Ksenia Ryabysh - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Russian Beauty-2020" 2021



In 2020, a native of the Rostov region of Ksenia Ryabysh became the winner of the Beauty Festival, Fashion and Talent "Russian Beauty". Like many owners of an attractive appearance and an impressive list of achievements, she has gone not only fans, but also unfriendly. However, in spite of everything, the girl moves forward. "Miss Universe" is her dream.

Childhood and youth

Ksenia Ryabysh was born on August 25, 2000 in Red Sulin - a small town of Rostov region. She received secondary education in Gymnasium No. 1, and then entered the Medical and Preventive Faculty of Rostov State Medical University (ROSGMU). Despite the dizzying prospects, the girl intends to complete the training and one day to get a profession.

For the sake of education, Ksenia had to move to the regional center - Rostov-on-Don. According to Ryabsh, the adaptation period was difficult to her: away from their parents, in a constant cramp and inclusion, in a circle of new people. But these "minuses" do not pay attention, if you really want to become a doctor, celebrates the winner of the Russian Beauty.

For successful admission to the ROSGMU, Ksenia Ryabysh handed over a single state exam in chemistry, biology and Russian language. Thoroughly preparation occupied 2 years, because at the beginning of the 10th grade, she understood what profession wants to devote life.

Scored points and gold medals for success in school and for an active civil position was enough to enter the budget in the medical universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. But the girl decided to stay in the Rostov region to be closer to the parents.

In "Instagram" Ryabysh says that since childhood was a creative person. She dedicated 13 years of choreography, since 9 years began to engage in vocals, and from 11 to participate in beauty, talent and modeling contests. Fortunately, parents supported every undertaking.

No less ambitious and older sister Ksenia Anna Sahakyans rose. She is engaged in business, and her daughter Sofia - modeling.

"Until recently, I was only a viewer in beauty contests from my aunt. And I always try to be like it: a aunt has a lot of beautiful outfits, victory crowns and tapes, "says Little Sophia Sahakyans on his page in" Instagram ".

Personal life

By photography in the "Instagram" from August 2019, Ksenia Ryabysh was mentioned, which meets with a young man. However, immature relationships are distinguished by chart. And it should be noted that since then the beauty has never mentioned that her heart is busy.
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With such impressive external data, Ksenia can gain attention to any. But it is more important that now the girls' thoughts are not docked on a personal life. She repeatedly repeated: the study of medicine takes a lion's share not only "worker", but also free time. And what remains, Ryabysh spends on contests.


From 11 years old in the biography of Ryabysh, more than 30 titles were typed: "Donskoy Beauty - 2019", "Supermodel of Russia", "Fashion Model of Russia", "Beauty of the Universe - 2020", "Young Lady International - 2020", etc. But it became only After the victory in the "Russian Beauty" competition in July 2020.

More than 60 girls of different ages from most of the subjects of Russia were held in the Russian Beauty Final of the Russian Beauty. At first they passed the online interview and presented the portfolio, and on July 27, 2020 met in Moscow in their best evening dresses and national costumes.

From the point of view of the ethnic color of the members of the jury, including the singer Pobros Kirkorov and the fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, conquered girls from Yakutia and Chukotka. Well, the beauty of Ksenia Men rated whatever clothes in which she went on stage. But Pierre Cardin himself sponsored the "Russian Beauty" sponsor.

Victory Ryabysh was not happy. So, the famous blogger of the Live magazine Lena Miro (she is Elena Mironenko) subjected to a tough criticism. She called a native of the Rostov region not just ugly, but even uncompatient. LJ blogger noted that in her personal system of assessments of Ksenia would receive three among girls of her age.

Lena Miro outraged that in the beauty contests to choose between "silicone burglars with chopped under Michael Jackson's noses" and "terrible, but natural girls." She wrote:

"Not left in our country of statutory, purebred and at the same time unreasonable women?"

By the way, the blogger attributed Irina Wiener, Maya Plisetsk, Elina Bystritsky and Lyudmila Chursin.

"Live Journal" Miro, by the way, is generally not distinguished by positive. She discusses and criticizes the literally all: the leader of the Leningrad group of Sergey Shnurova for politicization, actress Anna Hilkevich for photography in underwear, singer Nyusha for participating in Flashmob Women Empowerment.

Ksenia Ryabysh reacted to criticism condescendingly. Under one of the publications in the "Instagram", the girl turned individual words of gratitude to unfriendly.

"You give me energy and strength to move on, only forward and only up," she wrote.

Ksenia Ryabysh now

The victory in the "Russian Beauty" contest gives Xenia the right to submit its country at the international level. Further, the girl plans to receive medical education and try himself in well-known Miss Russia competitions and even Miss Universe.

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