Olga Kuzina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Olga Kuzina gained fame as an actress of theater and cinema. The main and secondary roles, played on stage and screen, became bright and memorable. The artist masterfully knows how to build a heroine in the images, disclose the specifics of their characters, the inner world. In the repertoire of the cousin there are comedy, and dramatic work.

Childhood and youth

About children's and adolescent years in the biography of Olga knows little. The actress was born on August 18, 1973 in Leningrad. From the young age, began to be interested in art, after school, he decided that would connect life with the theater.

Personal life

Details of personal life Celebrity prefers not to share with the press. In his youth, while still a student of the Russian Academy of Theatrical Art, became acquainted with the actor Alexander McOn.

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Soon the couple was combined with a marriage, and in 1996, Kuzina presented her husband of Pavel's son. However, the family union lasted not long - in 2000, the spouses divorced. Is the artist in a relationship now, whether she has more children, remains a mystery to fans.

Theater and films

Leaving St. Petersburg, Olga went to Moscow. In the capital, St. Petersburg was admitted to the acting group of the directorial faculty of Rati, studied in the workshop of Mark Zakharov. Giftedness, the texture of the student paid attention to the popular director, and Mark Anatolyevich invited it to Lenk.

Debut work on the Lenkomov scene took place when the girl studied on the 2nd course. It was the role of charming young fans, the daughters of the gardener Antonio in setting a comedy Pierre de Boualersch "Mad Day, or the marriage of Figaro." Already then the audience noted the skill and identity of the young artist.

After graduating from the Russian Academy of Theatrical Art in 1996, Olga came to the "Russian House" theater. Here, its main project was the play "The Last Woman of Senior Juan" under the leadership of the director Vladimir Korovin. In this formulation, on the eponymous play of Leonid Zhukhovitsky, the role of cumbers took the role.

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In 1998, the artist appeared before the public in the project "Theatrical Partnership - 814" Oleg Menshikova "Woe from Wit". In this paper, the director who performed and the role of Alexander Chatsky tried to bring the most appropriate as possible on stage to the classical comedy Alexander Griboyedov. Olga talentedly embodied the image of Sofia Famusa.

After 2 years, she was invited to the Debut Center at the Actor House. Here in the formulation of Vladimir Yachmenhev "Uncle Vanya" in the same name Chekhov play of Kuzina played Elena Andreevna. In the play, she managed to reveal the new faces of the talent, showed the ability to work with deep dramatic images.

With productions on Chekhov's works, the actress faced further work. In 2004, the fans saw it as Masha from the "three sisters". Directed by Vladimir Yachmenov and Yuri Klepikov. The female image, played by Olga, seemed to the public with bright, alive, plausible.

In 2009, the creative piggy bank of Kuzina was replenished with work in the play "I - Seagull" Akope Kazanchyan. In addition, the actress participated in the comedies "Radio Day" and "Election Day" together with the "Quartet and" theater. Since the 2000th, St. Petersburg began working in the Moscow Drama Theater under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Here in the repertoire of the performer have new works and roles.

Thus, the audience saw the faith of Filippovna played by her, in the formulation of the "heart is not a stone" in the comedic play of the Russian classic of Alexander Ostrovsky, in the play "Don Juan" in Elvira. The list of projects reappeared "a crazy day, or the marriage of Figaro", but this time the actress appeared as Susanna. For this work, Olga received the Debut Prize from the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper.

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In parallel with the theater, the cousin of the cousin was developed. The debut on the screen took place for St. Petersburg in 1999 in the series "Simple truths". In a multi-sieuled film, she followed the image of the teacher of English Margarita Valentinovna Vinogradova. In subsequent years, the artist's filmography was replenished with small roles in the series. Among them are "Detectives-5", "Photographer", "Margosha" and others.

In 2012, directed by Renata Litvinova offered Olga to reincarnate to the main heroine Margarita Gauthier in the Rita's Last Fairy Tale. The original philosophical parable allowed the artist to try strength in Arthaus Cinema. In 2013, Kuzina played in the film "Mama-Detective".

Olga Kuzina now

In 2020, the actress rarely appears in public and is not filming the cinema, does not play in the theater. Also, the cousin does not lead accounts in "Instagram" and other social networks, does not post a personal photo.


  • 1999-2000 - "Simple truths"
  • 2002 - "Safety"
  • 2003 - tea, coffee, dance ... "
  • 2006 - "Detectives 5"
  • 2008 - "Photographer"
  • 2008-2010 - Margosha
  • 2009 - "Dirty work"
  • 2012 - "Last Fairy Tale Rita"
  • 2012 - "Freud Method"
  • 2013 - "Mom-Detective"
  • 2014 - "Long Way Home"

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