Andrey Kozitsyn - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Director UGMK 2021



Andrei Kozitsyn - a businessman who has passed the path from the worker to the general director of the UMMC. The entrepreneur is often referred to as the Ural Vitaly Federmenser, since for his small motherland, the head of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company made as much as Vitaly Alexandrovich for the Condusto.

Childhood and youth

The members of the List "Forbes" was born at the beginning of the summer of 1960 in the upper pyshma. There are practically nothing about parents and early biography of an effective manager. 3 years earlier, Andrei Anatolyevich, his brother Alexander appeared. The relative and comrades of the AGMK general director died on January 5, 2009 in an accident, which happened in the Leningrad region.

When Andrei was 13 years old, the teenager pulled out from the Pyshma River, the name of which is translated from Mansi's Language as "quiet," the teaching girl and got the medal "for the salvation of drowning". The 40th US President Ronald Reagan, who worked as a rescuer on the Rock River River from 15 years, showed a similar prowess in his youth.

After graduating from the Verkhneprivine boarding school number 1, Kozitsyn Jr. entered the Sverdlovsk Mountain Technical Church named after Ivan Polzunov. Now the oldest professional educational institution of Yekaterinburg, founded in 1724, is called the Ural State College named after I. I. Polzunov.

In the youth of Career Andrei Anatolyevich interrupted to the service in the Soviet army. Giving the Motherland a debt, the young electric bellario in the early 80s of the 20th century returned to the Uralelectromed Combine in his hometown. At this time, the older brother of the young man began to build a career at the Moscow Automobile Plant named after I. A. Likhachev.

Personal life

About the personal life of Andrei Anatolyevich information is not enough. It is married, but the photo with his wife practically does not make it possible, the family of the oligarch has long moved to the Russian capital.

Father's pride is the only daughter of Masha. Maria Kozitsyn with a gold medal graduated from Lomonosovskaya Private School "Intek", located in the Moscow House of the Cottage Cottage "Monolith" on Novorizhskoye highway, and entered the Economic Faculty of HCE. The only heir of the status of 4 more than a billion is one of the most enviable Russian brides.

Hobbies oligarch - History of weapons. In the upper pyshma, with the personal participation of Kozitsyn on the territory of the Uralelectromeda plant, the Museum "Combat Glory of the Urals" is opened, in which dozens of aircraft, armored trains and conveyors of the time of war are exposed.

Andrei Anatolyevich is also fond of hunting, driving on a motorcycle, volleyball and basketball. Kozitsyn - President of the Charitable Foundation "Children of Russia".


The career growth of Andrei Anatolyevich was rapid. By the time of completion in 1993, the Metallurgical Faculty of the Ural Polytechnic Institute, the former electric belly held the position of commercial director of his native enterprise. Before that, a man managed to work as a head of the Department of Cypia and the head of the equipment department.

In 1995, Kozitsyn became the general director of the Uralelectromed Combine, and after another 4 years he headed UGMK - a company created on the basis of Uralelectromby Iskandar Makhmudov, Uzbek by nationality. Now under the control of the UGMK-Holding there are more than 40 enterprises related not only to color and ferrous metallurgy, but also to the construction and agro-industrial complex.

The population of the city during the leadership of Andrei Anatolyevich Grado-forming enterprise increased by a third and now is about 73 thousand people. In the upper pyshma there are two Orthodox churches and a mosque, a 3D cinema and a city pool, two sports palaces (ice and ordinary) and even the only private university in Russia, which gives engineering education, the UMMC Technical University. The institute has a monument to the Russian scientist-Metallurgist Vladimir Gruzh-Mramiahlo.

Andrei Kozitsyn now

In May 2020, the Son of Iskander Makhmudova Jahongyr was appointed Director of Transformation UMMC, and therefore began to vote about the possibility of emergency resignation of Kozitsyn from the post of general director of the company. To strengthen its position, Andrei Anatolyevich convinces the authorities of Yekaterinburg to give concession on urban transport of UMMC, not a competing company Sinara, headed by Dmitry Pumpyansky.

In order to interest the governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Yevgeny Kuivasheva, Kozitsyn offered to the Governors of the Governors of the World Combat Games-2022 in the regional center of Martial Arts. UMMC implies to take part in the construction of the main platform of the competition - the Dzudo Palace.

On June 24, 2020, a new "Personal Calculation" exhibition center was opened in Upper Pyshma, dedicated to the history of the Russian and Soviet military wits. And in the square of the military glory of the city there was an alley of the heroes-Frontovikov.

On July 27, 2020, the first six ambulances from 30 cars were arrived in Yekaterinburg, which Andrei Anatolyevich, together with the head of the Russian copper company Igor Altushkin and the head of Sima Lend Andrei Simanovsky, are going to put in the capital of the Urals. Purchase cost businessmen at 135 million rubles.

Altushkin and Kozitsyn also reported readiness to invest in the reconstruction of the hospital in the Yekaterinburg microdistrict a green grove. In November 2019, in Yekaterinburg, with the participation of the businessman, the second phase of the private clinic "UMMC-Health" opened, including the hospital with the laboratory of extracorporeal fertilization and children's hospital.


  • 1999 - Order of Friendship
  • 2000 - Diploma "Best Manager of Russia"
  • 2004 - elected a valid member of the Academy of Mining Sciences
  • 2005 - the Order of St. Surphim Sarovsky III degree
  • 2006 - the Order of St. John Sacred Martyr, Archbishop of Riga II degree
  • 2007 - Order of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh II degree
  • 2008 - International Prize Andrei First-Called "For Faith and Liability"
  • 2008 - Order of Honor
  • 2009 - Order of the Rev. Andrei Rublev III degree
  • 2009 - Honorary Professor of the Ural State Economic University
  • 2011 - Order of St. Saint Seraphim of Sarovsky I degree
  • 2014 - Cavalier of the Commander Cross I degree of the honorary sign "For merits to the Austrian Republic"
  • 2014 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree

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