Elizabeth Sailor - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



On July 28, 2020, the leading show "It's not even evening" on the TV channel "Rain" Anton Zhelena in a conversation with Alexander Gudkov, noted that advertising with the latter accompanied the entire quarantine, introduced due to a coronavirus infection in 2020. This star guest in his unsurpassed manner joked that he became the official face of COVID-19. In one of the rollers, where the Keshbak-map of Raiffeisenbank JSC was presented, the comedian reincarnated into an eccentric fortune tune, and in the client - the actress Elizaveta Sailor.

Childhood and youth

The last September day of 1995 became joyful for Anna and Roman Sailor, who lived in the hometown of Mikhail Krug Tver - the eldest daughter of Lisa appeared on the world. After 9 years, at the beginning of the fall, the younger heirs of Sofia came to this world, who planned to associate their lives with architecture.

The meeting of future spouses occurred in the flight school in Kirovograd, where the head of the family was. Once on a disco, the young man dared to meet the most beautiful and high girl, gnawing the granite of science in the CGPU named after Vladimir Vinnichenko.

The actress confessed in an interview that the parents for art were not painful and fleecers in the family, despite the eloquent real last name, was not. As for nationality, she called "Tsygiechka", that is, half a gypsy, half a Jew.

In conversations with journalists, the celebrity willingly shared by children's memories:

"I remember that I liked when the grandmother rolled me on his knees. I often stayed with her, and when we fell asleep, I watched the bunnies in the window from passing cars. Grandma got up always very early and raised me. At 06:30 on TV showed "telepusiks", and I waited for them, already sitting in the chair. "

When the girl studied at the 29th school in the Zavolzhsky district, he often went to Moscow, where at that time her father worked. At some point, she went to the theater named after Maria Yermolova, to get rid of the southern diabete forever.

However, the hardening artist first was first and was not going. But at the same time attended a drama in the Tyuze, enthusiastically engaged in choreography and ballroom dancing in DC Metalist, acquired the title of the city champion and was listed by the soloist of the ensemble "Fly, Polaby!". Then Lisa suddenly seemed that her place in the feshene-industry, but to become a well-known model and to go to world podiums were prevented by several lack of growth centimeters and too bright appearance.

As a result, on the advice of the teacher of Olga Matushkaya, who consulted on the technique of speech, Elizabeth decided to receive a higher education in theatrical university. I didn't even take the entreprenerable to your course in Gitis Khitis Khitisa Yermolovsky Temple.

However, she was not upset and easily entered the "sketch", being under the wing of Viktor Korshunova, and then Vladimir Safronova. The student's practice took place in a small theater and later he learned the history of the arts in the RGU and did not bypass Gogol School.

Personal life

From spectacular brunette art (height 172 cm with weight 52 kg) you can not take a look. Fans throw up the favorite with comments with the words of admiration for her appearance, a slim figure, often demonstrated in swimsuits in "Instagram", and a convincing acting game. At one time she was not ashamed to pose for Maxim magazine.

However, the details of personal life, the celebrity is now not divided and photographs of a potential beloved in social networks does not publish. But at the same time willingly tells, allegedly love for it is favorable, declares that her husband would not like, and describes his ideal in detail:

"I really appreciate the sense of humor in a man, it is important that a person can make me laugh, and I could also need it. I will also say that my ideal is a man who instills in me confidence that I am the best, beautiful and everything will work out. The most important thing is that he believed in me and supported. "

The artist loves a bath, eagerly engaged in sports (running and pilates) and sacrifice with indoor flowers and pets - Malthipa nickname Sarah.


The actress began to appear in the cinema, while still being a WTU student named after Mikhail Shchepkin, where he shone in the performances of the Tama-Invisible training theater, "Purpose" and so on.

In 2015, the premiere of the melodrama "Moscow, I suffer" directed by Sergei Aksenov, in which Elizabeth got the role of blonde. After a couple of years later, the librarian of the university has already replenished the family saga "Silver Bor". Maria Shukshina, Sergey Makhovikov, Mark Bogatyrev (the star of the TV series "Kitchen") and Alina Lanina (Eve from Sashatanya) were held here.

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2019 I turned out for a celebrity fruitful: the piggy bank of the work enriched at the adventure comedy "Girls there are different" Sarik Andreasyan, where she played a maid of criminal authority, melodrama "Paradise knows everything!" And the film for the young spectators "Robo".

In the creative biography, the sailor is a special place advertising. In addition to the "Raiffeisenbank" mentioned above, the actress lasted in the roller "Domika in the village" as a child and subsequently managed to present the new Samsung Galaxy A8. In 2017, she flashed in a music video on the song "Lullaby Neva" VIA "Proletarian Tango", founded by Dmitry Karangere-Participant of the 6th season of the Vocal Show "Voice" on the first channel.

Elizabeth Sailor now

On August 3, 2020, a new comedy-melodramatic series "Love in a non-working week" was released on the STS, whose heroes were at self-insulation caused by a raging pandemic coronavirus infection. The main roles were quenched between the Elizabeth Sailor, Zoy Berber, Oleg Vereshchagin and Roman Popov. Slightly before NTV, the premiere of the "ricochet", which did not pass without talented tver.

In the same year, the actress once collaborated with Sarik Andreasyan, shutting up in his project "Goodba, America!" and the 2nd part of Nagiyev on Quarantine. In both movie channels, Dmitry Nagiyev and Vladimir Yaglych were its partners in the shooting area. In the last one, Kirill Nagiyev took part.

It is also known that the artist put his hand to the creation of a multi-sieuled film "Breaks of Grapes", the "idealist" detective, the social drama "Ministry" and the Comedy "Artek. A big trip ", where Mikhail Galustyan played, Jan Tsaznik, Nadezhda Mikhalkov and others.


  • 2015 - "Moscow, I suffer from you"
  • 2017 - "Silver Bor"
  • 2019 - "Girls are different"
  • 2019 - "Paradise knows everything!"
  • 2019 - "Robo"
  • 2020 - "Ricoch"
  • 2020 - "Goodbye, America"
  • 2020 - "Love in a non-working week"
  • 2020 - "Artek. Big Adventure"
  • 2020 - "Breaks of Grapes"
  • 2020 - "Idealist"
  • 2020 - "Ministry"

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