Sergey Yerezkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Journalist 2021



At the end of June 2020 Ksenia Sobchak, together with his film crew, went to the Sverdlovsk region to figure out what was happening in the Central Ural Women's Monastery, "captured" Suligumen Sergius. The creation of a documentary has passed far from smoothly. In the course of the monastery of journalists were not allowed, during the scuffle, Konstantin Bogomolov was pushed to the ground, and Sergey Yrezhenkov's director Sergey and broke his hand at all.

Childhood and youth

In the fall of 1986, September 23, in the capital of the USSR, the son of Seryozha's son was born in the spouses. It is known that the history of his family is tightly connected with the city of Kasimov Ryazan region.

"All my grandparents are buried here, there, in a historic homeland, my mother was buried - it was her last will. I myself was born in Moscow, but I am 3-4 times a year in Casimov. In this city, I know every street, and I know his story, perhaps even better than those who put to manage it, "the director said in an interview.

Historic Motherland Yerezkova became the main character of the documentary film "Corree: As the province kills himself on quarantine," Ksenia Sobchak worked on a couple with Sergey. The latter explained that the creation of the tape was pushed by a distinction for the fate of the settlement, where the graves of his ancestors are located.

About higher education men are not provided. But thanks to the personal page in Vkontakte, it turned out that in 2003 he released from the educational complex No. 1858, where all his school years was sitting on Kamchatka. In a personal account in "Instagram", rare photos of the beloved mother often flashed, who left this world on November 23, 2017.

Personal life

Yershenkov does not hide a personal life from prying eyes and willingly publishes photos of two main heroines in social networks - Anna Cuppes and daughter's wife, presumably, from the first marriage of Alexandra. On April 23, 2020, the girl, who father calls his beauty and the main achievement, celebrated the 10th anniversary.

The chief of the director was born on February 12, 1988 in Nakhodka, studied at the local school number 10 and acquired a higher education at the journalism. In 2017, she worked as a chef producer on RBC, and now removes special projects on the TV channel "Rain".

In official marriage, lovers entered July 23, 2016, after four years of relationship. On the day of the wedding passed in Vladivostok, as follows from the Anna page in "Instagram", she "nervously rusted", drunk vodka, ran barefoot on the stern in the rain and sang songs under the guitar. And the head of the family later admitted that at first actively rebelled against the press in the passport, but in the end it turned out not so painful.

"That day it was, on the contrary, romantic: Vladivostok, salted sea, splashes, waves, bridges and green hills ... It was wonderful, just for this, it was worth going there! And printing in the passport - well, printing and printing ... The main thing - nothing fundamentally changed in us and our relationship, "Sergey added.


Before being in the state "Rain" in 2014, Sergey was a correspondent in the Profession - Reporter program on NTV and in weekly information and analytical transmission to Ren-TV "Week" with Mariana Maksimov.

Once at the independent information TV channel mentioned above, Yerzhenkov made one of the authors of the "Rain" report "and was the creator (for a couple with Vladimir Romensky) and the leading" Russian ark ", showing the offside of Russian life. In addition, he was directly involved in the birth and other projects ("Good All", Hard Day's Night, etc.).

In the creative biography, Moskvich firmly substantiated documentary films. In 2015, Apocalypse appeared "Apocalypse tomorrow", in 2016 - the story of Sergei Mikhalka and the Brutto group, in a year - "Cub".

In 2018, after "NATE! Fear and hate of Russian punk. From self-destruction before self-preservation, "Bloody Easter" was published about the dashing 90s and entrepreneur, who lost everything. The memory of Arkady Shlykov was dedicated to the "Punk Punk. The priest whose home became a Russian ark ", in" escape "it was said about two hoodies that fled from the state into the forest.

On the director's personal page in Facebook it is indicated that from April 2 to November 5, 2019 he worked in the Internet publication "Medusa". During this time, Sergey has released a video library "" Ze! From Kryvbass to Donbass. A film about Vladimir Zelensky, "spoke about the" History of Saving Ivan Golunov "and" The policeman who became a tour manager of the Porn Films group.

Sergey Yerezkov now

January 30, 2020 at the "Rain" from under the pen's pen, a documentary tape "Pope Russian" was published on how the Kremlin "tamed" Patriarch Kirill Gay scandals, KGB secrets and "tobacco" money.

In the first half of the year, Yerzhenkov performed the operator and director of the film Ksenia Sobchak "Monastery of Special Forces", "Army on a parade" and "Correct: As the province kills himself on quarantine." In July, Ksenia and Sergey, as well as their representatives submitted a statement after the attack and beating in the monastery in the Urals.

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