Leonid Zankov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Psychologist



Psychologist Leonid Zankov since the 1930s studied the features of education and training of children with deviations in development. Knowledge accumulated by him is a valuable source for modern defectology and oligophrenopedagogic. I was interested in a scientist and healthy guys - how they think that they remember how the reality perceive. The result of many years of study was the didactic system of Zankov, now quite acceptable and reasonable, and during the USSR, indecently innovative.

Childhood and youth

Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov was born on April 23, 1901 in Warsaw, the city of the Russian Empire. His childhood passed in the family of an officer surrounded by sisters and two brothers. Children were taught not only the basic sciences - mathematics, natural science, history, but also foreign languages, creativity. The future psychologist showed himself in music particularly well.

The beloved subject of Zankov was literature. Emotions caused not so much work as a teacher's submission, his interest in the formation of students. Therefore, graduating from the gymnasium in 1916, Leonid thought about the future teacher. And immediately realized his desire - went to Turki, the village of Tula region, and settled in school.

In 1919, Zankov first met with difficult teenagers. He headed the children's agricultural colony of the Tambov province, where there were intervores. It was necessary to try seriously to infect them with enthusiasm, and interest in study. Leonid has succeeded in this matter.

In 1920, he was transferred to the "Ostrovnya" colony of the Moscow region, where he worked down until admission to the Moscow State University in 1922.

In Moscow State University, Leonid Zankov met his mentor Lvom Semenovich Vygotsky. He was only 26 years old, and the student is 21 years old. Young people were very familiar, together comprehended the basics and the deep concepts of psychology. The death of a comrade in 1934 Leonid Vladimirovich perceived as a personal loss.

Personal life

In the personal life of the psychologist there was a place for the beloved women - the wife of Anne Josephovna Malyutn, famous opera singer, and daughters Natalia Leonidovna Zankova, who became a pianist. The family relations reigned strong, harmonious. After all, at home, in the circle of relatives, Leonid Vladimirovich could find peace and distract from work.

Anna Josephovna, a clarified woman, hotly loved the spouse. Contemporaries remember how carefully she collected him with her breakfast and lunch, as a psychologist's shirt looked immaculately. This, by the way, is visible in the photos. He played his role and congenital intelligence of Leonid Zankov - he could not afford to come to work casually dressed.

Scientific activity

For objective reasons, the rate of fertility of children with deviations in the USSR was high. Scientists have seen their main task to create a unique concept of their learning and development. On this topic, Leonid Zankov made a significant contribution to science.

The objects of his research were mentally retarded, deaf, silent and with a reduced level of concentration of children. After talking with them, the defectologist concluded that it was impossible to teach the usual and special children: each child needs individual conditions for a comfortable adoption of knowledge. Special children, watching the successes of their talented peers, are closed and disappointed in themselves, additional complexes accumulate faster.

Before Leonid Vladimirovich, few people seriously paid attention mentally retarded. It was he who wrote the first fundamental work on the defectology, described the principles of developing learning, which first spoke about the fact that it is worth creating a classification of mental backwardness. The psychologist considered it extremely important, since in the absence of such distribution a normal, but a slightly shy child could get into the correctional group, and deaf - in the usual class.

In his works, Leonid Zankov didn't fit the fact that children with deviations in the development lag behind their peers, but that, in principle, they should be brought up otherwise. So, when teaching the mentally retarded kids, the emphasis should be done on visual materials, because it is in this field of thinking a failure occurs.

It is noteworthy, but the psychology of raising children with a lag in development is not the main achievement of Leonid Vladimirovich. It is worth paying attention to his pedagogical works that have developed in the author's didactic system. In the 1960s, she was actively introduced to primary school.

The essence of the SNAN system is that each child is individual. The school program should not be built according to the principle of average arithmetic, and weak students do not need to artificially tighten to excellent students. Everyone can become a priest, if you receive knowledge in comfortable atmosphere and pace.

Leonid Zankov emphasizes that children need to give time to find an answer even in the most difficult topics, allow them to make mistakes and not scold for it. There will be no sense of knowledge, monotonously dictated by teachers on the textbook. Also in the school curriculum it is necessary to introduce interactive classes - teach natural science in nature, and spending music lessons in the theater.

An individual approach that seems reasonable in the XXI century, was considered innovative in the USSR. Many teachers and psychologists criticized Leonid Vladimirovich. Therefore, after his death, the didactic system was eradicated. She received the second breathing in 1996, becoming a state par with the principles of Daniel Elkonin and Vasily Davydov.

Until 2014, about 30% of schools were engaged in the Sankov system, then his textbooks were removed from the list of recommended to use. But teachers who consider the approaches of the defectologist correctly, still teach children on his concept at their own peril and risk. Like-minded people unites the official site of educational training.


Leonid Zankov chevetically referred to his own health, was afraid of infections. It was especially scary to repeat the life scenario of Lion Vygotsky, which burned down from tuberculosis.

Leonid Vladimirovich's biography ended on November 27, 1977. The cause of death is very natural - the psychologist lived on the 77th year. His body was buried at the introduction of Moscow Cemetery (18th Plot). The tombstone with Zankov divides his spouse. Anna Josephovna Malyuta died on June 19, 1998.


  • 1935 - "Essays of the psychology mentally backward child"
  • 1944 - "Schoolboy's memory, her psychology and pedagogy"
  • 1945 - "Problems of speech, her disorder and aggravation"
  • 1949 - "Memory"
  • 1958 - "The combination of the words of the teacher and the means of visibility in learning"
  • 1960 - "Visuality and activation of students in learning"
  • 1962 - "On the subject and methods of didactic research"
  • 1963 - "On Primary Learning"
  • 1968 - "Didactics and Life"
  • 1973 - "Individual options for the development of younger schoolchildren"
  • 1975 - "Conversations with teachers"
  • 1975 - "Training and Development"

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