TV series "Toxic love" (2019) - Release date, 2021, Russia-1, actors and roles, facts, trailer


On July 10, 2021, the audience of the channel "Russia-1" again saw the TV series "Toxic love", whose outlet date fell on January 252020. The film is dedicated to painful feelings that do not recognize the rules and pushed to a crime. The actors, their roles and interesting facts about the project - in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot - the fate of Oksana, three years waiting for the proposal from Vitaly. After another quarrel, the girl switches to the businessman Egor, who ordered to write the history of vegetarian of his family.

A charming man makes the girl an offer and leads to the elected to the registry office. The hasty decision turned the rapid remorse. Oksana dreams of divorce, but obstacles arise on the way. It turned out that Egor lent the parents to the parents a large amount, to return the relatives are not ready. The random meeting of Oksana and Vitaly turns the situation in the right direction, but the lover of the beloved is dissatisfied with this turn of events.

After one of the family feasts at once, six family members were poisoned, and the heroine remained in suspects, since the only one did not touch in Salat. Now Oksana has to restore justice, calculate the perpetrator in the tragedy and find out the causes of unjustified cruelty.

The screenwriter of the series spoke Alexey Alekseev, familiar to the audience for such projects, as "Elena Lovely", "I go out to look for 2", "Partners".

Director of the project - Valery Ninthilov. For the operator chamber Gennady Sill, in the career of which such televisers like the "queen of gangsters" and "blue lake". The production chair took Natalia Tretyakov (Sklifosovsky, "Life Life").

Actors and roles

The key roles in the TV series "Toxic love" performed:

  • Anna Health - Oksana, editor in the publishing house, which is ready to build a family, but tired of waiting for the suggestion of the beloved;
  • Pavel Savinkov - Vitaly, an indecisive teacher at the university;
  • Roman Polyansky - Businessman Egor, who has begun to write a book about vegetarianism;
  • Yuri Krutnik - Father Egor, Igor Ivanovich, owner of the pawnshobs;
  • Stanislav Tkachenko - Brother of Egor, who did not cope with the loss of loved ones and went to the monastery;
  • Daria Belousova - Mama Oksana, a gambling man whose fate turned out to be intertwined with his daughter's life;
  • Galina Cheruk - graduate student Vitaly, in love with him.

The project also involves: Victoria Adelphin, Andrei Moskvichov, Andrei Bartosh, Elena Korovchuk, Vera Tarasova and others.

Interesting Facts

1. The director of the project Valery Ninthilov received fame after the series "Kulagin and partners", "Varnka. Test of love ", as well as a melodramatic cycle" Rural Detective ".

2. Shooting the project took place in Moscow. Spectators will see the familiar locations of the capital.

3. Despite the fact that the detective line in the TV series "Toxic Love" is traced along with melodramatic, the performers are recognized that it is unequivocal to say, a bad hero or good, is still difficult.

4. Actor Roman Polyansky in an interview told that with the executor of the main character they worked in a multi-sieuled project "Alien Blood", so they felt easily on the set. The artist also noted that there is no scenes of the handfold in a television, but with the kisses "everything was all".

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5. There was no curiosity on the set. According to the scenario, Egor - Vegetarian. The performer had to eat about 10 kg of carrots and asparagus in the frame, although it was not easy.

6. As a result of 2020, the TV series "Toxic love" became the finalist of the "Russian Detective" award in the nomination "The Best Multi-Series".

7. The TV series "Toxic love" scored 5 out of 10 in the audience rating. The audience admitted to the reviews that they were intrigued by the announcement. Negative comments concern the storyline. Meanwhile, judging by the discussion on the network, the audience remained not indifferent to the fate of the main characters and found out whether it was necessary to marry a woman who was not ready to wait until the beloved fell on his feet.

TV series "Toxic love" - ​​Trailer:

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