Valery Brumber - Photo, Biography, Cause of Death, Personal Life, Soviet Attractile



Valery Brumber - an athlete, whose achievements denied the saying "not to jump about head" (with a height of 185 cm, athlete took a height of 228 cm), and a smile - stereotypes about the gloominess and stiffness of Soviet people. The jumper became the same legend of Soviet athletics, like Vladimir Kuts runners and Valery Borzov. As in the biography of the singer Anna Herman, in the fate of Brumel, there were restoration after the hardest accident, and the opposition to the oncological disease.

Childhood and youth

Valery Nikolaevich was born in April 1942 in the village of Intelligence, which now belongs to the Tyndinsky district of the Amur region. The name of the village is not by chance, like finding the parents of the future Olympic champion during the war years in the deep rear. The mother and father of the Soviet athlete - geologists engaged in the Far East of intelligence minerals.

Valera had older sister Emma and two younger brothers, Oleg and Igor. According to Igor Brumel, the mother of the family of Lyudmila Yakovlevna Kolkunov was by nationality of Russian, the ancestors of Father Nikolay Alexandrovich - the British, through Germany, who fell to Russia.

When Valera was 12 years old, Brumberg moved to Voroshilovgrad (now Lugansk). Like his namesake Valery Harlamov, the boy was painful and awkward, and peers constantly teased the son of geologists for long-beaches and fear of height. Once, Valery climbed to the roof of a five-story house, and could not get a clutch, and the future jumper shot a fire team.

Sport was a teenager and a way to overcome himself, and a chance to break out of poverty. Brumber wanted to engage in sports gymnastics, but the section coaches rose a clumsy applicant.

The first guy's deposit to the school teacher of physical education: Valery jumped through the rope, stretched at an altitude of 120 cm. So Brumber came into an easy athletic. Already being a silver medalist of the Championship of Ukraine in high jump and master of sports of the USSR, the young man combined training from Dmitry Obbarus with work in the Lviv Zhilkomba: it was different not to survive.

Personal life

Brumber's personal life was full of tragedies and tests. The athlete was married three times and gave life to three children. The first and third wife was called the same - Svetlana.

In 1963, Valeriy, already three times, recognized as the best athlete of the world, married the Svetlana Lazareva Sportsman Svetlana Lazareva. The firstborn, which emerged in the same year, the parents called Alexander. Family happiness Valera ended after the Kumir of Millions was for a long time at the hospital bed.

In early October 1965, Brumber, after training, was in a hurry home to his wife and son. Tamara Golikov volunteered to throw up the former classmate. The girl sat behind the wheel of a motorcycle, and Valeria put on a passenger seat. On the Embankment of the Yauza "Bike" crashed into a concrete pillar. Tamara was finished with a fright, and the right foot of Brumel turned out to be fragmented and held only on bundles.

The man happened to survive 32 operations (including seven major) and the betrayal of his wife. Svetlana left, leaving his son Valery. Subsequently, she was deprived of parental rights.

To distract from gloomy thoughts, the athlete began writing books. The most famous works of Brumel for all the years of his literary activities were "not change" and "life above the plank".

Books "Height" and "Dr. Nazarov" Valery dedicated to his Savior - Orthopedist Doctor Gabriel Ilizarov, thanks to which he returned to the sport. However, the Sports Renaissance Brumber was short-lived. In the 1969th, the athle was injured - the rupture of knee ligaments, and after a year, Achillovo tendon broke and went into disabilities.

In 1973, the film "Right to the Jump" came out. Brumber advocated both the prototype of the main character of the sports drama, and as a collaboration of the scenario (to create the dramatic basis of the picture of the athlete, Alexander Lapshin helped).

In the same year, Valery married the Olympic champion in equestrian sports Elena Petushkova, the father of which Vladimir Petrovich held the position of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union. In May 1974, Valeria had a daughter Vlad, but soon the champions family broke up, and the girl grew without his father.

Valery Brumber with his wife Svetlana and Son

After 18 years, the athlete gained family happiness with a psychiatrist. Svetlana not only knew how to fight with the attacks of Melancholy Valery, but also gave her husband to the 50th anniversary of the invalid gift - the son of Victor gave birth.

At the age of 6, the world record holder took Vitu to the tennis school, and in an athletics, the junior sibling of the great jumper came in 11 years, after the death of his father. Initially, Victor jumped with a sixth, and then switched to the discipline in which the parent succeeded. In 2010, he became a master of sports. The maximum height that was able to conquer the brown-junior, - 220 cm.


Valery's first sports award was received in 1956, becoming a champion of Voroshilovgrad with a result of 160 cm. In less than 5 years, Bromel improved the world record for jumping in the height in closed rooms, belonging to a dark-skinned American John Thomas. In 1961, the exploration native became the first in the history of the non-American athlete who won the US Championship.

Bromel compared with Yuri Gagarin. Like the world's first cosmonaut, the jumper overcame the earthly attraction. Rodnil Valery with a pioneer of the cosmos and a charming smile with which he was imprinted in all photos.

In 1963, the next victory of Brumel over Thomas and the world record (228 cm) Nikita Khrushchev, who was present at the competitions in Luzhniki, welcomed the exclamation:

"So we showed America Kuzkin Mother!"

The valery jump method was as follows: the seven steps of the runway and three steps with a reclosed speed, then a powerful impulse of the left leg and at the same time vertical wave of the right. Then "flow around" the planks and "noddes", accompanied by pulling the left limbs. Brumber - Silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Rome and the Champion of the Tokyo Olympiad of 1964.


Valery Nikolayevich died on January 23, 2003. The cause of the death of the legendary athlete was cancer. Brumel's grave is located on the Novodevichy Cemetery of the Russian Capital.

In 2012, the name of the jumper received a new aircraft Aeroflot, and in 2018, the central stadium of the Ural city of Kurgan, in which Valery Nikolaevich was treated by Dr. Ilizarov.


  • 1973 - Feature film "Right to jump"
  • 2012 - Airbus A330-343 aircraft named V. Brumel
  • 2018 - Central Stadium in the city of Kurgan received the name Valery Brumber


  • Order of Labor Red Banner
  • Medal "For Labor Valor"


  • 1960 - Silver Medal at the Olympic Games in Rome
  • 1961 - improved the world record for closed rooms at once 5.5 centimeters - 225 cm
  • 1961-1963 - Champion of the USSR
  • 1961 - recognized as the best athlete of the world
  • 1962 - New World Record - 227 cm
  • 1963 - New World Record - 228 cm
  • 1964 - Gold Medal at the Olympic Games in Tokyo

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