Hamzat Chimaev - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, MMA Fighter, leaves 2021



Hamzat Chimaeva, a wrestler, living and training in Sweden, is often called Chechen Viking on the Internet. However, the leader of the North Caucasus Republic, in which the athlete was born and rose, Ramzan Kadyrov after the record of the UFC League, established by Hamzat in July 2020, called the fighter with a true Chechen, combining courage and nobility.

Childhood and youth

About the early biography of Chimaev knows little. Hamzat was born in 1994, on the day of the solidarity of workers, but the parents of the future athlete were not before the holidays. On the territory of the Maja Motherland a wrestler at the time of his birth raged a civil war.

Father Hamzat is the name of Khizar. As of 2019, the man was the only member of the Chimaev family, continuing to live in the Chechen Republic.

There are conflicting information about the circumstances of obtaining a athlete of Swedish citizenship. According to an early interview, at 16, Hamzat escaped to Scandinavia and asked for political asylum.

Hamzat Chimaev and Ramzan Kadyrov

However, in a conversation with an observer of the Sport-Express newspaper Ilya Andreev, in July 2020, the Fighter changed the version of the acquisition of Swedish citizenship. According to Hamzat, the younger brother took to remove the hematoma on the back. Chimayev did not take risks to make an operation in Chechnya, went to Malmo and took root. Also, the fighter has an elder brother who helped him in his youth morally and financially.

Hamzat's Swedish life began at 16 years. The young man got a job to work at the freezer plant. The next step in the career of Chimayeva was the position of Security in the nightclub. Now he works as a security guard in a social house where the recent prisoners of Swedish prisons live. The athlete monitors the order and dispels the fights of guests.

Personal life

As befits the native of the Caucasus, Hamzat does not expose personal life at the bottom, and in "Instagram" men prevail photos of fighting and training. The athlete reverial reveals to the mother and believes that, ideally, wrestling fights should be held without injuries so that parents do not cry over the born children.

Life in Sweden Chimaevo likes the tranquility and the lack of the abyss between the rich and the poor, the fact that most conflicts are permitted verbally, without moving in the "Mordobo". Nevertheless, Hamzat, whose growth is 188 cm, and weight ranges from 77 to 88 kg, twice fought outside the ring and octagon.

The first time under the influence of "Anasi" strangers showed the middle fingers. For Caucasian gesture, considered in Sweden with a cute joke, is an insult. When Hamzat tried to cut guys, they untied the fight. Chimayev hit each of the aggressors one time and then wrote explanatory at the police station.

The second conflict occurred at a wrestler with a friend. Friendly conversation turned into a conflict, and Opponent Chimaeva tried to prove the truth with a knife. However, Hamzat's fists turned out to be more solid argument than the rival weapons.


The first time on a wrestling rug, Hamzat lay at the age of one year. In Chechnya, Chimayev lived across the road from a wrestling club, and from five years old, the boy participated in judo and sambo competitions.

Once in Sweden, he initially fought for the Lidköpings As Club, then moved to the city of Kalmar and defended the colors of the Athena Club. In 2018, the athlete won the Sweden Championship for freestyle wrestling immediately in two categories - in welterweight and middleweight.

For the victory, Hamzat was presented with a voucher, according to which he could live a week in any hotel of any city of Scandinavia. The wrestler went to Stockholm and on the advice of friends went to the club All Stars, where he was doing now. Alexander Gustafsson, Ilir Latifi and Hekhan Saki became sparring partners of Chimaeva.

Especially warm attitudes at Hamzat have developed with or chirped Madadi. However, the athlete admits that he learned a lot from Gustafsson, in particular, to send rivals to the knockout. That is how in April 2019, at the BRAVE CF 23 tournament, he knocked out the Russian fighter of Ikrama Alisker.

Chimaev's debut in MMA took place in May 2018. The first opponents of Hamzat in octave were Norwegians Garda Ole Sagen and Ole Magnor. Both rivals Chechen won. At the end of 2018, the native of the Caucasus won victory over the Austrian Marco Kissich and American Sidney Wheeler.

In 2019, Hamzat was going to fight the Lolkan in the distance. But the match was opposed to the coach and manager of Chechen Viking. The weight of Chimaeva then was 88 kg, and to enter into a duel in a hawkish category, the athlete had to drink a lot of water.

In the summer of 2020, Hamzat at the tournament in the capital of the United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi with an interval of 10 days defeated two rivals in two different weight categories. The fighter record is listed in UFC statistics.

The Chimaev tournament was pre-prepared in advance not only in sports, but also for medical relations, in particular, the tests for Coronavirus passed. On the day of departure, the fighter who had bought tickets in advance, called Ali Abdel-Aziz and reported that he had a fight.

Hamzat Chimaev now

On July 15, 2020, Hamzat confidently defeated the representative of Wales John Phillips, whom the sports press calls "White" Mike Tyson. For two rounds, Chimayev inflicted the enemy 47 shots, skipping only one, and put the victorious point by a suffocating reception.

On July 25, the Northrlander rice McCa for 3 minutes of battle missed 40 blows of Chimaeva, never managed to give delivery, and the judge stopped one-sided beating, adding victory to Hamzat.

In March 2021, Hamzat laid out the post in which he said: "I think I'm already everything." He noted that he did not take the belt, but this is not the main thing. The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, was immediately responded with from UFC, who phoned the fighter and said that all the Chechen youth hoped for him. The athlete promised to fly to the republic, recover after injury and continue training.


  • 2018 - Sweden Champion for Wilter Wrestling Weight
  • 2018 - Champion of Sweden for freestyle wrestling
  • 2020 - Record UFC in the speed of conquest of two victories (within 10 days)

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