Order of Lenin
  • Order of the Red Banner
  • Medal "For Combat Merit"
  • Medal "For Defense of Leningrad"
  • Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."
  • Medal "In memory of the 250th anniversary of Leningrad"


  • The name A. I. Marnesco wears the Odessa seaworthy school.
  • Monuments A. I. Marnesco are installed in Odessa, Kaliningrad, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg and Lochwice.
  • The life of Marinesko is dedicated to art films "On Return to Forget", "First after God" and "Gustloff".
  • PPodevig A. I. Marnesco is described in the Roman Gunter Grass "Craba Trajectory".
  • On the hero of the Hero of the Soviet Union of the Captain of the 3rd rank of Marinesko A.I. with a monument to the hero and monument to the crew of a submarine with -13 in the city of Mikhailovsk of the Stopoportion region.
  • The memorial jubilee medal "100 years since the birth of the Hero of the Soviet Union A. I. Marnesco" was released.
  • In 1983, the forces of students of Odessa School No. 105 (the search group "Memory of the Heart") was created by the Museum named after A. I. Marnesco.

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