John Cliz - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Comic 2021



In his youth, John Cliz was going to become a lawyer, but quickly realized that his vocation in creativity. He conquered the public due to participation in the Comic-group "Monti Paiton", as well as numerous comedy films and serials.

Childhood and youth

The date of birth of John Clus is October 27, 1939. The inheritance of the mother allowed the future star to study at Saint Peter. Already then he filed great hopes, demonstrating talent to the study of English, Latin and Mathematics and being able to a cricket player.

In those years, John's biography was a devoted fan of The Goon Show, which helped him develop a sense of humor and avoid ridicule of other children due to high growth. To the senior classes, the belly wore the status of the start-up and squad, but it did not affect her studies. Thanks to the knowledge, the future artist entered Cambridge.

True, John could not get to the college immediately after school and spent the liberated time for teaching. He led the lessons of English, Latin and Geography in junior classes. This experience came in handy in the future, when a man took the post of rector in St. Andrews, and then worked as a professor at the University of Cornell.

Personal life

The comedian has repeatedly tried to establish a personal life, because of which he once joked in an interview that there was too much of his former in this world. The first wife became the actress and the Writer Connie Booth. She gave the election to the heiress Cynthia and retained a good relationship with him after the divorce.

Then marriage with Barbara Trentham was followed, with which the belly lived for almost 10 years and brought up the daughter of Camilla. They broke up in the 1990s, also remaining friends. After 2 years, the artist played a wedding with a psychotherapist Alice Fei Auchelberger. Despite the fact that they did not have joint children, this particular gap cost John more than just.

The wife did not want to terminate the Union peacefully and hired lawyers, after which, by the court, the comedian was forced to pay her alimony for seven years. To make money on the content of the former spouse, the belly went on tour, which called the "Alimen Tour". Later, Alice was the object of numerous jokes of the actor.

The next, fourth, chief of celebrity was the former model and designer of Jennifer Wade decorations, with which he officially issued a relationship in 2012.


The artist began to engage in creativity, began while studying at the university when he joined the Footlights Theater Club together with the future companion on the scene Graham Chapman. After graduating from the university, the belizas toured as part of Cambridge Circus and was an artist of Broadway, although his father hoped that John would become a lawyer.

However, the young man quickly realized that he was not interested in working in the specialty. For some time he was a BBC screenwriter, and then united with Chapman, Michael Peylin, Eric Idl and Terry Jones to create the famous group "Monti Paiton".

Their sketch show "Flying Circus Monti Paiton" appeared on television screens in 1969 and had a tremendous impact on the development of the comedic genre around the world. John got the roles of neurotic, and sometimes cruel characters, and the most famous number was the "Ministry of Silly Gait".

On the wave of success, the participants of the group not only starred on television, but also gave concerts, performed on the radio and even produced their own films. With the writing of the scenarios, it was advantageously chapman and the belly, and for the 4th season, the actor decided to leave shooting, continuing work on the plots.

Even after the closing of the show, he saved star status. John wrote scenarios for the TV series DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE and the comedy "Fish named Wanda", and also created his own project "Folti Tower", where he fulfilled the main role of the eccentric owner of the hotel.

Among other bright appearances of celebrities on the screens - a visitor of the museum in the "Doctor Who", R (later q) in the pictures of James Bond "and a whole world of little" and "die, but not now," as well as Dr. Plamford from the "Jungle book" . In addition, on the account of the artist, the image of almost headless Nick from a series of films about Harry Potter.

In his youth, John was not afraid of experiments in humor, he was relaxed and successfully played his high height (196 cm). He could easily appear in the frame in a female swimsuit or naked, causing a smile in numerous fans.

However, with age, the actor did not lose the former back. He replenished the filmography of such projects as "I can", "Whitney" and "just no words". In 2009, the comedian embodied the image of Dreifus from Pink Panther - 2, where the audience was especially remembered by a funny scene in which the artist beats his head against the wall.

John Cliz Now

In 2020, the comedian made a gift to fans by registering in "Instagram" to raise them the mood at the height of the coronavirus infection pandemic. Now he continues to share funny videos and photos with them, in which not only the artist participates, but also members of his family.


  • 1981 - "Time Bandits"
  • 1983 - "Yellow beard"
  • 1988 - "Fish named Wanda"
  • 1993 - "Frankenstein Mary Shelly"
  • 1993 - "Jungle Book"
  • 1997 - "Fierce Creation"
  • 2001 - "Rat run"
  • 2001 - "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"
  • 2002 - "Adventures of Pluto Nash"
  • 2002 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 2002 - "Umci, but not now"
  • 2003 - "Worse does not happen"
  • 2003 - "Charlie Angels: Just Forward"
  • 2006 - "Sugders of Life"
  • 2006 - "Spy Passion"
  • 2008 - "Day, when the Earth stopped"
  • 2009 - "Pink Panther 2"
  • 2012 - "Pirates of the Aegean Sea"
  • 2016 - "Albion: Enchanted Stallion"
  • 2018 - Elliot
  • 2019 - "Naked Romantic"

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