Polyclet - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Sculptor 2021



The concept of the canon of the polyclet is known to those who are interested in art. The harmony of proportions and the proportionality of the parts as the basis of the beautiful was installed an ancient Greek sculptor a lot of centuries ago, and to this day this law in the field of aesthetics remains unreasonable.


In the legacy of the sculptor, dozens of statues remained a sample of classical beauty, but information about his biography is mostly vague and vague. He was called a policle from Argos, and therefore it can be assumed that he was born in the northeast of Peloponnese. The date of birth of the Greek is calculated using the Plato dialogues, where his name is mentioned, and it is assumed that he was born about 480 to N. NS. According to another version, the birthplace of the sculptor was the ancient Greek city of Sikion, standing in the depths of the Corinth Gulf.

Personal life

The personal life of the polyclet is not more known than about its origin. He all dedicated himself to creativity, and therefore it was not possible that the family could not be paid to the family. At the same time, ancient Greece presented the world of other creators with the same name, which researchers are considered the closest relatives of the sculptor. For example, the junior policlet is an architect who worked in the middle of the 4th century BC. e., is considered a nephew or a brother of the older name. The other polyclet is mentioned, also a sculptor who worked in the first half of the 4th century to n. NS.


The skill of the young man has compiled in Ageliad - an ancient Greek breaker who led the Argos school. The work of the teacher was not preserved, but it is believed that he was the author of Poseidon's statue found in the Aegean Sea.

However, the mastery of the mentor is judged by the successes of students, among which they are supposed to be FIDIA and Miron. It is they who are coupled with a policlet are considered the best representatives of the classical art of ancient Greece.

And, perhaps, only FIDI walked around a policlet in glory and recognition from contemporaries. They were praised and revered as the finest masters, whose work could only scare away from the sculpture: the perfection of the statues of the sculpses was too untreated.

The polyclet created the bodies of the athletes, the Olympians and the gods. The innovation of the work was that the master attached to the figures internal movement. This was achieved by applying chiasm, when the composition was built on the principle of cross-unevenness, with the help of which the alternation of peace and tension was created. The sculptor contributed to the culture, leaving the law of the Frontality in the past, according to which the statues "were built" symmetrically vertical axis. In such sculptures like Istukan, there was no dynamics.

The description of the aesthetic ideal, the polyclet dedicated to the "Canon" treatise, which, with mathematical accuracy, determined the system of symmetries - the optimal ratios of parts and the whole underlying the perfect. Based on this theory, the sculptor created harmonious statues, among which "wounded Amazon", "Diadumen", "Gera Argos".

Dorifina (speynosen) is considered the top of the master's creativity, which is the relief young man - the Olympic winner. The free relaxed body of the statue is filled with rhythm, which is achieved by cross-equilibrium shoulders and hips. Such effect is characteristic of the "Discophera", "Apoxiomen" and other sculptures of the Greek, which are full of life.


The date and cause of the death of the sculptor are covered with dust times. He died in the 5th century BC. NS. And left behind the richest heritage and the Ppiad of the students who began to continue the traditions laid down by the Master. The Greek School existed until the beginning of the 3rd century BC. NS. Dozens of followers came out of it, the most famous belongs to Navkud, Patrole and Dinomen.

The bronze originals of the work of the polyclet are not preserved, and the works are restored according to the ancient Roman copies of marble. Replicas of his statues decorate the collection of the best museums of the planet.

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