Lyudmila Shevel - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



In April 2019, Lyudmila Shevel, starred in many well-known Soviet films, decided on stunning recognition. The artist told about Oleg Yankovsky's harassment at the opening of the XXV Film Festival "Literature and Cinema" in Gatchina, who were categorically rejected. The public responded in different ways to the message: Some melted celebrities, and others, as blogger Lena Miro, considered that the actress wanted to get his 15 minutes of glory.

Childhood and youth

In the 10th day of the autumn of the 1958th spouse, Nikolai and Nina Shevel, who lived in Kiev, took congratulations on the appearance of the hear of Lyudmila. The head of the family born in 1925 and the died in 2002, during the Great Patriotic War served as an artillers and met the long-awaited victory in Königsberg. Its archival photos can be found on the personal pages of the daughter in Vkontakte and Facebook.

Since childhood, a girl has grown to melodious art and later graduated from the Music School named after Ringold Gliera in the class of Bandura.

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And after the student got acquainted with the "Anna and Commander," where Alisa Freindlich and Vasily Lanova shone, she decided to tie a professional biography with acting. And in the future firmly followed the dream, to acquire the highest education at the Kiev National University of Theater, Cinema and Television named after Ivan Karpenko-Karog.

"When the time came to submit documents, I took them to theatrical, and the parents deceived, saying what I am doing to the conservatory. And herself went to theatrical with Bandura, so that they thought I was going to the conservatory. Then he had to admit to his sinful act, but the parents took my choice, "recalled the actress in an interview.

Already in the second year of study at the university, the student received the first role in the big cinema, starring in the drama "come passions-face".

Personal life

The lack of attention and in fans of the actress (height 175 cm) never experienced. It was worth it only to appear on the set, as the audience, and colleagues and colleagues fell into the young brown with a shrill look. But only one man could take possession of the beauty with the heart - the second director of Oravagov Alexander Balandin, where Shevel played a major role.

Shortly before the wedding, the curious details of the personal life of the bridegroom revealed - it turned out that he had a son from a civil marriage. Despite this, the celebration still took place. In official relations, lovers were 3 years old, which can be considered a peculiar record for a couple living in different cities. When a legitimate husband twisted the novel on the side, Lyudmila immediately filed on a divorce, without even suspecting that he would go under the crown in half a year.

Lyudmila Shevel with daughter Catherine

The next spouse was a man named Andrei, which was "extremely rich and extremely in love." But harmony and comfort in the family did not rear: the chosen was distinguished by extreme jealousy and raised his hand to his wife about and without. When the actress decided to leave the tormentor, he did not let her go for a long time and, blackmailing a common child, forced to rewrite a 3-room apartment on Vasilyevsky island on himself.

Left without work and livelihood, the star of Soviet cinema spinning as he could - flashed in the episodes of the series, conducted corporate in criminal authorities, organized provincial film festivals. At a similar regional event in Gatchina and his acquaintance with the state security officer and businessman Andrei Titov, grew into a deep strong feeling.

It would seem that the celebrity found the long-awaited female happiness, but she suddenly began to torment the alarms, fears and attacks of panic that a hot beloved man would leave her. So it happened - in 1997, Titov was killed. As they say, the trouble does not come alone: ​​the news of death was so shocked by Lyudmila, that she lost the child who was overlooking.

The only daughter of Catherine went in the footsteps of a talented mother. The heiress graduated from a music school with honors and the acting faculty of St. Petersburg State University, attended the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and was part of the immersive show "Returning", delivered by Mighel.


With the light hand of the director Ernest Yasana, which created "Passion-Mordasti", Shevel began to actively starve. In her rich filmography there was a place and "lonely a hostel", and "Where is the nofette?", And the "dance floor", and the "nights of sinners" and already mentioned "ravines".

From the end of the 90s, the actress increasingly agreed to participate in television series. Behind her virtuoso game, fans watched in the first two parts of the "streets of broken lanterns" and "slaughter force", "Mangown" and "sea devils". In 2010, Lyudmila lit up in the "House of a Big River", and the next year - in Petra First. Testament "and" A4 format ".

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On Russian YouTube and now you can find a video dated on December 8, 2012, where the artist gives an interview with Irina Shikhman in the Female Rod program. In a conversation with a journalistic, the celebrity explained why he tied up with cinema:

"I am unhappy with your acting fate: I could do more, but it does not depend on me. I have suggestions - and good money you can earn, and get good roles, but for this you need to leave for six months. And I can't leave the old sick mother and daughter, which ends with school. "

Lyudmila Shevel now

Lyudmila Nikolaevna has not been filmed in the cinema for a long time, but willingly agreed on an interview and does not bypass television programs. For example, in February 2018, the actress took part in the evening talk show Andrei Malakhov "Hi, Andrei!", The release of which was dedicated to Alexander Mikhailov and his famous filmmakers "Love and Pigeons", "Lonely a hostel" and "men".

The actress is very proud of the creative success of the only daughter, without ceasing to talk about them in personal accounts in social networks. So, on March 5, 2020, the celebrity shared with the subscribers with the clip of the Music Group "Birtman" on the song "Subbohnu", in which her heiress flashed.


  • 1981 - "Passion-Mordesti will come"
  • 1983 - "Dupler begins to act"
  • 1984 - "Heat of Study Land"
  • 1986 - "The Cossack rumped through the valley"
  • 1987 - "Where is the Nofette?"
  • 1990 - "Oragi"
  • 1991 - "Night of sinners"
  • 1993 - "Black Stork"
  • 2005 - "Reed killer"
  • 2005 - "Refrigerator and others"
  • 2006 - "Sea Devils"
  • 2007 - "Bare Law"
  • 2010 - "House of a big river"
  • 2011 - "One write, two in mind"
  • 2011 - "Peter first. Will"
  • 2011 - "A4 format"

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