J List - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, DJ, Producer 2021



DJ List is included in the list of the best DJs in the world. In his tracks, he skillfully mixes electronic music with Krishnath mantras, and this mixture on raves literally literals listeners and adjusts them to the right life of the way. For example, on refusal of material values. DJ List himself, with visible creative success, believes that the music is his hobby, and the main value is to be a happy person daily.

Childhood and youth

Real name DJ - Alexander Valerevich Glukhov. His biography began in Moscow on October 30, 1975. Interestingly, one of the most extraordinary personalities in the Russian show business was brought up by a teacher and radio engineer.

First, DJ List was ruled by an ordinary child - attended all the mugs in the pioneer camps, loved to make a tiny material. And in his youth heard trans-music and disappeared. Since then, he was asked to "twist discs" on school discos. The number of parties increased rapidly, and the underground sale of tickets brought a stable earnings to Alexander.

The father of the house of Glukhov left for 16 years. Then the family told him:

"He received a passport - it means a full-fledged citizen of the USSR, who is able to live alone and provide himself."

True, the noman dreams of the future of the musician did not realize immediately. To feed yourself, Alexander sold leather jackets on the market in Luzhniki.

Personal life

Once in an interview with DJ List, it shared that the strongest all he likes the quiet and stop-up women who actually keep control in their hands."You think this is such a little girl, and in fact the flower of you taxes!" - Musician laughed.

Not against him and aggressive women. What exactly the type refers to Irena Ponarushka, the elect, Alexander Glukhov, helps to understand their common interview with Vegetarian magazine.

The couple became acquainted with the extravagant along the DJ List. TV presenter saw him, from the head to the feet of the closed in snow-white, on a rainy autumn day.

"" "Good boots, you have to take," I thought, stopped the car, opened the window and said: "Hi", "she shared in a conversation with Vegetarian.

By that time, Irena often appeared on MTV. Once, Alexander saw her on the TV and fascinated.

Lovers typ the sublime relationships. For example, they still call each other on "you", extremely rarely allowed a panibrate. But her husband and wife Alexander Glukhov and Irena was still in December 2010. True, for forced circumstances - the TV presenter was already under the heart of the firstborn.

Now in the family is raised by Seraphim, which was born on March 31, 2011 due to domestic birth, and Theodore, born on October 24, 2018. The firstborn often appears in the "Instagram" DJ List. Their joint photographs are accompanied by Hesteg "Zakona and Sypropik".

In September 2019, Glukhov said in "Instagram" that the first divorce announced.

"What happens to our country? My wife announced a divorce! Is it after all? Baba - creatures! Is this because modern, honest and cool? I was just even, loved my children, I wanted simple human happiness. Men! This age has rotted. Do not believe your babam! You are fooling hard! " - wrote a musician.

It is not known what happened next, but the next day DJ List deleted this post and wrote a new one:

"Ufff! Sorry, I'm not angry! Could not cope with feelings! Immersive impulse eclipsed mind! Passion always leads to suffering! The brain just turned on (fortunately)! Love to all!"

Soon, this publication disappeared from "Instagram".

Irena Ponaroshka, unlike the spouse, decided not to take sorrows from the hut and his personal life would not be discussed. Until now, it is not reliably known, whether everything is in order in the DJ family and TV presenter.

Alexander adheres to vegetarian food from 22 years. His worldview, in turn, had an impact on Irene, although she adored kebabs to acquaintance with the musician. Couple engaged in yoga together, avoids the reception of medicines without acute need. In a word, lives on the energy of the sun.


DJ List "born" in 1991. To unwind, the newly connected artist recorded several cassettes with selected tracks at his own expense. The innovative material "shot" is so powerful that only 2 years later, Alexander Glukhov was invited to speak at Kazantype.

The new decade DJ List began with the Album "List Falls", which was written under the impression of traveling to India. For the first time in music, ethnic messs and mantras appeared.

The novelty came to listeners to taste, and sales increased. Ratings are really impressive: in 2000, the cassette of the performer was separated by a circulation of 150 thousand copies. True, then his music was easier than now. One of the hits of those years - Tu Tu Wai Hai, written in collaboration with DJ Aqueel. Yes, and the album "List Fall" is considered the best in DJ List discography. Alexander Glukhov loves to say:

"DJ is one who can competently build a certain mood."

In the albums of 2003, "Thaw" and "Synophasotron-Starship" are promoted by conscious youth and relaxed, aimed at a positive way. Next, from the plate to the record, in the tracks DJ List, calls for self-realization, spiritual growth and krishnaism began to appear.

Since the "KaZantipa" DJ managed to play such legendary fields of electronic music as Space on Ibiza - in the club capital of the world, Global Gathering Belarus, Alfa Future People. And this is despite the fact that Alexander is afraid of a large cluster of people. He claims: His desire to give the mood to people is a space-safer savory.

In general, DJ List talks about yourself like this:

"I am a sinker, a rogue and a deceiver, a gangster with a big road, and not an artist, not a star, I don't want to become popular, the fees are not interested in me."

The desire to remain unnoticed truthfully. Glukhov considers his comrades who recognize on the street, unhappy people, because they have no right to personal life and personal space.

"Famous people are hard to find the second half and reveal the heart chakra, because public opinion forms the wrong attitude towards life. Therefore, I do not strive to be famous in a broad sense, "notes DJ List.

In 2017, he founded Listopad Record and became producer. True, what exactly artists already unwind, remains a mystery. In the official account of the label in "Instagram" while only the list posters only.


In the spring of 2020, due to the epidemiological situation, Alexander Glukhov performed in the online mode, but as soon as nightclubs and the open-air dance floor opened their doors, went on tour. While the most popular geolocation for meeting with DJ - Crimea and Krasnodar region.

In November 2019, DJ List stated in "Instagram", which records a new album. The material has not yet come out, but during a pandemic, the musician presented separate tracks.


  • 2000 - "Listopad"
  • 2001 - Maha Prasad
  • 2001 - "Colors"
  • 2002 - "Moscow Paris"
  • 2004 - The Chillout Lounge Session
  • 2005 - 4 Oceans
  • 2006 - ListOpad 2
  • 2008 - Vesna.
  • 2009 - ListOpad 3
  • 2010 - ListOpad 4
  • 2010 - Up2YOU.
  • 2017 - Rasa Lila
  • 2017 - Merry Krishna's
  • 2018 - Zvezda.
  • 2018 - Prana.
  • 2018 - Kundalini Meditation

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