Timur Kibirov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Poet 2021



Timur Kibirov is convinced that every reading person partly Don Quixote, because people represent the world through the prism of read books. It is the literature, according to the poet and Prosaika, does not allow the individual to "spawn".

Childhood and youth

The writer was born in the midst of February 1955 in the city of Shepetovka of the Ukrainian SSR. The real name of Timura - Openers. By nationality, the author of the poem "Infinitive poetry" is Ossetian, but the language on which the Costa Hetagur wrote, the Russian poet conceptualist knows. The writer has two sisters, senior and younger. Big influence on the poet was her grandmother Rosa Vasilyevna.

Parents of Timur - an officer and school teacher of biology - were glad that the offspring loves books, and did not limit the work of the boy reading. Only once a father, finding that the Son-7th grader reads "Decameron" Giovanni Boccaccio, asked for a teenager to treat the novel as a monument to world literature, and not as a boulevard. The poet recognizes that if, as the children of the XXI century, he had access to gadgets, then his adolescent interest in the books would be smaller.

Vocational References received at the historical and philological faculty of the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute named after the Hope of Krupskaya. Now the university, who graduated from such various people, as the chief editor of the "literary newspaper" Yuri Polyakov and dissidents, Julius Daniel and Valery Novodvorskaya, is called the Moscow State Regional University. Five semesters Timur groaned, and the dean the guy was expelled.

For the human and literary perturbation of the moon, the experience of service in the army was very useful. Demobilized, the young man realized that to describe the Soviet reality, the model created by the poets of the Silver Century does not work. Fortunately, Timur was hit by Tomik with verses of Joseph Brodsky, and the guy realized that it was possible to continue the traditions of Russian literature, find poetic forms.

Personal life

Happiness in the personal life of Timur has gained with a journalist Elena. According to Kybirov, only becoming a father, he understood what real love was. The poet daughters addressed the "twenty sonnets to sachets of the oak", in which tenderness is combined with self-irony.

Favorite books of cybirov-reader - "Eugene Onegin" and "Captain's daughter" Alexander Pushkin, a favorite composer - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a favorite animal - a dog. The writer is not active in social networks, but his photo journalists are published in addition to the interview.

Kibirov - a Christian, and he was baptized for the company with a school friend who decided to bring his wife to the Church. Timur Yuryevich believes that all the literature of Religious, the biblical plots are devoted to the poem of the writer "Their Lord Won" ("and our donkey - the Central Committee yescd") and the "Produal Son".


The first poems about love Timur wrote in adolescence. The writer is convinced: the lyrics of boys who become young people are the eternal genre of poetry. However, early works of Kibirov is now ashamed and hopes that they will never get into their hands to readers.

The author, whose creativity belongs to conceptualism, believes that his poems and poems are very simple, but simple for a person who read Alexander Pushkin and Vladimir Mayakovsky, Kornea Chukovsky and Marina Tsvetaev. Indeed, most poetic works of Timur Yurevich are saturated with "cultural codes" - quotes from the poems of predecessors, folk songs and sayings.

For example, in the poem "Through farewell tears", a little modified verses of Mikhail Isakovsky "Wish me the death of instant or wounds - although it would be small", adjacent to the metamorphosis of the Sailor Song "Apple", and the call of Andrei Voznesensky "Remove Lenin with money" is brought to the absurdity The phrase "and worship remove with the trumma." Similarly, in the "historical romance" of Kibirov makes a cocktail, in which there is a place and line of Nikolai Nekrasov "What you greedily look at the road", and a "pattering fee to the eyebrows" by Alexander Bloka, and "Maple Seine", and a pleasant addition to sending to "Captain's daughter" Pushkin.

In the works of Timur, Yuryevich is repeatedly mentioned or even becomes the central character of the leader of the world proletariat. In the "Songs about Lenin", Kibirov moves to the two-person, in which "challenges" Vladimir Ilyich with the help of a quotation from Soviet songs, comparing the hero and with "normal summer rain", and with the "house". In the work "When Lenin was a small", the author ironically rethinks the early biography of the native of Simbirsk, relying on the memories of his older sister Anna Ulyanova.

Purpose Kibirov began in the late 80s of the 20th century, and the first publications of the poet were held in the emigrant journals "Syntax" and "Continent". In the literary community, Timur Yuryevich introduced colleagues Lev Rubinstein and Dmitry Prigi. Already being an experienced poem, the author appealed to prose.

Timur Kibirov Now

On April 3, 2020, Timur Yuryevich participated in the 12-hour poetic Marathon # Polytechlive, on which the poems also read the writers Sergey Gandalovsky and Elena Fanailov, actress Tatyana Drubich, Alisa Grebenshchikova and Julia Aug.

In the July 2020 interview, the director of the Russian Academic Youth Theater Sophia Apfelbaum said that, while in separation from the audience, due to a coronavirus infection, the troupe artists read Internet users online by chapters first in the Kbirov bibliography prosaic work "Lada, or joy."

In June, the novel a novel of Shepetovka "General and his family" entered the Long-leaf of the "Clear Polyana" award. The work also fell into the "Big Book - 2020" short list. Having learned this news, the author told the organizers that he was not going to completely move to prose and had already written half a poetic book.


  • 1990 - "Common Places"
  • 1991 - "Calendar"
  • 1993 - "Love Poems"
  • 1994 - "Sentimens: Eight Books"
  • 1995 - "When Lenin was small"
  • 1997 - "Paraphrazis"
  • 1998 - "Memory of Derzhavin"
  • 2001 - "Who is where, and I - to Russia"
  • 2002 - Saltay-Boltay
  • 2005 - "Poems"
  • 2006 - "Kara-Baras"
  • 2008 - "Three Poles"
  • 2009 - "Greco- and Roman-Cafolic Songs and Lesheki"
  • 2010 - "Lada, or joy"
  • 2015 - "Time to think about the soul"
  • 2017 - "General and his family"

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