Vladislav Khodasevich - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Vladislav Khodasevich is called one of the most talented authors of the "White" emigration. His creative heritage is calculated by five poetic collections, dozens of critical articles, biographies of famous people. Like Marina Tsvetaeva, Zinaida Hippius and Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Vladislav Felicianovich perpetuated in poems his sad life path, full of diseases and disappointments.

Childhood and youth

The poet was born on May 28, 1886 in Moscow, then in the Russian Empire. His childhood was held in a fairly secured family of Felitsian Ivanovich Khodasevich, the Pole by nationality and the photographer by the nature of the activity, and the Jewish Sophia Yakovlevna (in the Maiden Bifhman).

The weighty difference in the age (21 years) did not prevent Vladislav Khodasevich to have close relationship with the eldest brother Mikhail, famous lawyer. They even lived together in 1904-1910, while the poet studied at Moscow University (now MSU. M. V. Lomonosov).

By the way, it was on his brother that a young man was taken to the law faculty. The elected profession turned out to be boringly elected profession. In the fall of 1905, he was transferred to the historical and philological faculty, but the woken literary talent and did not allow himself here. As a result, Vladislav Felicianovich has only a general education of the 3rd Moscow gymnasium.

Personal life

Being a creative person, Vladislav Khodasevich often fell in love, and he loved him. After all, judging by the photographs, the poet was albeit a thin, but charming man. His personal life is similar to the swing - behind dizzying novels, disappointment and disobedient drunkenness were followed.

The first serious passion was Marina Erastovna Retinet, "Scripture Beauty of Moscow". She agreed to become a poet's wife on April 17, 1905, and on the eve of the new 1908 declared a break.

Break, which Marina Razina left, Vladislav Khodasevich was striving to close with random connections and fleeting novels. In 1910-1911, he met with Evgenia Vladimirovna Muratova - the former wife of the writer and art historian Pavel Pavlovich Muratov, and then with Anna Ivanovna Bulkova-grenzion.

Vladislav Khodasevich and Nina Berberova

Love torments were accompanied by tragic events - both parents of Khodasevich died with a difference of several months in 1911. It reminded the poet as far as life is speedless, so he threw alcohol and thought about the family. In 1913, Vladislav Felicianovich played a wedding with a chilling-crony.

The most faithful woman in the life of Khodasevich was Nina Nikolaevna Berberov, poetess. They met in December 1921 and fell in love without memory, but did not become legal spouses. Together we experienced emigration and remained good friends, fear in April 1932.

Olga Borisovna Margolina, Jewish, became the last love of Khodasevich. Their wedding took place in 1933.

The poet did not leave the poet.


Khodasevich made a popular first compilation "Youth" (1908). Most of the poems, for example, "behind snow", "Flower of Ivana Night", "Rings", were devoted to Marina Maritcome. Thin and fresh poetry attracted publishers, and therefore in subsequent years Vladislav Felicianovich was engaged in literary labor - translated works with Jewish to Russian, wrote critical articles and feuilleons.

By the time the release of the second collection, the "Happy Domik" (1914), Khodasevich was considered a promising Russian author. He was invited to work in the leading newspapers "Russian Vedomosti", "Morning Russia", "New Life". The poet tried not to miss the opportunity, printed everywhere.

Political events of 1917 Vladislav Khodasevich perceived enthusiastically and even thought to join the Bolsheviks after the October Revolution. But I understood it in time - you will have to tie with literature. Finally, making a choice, released a collection "by grain" (1920). It opens with the poem of the same name, which is so written about 1917:

"And you, my country, and you, her people

I will die and come to life by passing through this year. "

Then neither Vladislav Khodasevich, nor his spouse Nina Berberov implied that Russia stands on the threshold of a new building. Going on a trip to Berlin in 1922, the spouses did not imagine that the road to their homeland was now closed. In 1925, they finally immigrated to Paris.

However, if not expulsion, poets would not get acquainted with their great contemporaries - the vivid representatives of Akmeism Anna Akhmatova and Nikolai Gumilev, as well as symbols Zinaida Hippius and Andrei White.

The last book of Khodasevich, published during his life in Russia, was the collection "Heavy Lira" (1922). It contains the poems "Music", "Psyche! Poor is mine! .. "," on tight spiers ... "," Ballad "and others.

The poetic path of Khodasevich completed the "Meeting of Poems" (1927), where, in addition to the existing works already available, the cycle "European Night" and new poems "I need to go to the lazari ...", "Memory of Cat Murra", "in front of the mirror", "Monument", changed "Acrobat", etc.

To the sunset of life, Vladislav Felicianovich has accumulated dozens of "dossier" on colleagues-writers - Maxim Gorky, Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Zinaida Hippius. He wanted to write their biographies. An excellent example was the book "Derzhavin" (1931).

Then Khodasevich, being a Pushkin, sought to truthfully tell the story of Alexander Pushkin. But I realized that the collection and processing of the material will take at least 2-3 years, so refused to such a global idea. As an alternative to his bibliography, an essay "On Pushkin" (1937) appeared.

Found in the works of Khodasevich the place for himself. To open the curtain of the mystery, which covered the life of the poet, help the memoirs "White Corridor" (1937) and "Necropolis. Memories "(1939).


Vladislav Khodasevich did not differ strong health: in 1910-1911, he was tormented by pulmonary failure, in 1916-1917 - the tuberculosis of the spine, and in the 1920s Furunculese. It is not only a weak immunity, but also historical scenery. During the Civil War, for example, the poet was hungry and lived in such poor conditions that constantly Merz.

At the order of the 1930s, the state of the health of Vladislav Felicianovich was rapidly deteriorating. The poet was stupid, could not eat food, tormented by spasms in the area of ​​the stomach. Doctors - neither Russian nor French - could not determine the diagnosis, leaning towards oncology or intestinal disease. But persistently recommended to conduct an operation.

Khodasevich was operated on June 13, 1939 in the hospital of Brussa. He died the next day, not coming into consciousness. The cause of death was a disease that no doctor was identified - the stones in the bustling bubble.

Forgated with the poet of all the "white" emigration in the Greek Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity. The body rests in the suburb of Paris - in the Cemetery Boulog-Biancur, where even by that time there were enough Russian graves.


  • 1907 - "Youth: The first book of poems"
  • 1914 - "Happy lodge: the second book of poems"
  • 1920 - "By grain: the third book of poems"
  • 1922 - "Heavy Lira: Fourth Book of Poems"
  • 1927 - "Meeting of Poems"
  • 1931 - "Derzhavin"
  • 1937 - "On Pushkin"
  • 1937 - "White Corridor"
  • 1939 - "Necropolis: Memories"

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