Nastya Kos - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blogger 2021



Nastya Kos has turned into a popular Liker in a few months. The secret of the success of a blogger in a special sense of humor, children's immediacy, original video and feeding material. In addition, the heroine of the rollers on Yutubeub is known as the photographer and model. And now Anastasia tried himself in the new role - began to record and execute songs.

Childhood and youth

About children's and teenage years in the biography of the blogger knows a little. The real name of the Liker specified in VKontakte is Anastasia Vasina. She was born in Moscow (according to other sources, in Mozhaisk) on April 4, 1990 (on the sign of the Zodiac Aries). Parents Kos has also the youngest daughter of Polina. It was she who recommended a relative register in the Likee application.

In childhood, Vasina attracted the world of cinema and photography. After graduating from high school, she entered VGIK, where he received a specialty "film operator". The knowledge gained in the university has later allowed to create their own unique content.

Personal life

Fans, who follow the personal life of Muscovites, noticed that since 2019, another popular blogger Makar Karelin began to appear in the rollers. The couple not only created joint video, but also appeared at the Festivals of Likers, laid out common photos, kissed in public.
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Fans learned that there is a difference between the in love - Nastya is 7 years older than the guy. The public believes that they are great fit each other: charming blond girl and a pretty dark-haired guy made up a beautiful pair. But there are those who consider Roman fiction.


The blogger began for Nastya in 2013, when she started an account in "Instagram" and Anastasiakosh Youtyub-Channel. For a long time, Vasina developed these pages, but they did not use the audience for several years. Everything has changed when Singapore Likee Platform opened in July 2017.

This application allowed users to create and share a short video of a musical, dance and humorous nature. Like immediately interested the young public, became a springboard for the development of many Likers. By registering on the platform, Nastya began to give out the original content that came to taste to taste.

As a central genre of the rollers, a humor chose humor. Skatchi, Vaine, close and understandable youth, even without translation, began to gain a huge number of views. Soon, Dance-videos were added to them, in which the fans saw both Anastasia and Makara Karelina.

The blogger quickly gained fans who called "Dolphins". The audience of Liker was the schoolchildren of secondary classes. Popularity in Likee allowed Nastya raising ratings and its Youtyub-Channel. The rollers of 2018 were distinguished by theme. Here she shared with the public master classes, training the basics of installation and operator work, taught how to put frames, how to do Slow-Mo.

Several video Lyker devoted a trip to Spain, where within the framework of the Rum-Tour introduced subscribers with a room in which he lived, and also showed a spectacular firework at the San Juan holiday. The younger sister of Anastasia Polina began to appear in the rollers of this period. Together, sisters participated in several Challenges.

A special popularity among the public found a video called "Subscribers manage my life." Throughout the day, the cat appealed to fans with a request to vote for this or that action. For example, what kind of clothing to choose for a trip to the cultural and educational center "Ethno World", give up or stay without makeup.

Together with Nastya, Polina appeared in this video: the audience has chosen the sisters joint travel option. Feeling that such a format liked fans, the blogger began to regularly connect a relative to the video content. In 2019, "Family" video continued to appear on Anastasiakosh Channel.

Nastya Kosh and Milan Nekrasov

So, the girls went to the concert of Imagine Dragons, tried to paint with closed eyes, and then scare passersby on the street. Anastasia often made issues and answers to the questions of Follovier. Incredible popularity received rollers about slimes - the jelly-like mass, which can be mounted in hand.

Kos talked about the properties of these toys, disassembled the types of masses, showed new acquisitions in the collection and even made a report from the Slymest Festival. Also, the subscribers rated the analysis of the Nastya most viewed video with Likee, some then she tried to repeat along with her mother.

Increasingly on the Yutiub-Channel and in "Instagram" celebrities in 2019, videos were laid out with Makar. In one of the stereos, friends were incorrectly expressed in relation to another blogger - the young Milan Nekrasova, which Karelin called Milan Gogun. Considering himself offended, Nekrasova posted a video in which he stated that he was offended by the cat and would no longer be friends with her.

Nastya Kos now

In 2020, Anastasia continues to withdraw new issues for Yutiuba and the Likee platform, leads an account in "Instagram". In early January, she spoke at the Like Party Festival, where he performed the song "We - Dolphins". In addition, on the page in Vkontakte and Instagram Account introduced a new solo composition called "Ice".

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