Anastasia meadow - photo, biography, personal life, news, rape, train, what happened 2021



Anastasia Lugovaya since childhood was an active and charismatic personality, which helped her to become a successful Ukrainian TV host. And thanks to natural optimism and thirst for justice, she did not fell in spirit after the attack on the train and managed to inspire her story of other women who were sexually violent.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Borisovna Lugova appeared on February 24, 1992 in Ukraine. The future celebrity grew along with the sister of the forests, with which the warm relationship has retained over the years.

Already in the early years, the biography of Nastya demonstrated the ability to work that he inspired her to go to go to Kiev National University of Theater, Cinema and Television named after Ivan Karpenko-Karog. In the student's school, the girl actively participated in theatrical productions, including "Adult Games" and "Intimate Lyrics Evening".

Personal life

The personal life of the TV host has developed successfully, in 2013 she married the actor Vladimir Zakharenkov. Soon the couple had a son Zakhar. After replenishing in the family, the artist took a maternity leave and devoted himself to upbringing the heir.

On the page on the social network, Anastasia is often divided by the success of a boy who has already managed to become a television and participate in the "Superintition" show.


On account of meadow several episodic roles in popular television series. She starred "Bardak", "investigators" and "Department-44". In addition, I managed to try myself as a journalist and worked on the show "Let's talk about sex" at STB.

For some time, Anastasia was engaged in business, participated in the promotion of Coffeecell coffee brand. Then he received the position of the lead project "Useful Program" on the Ukrainian TV channel "Inter".

Incident in the train

At the end of July 2020, the celebrity was driving in the train "Mariupol - Kiev" with her son. At night, a unknown half-orged man, who locked the door inside and began to beat a meadow along the face and began to beat the meadow alongside and headed. Anastasia tried to scream than his son who tried to protect his mother from the attacker, but barely also did not become a victim of beating.

To protect the child, the woman promised the attainment that would fulfill his wish. She tried to calm the Zahar, but at this time the maniac was divided by doggola and continued attempts to lean the TV presenter to sex. Then Anastasia decided that he had to lead him away from his son.

On the offer to get out a man answered agreement and took the victim in the next coupe. There, meadow saw a knife, so I did not resist, fearing to be slapped. The criminal again made an attempt to rape, but the child began to cry and call the mother, attracting attention.

Having promised an attacker, which only calms the Zakhar and immediately return, Anastasia came out of the coupe, took the son and ran to the conductor. But no one responded on her cries and requests for help. At this time, a naked man was chased at the TV host.

Find salvation managed only in the face of the adjacent car. She called the head of the train, which ordered the criminal to take into custody before arriving in Kiev. In the Ukrainian capital, the meadow met a husband who in advance called the police.

Later, Vladimir told reporters that the conductors persuaded His wife did not go to law enforcement agencies, as the attacker was driving without a ticket and could punish them. They offered the money from the artist, but she insisted that he wanted justice.

Anastasia Lugovaya now

Anastasia decided not to silence about what happened and published posts in "Instagram" and "Facebook", where in detail talked about attacking and beating. In addition, the TV presenter shared the photo of the injury - in addition to the hematoma on his face, she received a fracture of jaws.

Representatives of Ukrzaliznitzi reacted to the publication of the journalist. They reported that the attacker was detained, and brought an apology of the victim. Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Gerashchenko added that as a preventive measure was detained for 2 months without the possibility of pledge. He is accused of applying bodily harm and an attempt to rape.

The event stirred the public and became a reason for discussion in the Ukrainian and Russian media. Many famous people expressed support for celebrities, but those who led themselves misfortune. Thus, the participant of the initiative of the "Boycott of the Russian TV and Radio Product" Taras Pistarzhevsky responded negatively about the meadow and other TV presenter Natalia Voshchenko, but later was forced to apologize.

Now Anastasia continues to share information on the promotion of the investigation, as well as on its moral and physical condition with subscribers in social networks. She hopes that thus attract attention to the problem and will help victims stop silent.

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