Filyus Kagirov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



The raging pandemic of coronavirus infection in the spring of 2020 confused many plans of people around the world and made unacceptable conducting mass events. I did not bypass this fate and phylus Kagirov. He had to postpone the annual tour of the cities and districts of Russia, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan to autumn and cancel European tour in Frankfurt, Berlin, Prague and Vienna. In addition, the singer was scheduled to rest in the United States, but he was impossible.

Childhood and youth

In the Second November Day of 1986, Phagima Kagirova, who lived in the small village of Kilimovo Babdijski district Bashkortostan, was born Son Filyus. If you believe the interpretation of such a beautiful name, then it, going to the Persian Firuz, means "victorious". A little earlier in the family took congratulations on the appearance of the eldest daughter Layisan.

From an early age, the boy hit the scene. He received the first experience of the presentation in the public in the kindergarten and, studying at the local secondary school, visited vocal sights, becoming a laureate of the "My Favorite Song" competition.

Initially, parents were categorically opposed to the heir to associate his biography with creativity. The mother worked as an accountant, the father worked as a driver and dreamed that the Son would acquire a serious profession of a lawyer, despite the fact that Locho himself coped with Harmonew, loved to sing and dance.

At the end of the nine classes of the young man, who never reworked adults, suddenly showed character and went to enter the October Music School. After released from an educational institution in 2006, the guy conquered the Kazan State Conservatory named after Nazib Zhiganov, thereby fulfilling the cherished dream of childhood - to live in the capital of Tatarstan.

During his stay at the university, the student managed to win the Grand Prix of the International Festival named after Rashid Vagapov, and later the republican Award named after Jalil's Musa.

On the personal page in the Social Network "Instagram", the artist willingly shares with subscribers memories from the past. For example, the singer spoke about a fun story that happened to him and his best friend Danis on the river. And also mentioned how they were built with fellow chalash in the forest, where they spent the days.

Personal life

The personal life of Filyus arranged in 2012, when he took his wife to his wife Elmir Kashapov, who appeared on February 9, 1986 in the village of Bompyan, located near the town of Oktyabrsky. Photos from the wedding celebration fans can be seen in a video posted by an artist on January 6, 2018 in a personal account in "Instagram". There are also touching pictures of children and relatives, although the man confessed that far from the Internet and indifferent to social networks.

On May 26, the Olympiad 2014th spouse gave the singer of the firstborn - the son of Idar, and in 3 years, March 16, 2017, came the turn and younger Rustam. In the boys, the happy father of the soul does not make up, trying to indulge and protect them.

Over time, your favorite woman has become the main assistant to her husband, his concert director and administrator. Now it is enough for her strength and on the development of incruises cruise business.

When free minutes are issued, Kagirov is eagerly engaged in sports, plays football, billiards and paintball, visits the gyms, follows the events in the world of hockey and is chosen for fishing.

In 2014, in the heading "Svetsky Kaleidoscope" of the socio-political newspaper Evening Kazan, it was described that Filus Figimovich was forced to lose weight to the premiere of the Opera Romeo and Juliet. They say, the accompanist did not suit the weight of the soloist, approaching 90 kg.

"My car, Bashkir cuisine and the propensity of completeness are to blame. Before the New Year holidays, I was normal for my 180 cm of growth. But I drove home, and there is a knot (a huge pie, in which so much meat, so many potatoes), soups Mamina, when the beef, duck, goose and chicken are boiled together ... Yes, I love to eat, "he was joined.


"When I received a conservatory, I did not think to combine study with concert activities. Fate decided the case - my teacher Zilu Sungatullina advised me to take part in the Vagapov festival. There I met Rifat Fattakhov, who offered me to work together, "the artist remembered the beginning of the creative path.

Together with the producer, the rising star went to his first foreign tour to Germany and Poland, where the public with the delight of the hands-up of Tatar retro and popular compositions of the 70-80s.

The repertoire of Tatar Nikolay Baskov is amazed by a variety - folk songs ("Imavennere Shauly") are adjacent to the lines of past years, and the classic is interspersed with high-quality pop ("Kaida Sin"). By the way, the celebrity was often criticized for what often bets on old hits. The artist agreed with this, stating that now very few authors who can create really mental music, and to sing what he does not want, he will not.

In 2014, the Contractor issued an album "Zhyrlarymda Sin Bar ...", which includes writings on poets of Nazara Nazarmi ("Yucca Tugel, Yucca Tugelder") and Robert Minnullina ("Soңdir Shul, Soңdir"), Tatar ("җankai-җanash" , "Idellә-Kulәre") and Bashkir ("Kara Yurga") National works.

The singer tried himself in opera art. Kagirov is listed by the invited soloist in the Tagotoib named after Musa Jalil, where in 2018 first went on stage as Shah-Ali in Opere Syumbik. The very same lyrical tenor dreamed of reincarnation in Vladimir Lensky in Evgenia Onegin.

Filyus Kagirov Now

In the 2020th, interested in listeners inelen on Ber Zyli SUZ and Kisek Kazh Yullara, Kagirov released the album of 2017 "YuxNma Utokanna" on digital platforms. Among other songs here there was a duet with Gulnaz Sultanova - the clip on the Joint Sular Keege Amemi song is stored on the Minnikhanov Production Youtyub Channel.

In addition, the star of Tatar and Bashkir pop has replenished the discography with a plate "Saf Hisla Maebbet", fulfilling Hit "Botn Narse Sina Hatterlet" with Alsu Abelkhanova.

In parallel with the main musical activity, Filyus continues to work at the Opera and Ballet Theater of Jalil (for December, the premiere of the performance "Altyn Kazan" is planned with his participation) and teach academic vocals in the Naziv Zhiganov native conservatory.


  • 2014 - "Zhyrlarymda Sin Bar ..."
  • 2017 - Juxynma Utokanne
  • 2020 - "Saf Hisla Meebbet"

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