Julia Ivanchenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



Yulia Ivanchenko - Member of the Realistic Show "House-2" produced by the TNT channel. She fell on the project's shooting platform in the summer of 2020 and attracted the attention of the audience with non-standard recognition.

Childhood and youth

Julia was born on January 30, 1994 in Rostov-on-Don. Her maiden name - Buryndina. Living in a provincial city, she did not strive to obtain higher education and did not differ in career ambitions, so the youth was not marked by special achievements. Having stayed on the decret until 2016, I went to work and settled in a clothing store for the post of a seller-consultant.

Personal life

Julia Ivanchenko's biography is not much different from thousands of residents of small towns that come to CETinti TNT. She fell to the project "Dom-2" thanks to the unsuccessful history of love. The girl married early enough, and a child appeared in almost immediately in the family. In 2012, Julia presented his wife's daughter, and later her husband left her. Disagreements and misunderstandings arising in the family led to the fact that he has changed the chosen.

The idea of ​​going to see potential candidates for filming in "House-2" was born after the father of Julian child began to appear - a member of the show Vyacheslav Ivanchenko. Some time after parting with his wife, he lived with a girl named Anastasia, and later went to seek love on television. According to Vyacheslav himself, his spouse also did not differ in loyalty. New Yurya Julia turned out to be a certain Yuri Boke.

The purpose of the appearance of Ivanchenko on the show was the return of the beloved and family recovery. She dreams of establishing a personal life and raise her daughter together with a legitimate spouse.

Julia has personal pages in VKontakte and In Stagram, where she publishes a photo from the past life in the company of a child and loved ones, and now pictures from the site of a popular show.

The growth and weight of Ivanchenko remain unknown.

"House 2"

The arrival of Rosovchanka to the project took place on June 8, 2020. On the frontal spot, Julia declared his intention to return the spouse, despite the fact that he had already managed to start building relations with the participants of Realvest.

Vyacheslav was confused due to the appearance on the wife's playground. By the time he managed to decide on a sympathy for Selena Meyer and Irina Nakhimi and hoped for a response from their part. In addition, Ivanchenko has created a reputation as an abandoned husband left with a child in his arms.

To deal with who of the spouses is trying to deceive the audience and the project participants, they were dedicated to the regular analysis of the week in the Borodin show against Buzova. A former guy of Yulia took part in the program, who honestly told the margin of their relationship.

What is happening in the air caused an ambiguous reaction from observers. Most of the project colleagues decided that the family simply wants to linger on the project to earn popularity and fees. Stepan Menchikov suggested that Ivanchenko was planned in advance the parish at Dom-2.

Despite the negative, which came towards the couple, they decided to resume relations. Help this was the leading realistic show Andrei Cherkasov. He organized a psychological training for the family couple. Session-broadcast session with a specialist provoked a perturbation from the public. The audience characterized participants as "Gopniks". Vyacheslav even had to stand up for his family.

For some time, Selena Mayer tried to return the attention of Rosovchanin, but she began to criticize for an attempt to lead a man from Julia, and she retreated.

Julia Ivanchenko now

Rosovchanka found support in the person of the TV presenter and singer Olga Buzova. Understanding which emotions had to survive the girl because of parting and what power they needed to re-attract the attention of her husband, she proposed Julia to participate in the "reboot". The transmission that flows into the air of the TNT channel helps women with a challenging fate survive the present transformation.

Noting that Ivanchenko changed for the better since the first appearance on the frontal place, Buzova supports the participant in every possible way.

Julia himself commented that the atmosphere of the show was located to approach with her husband. Now in their relationship there are forgotten heat and tenderness. In 2020, the couple continues to build love in front of millions of television viewers.

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