Joseph Flavius ​​- Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Warboard, Histor



Joseph Flavius ​​lived in the flourishing era of the Roman Empire, was a contemporary of the apostles and glorious, but cruel kings. A representative of Jewish nationality worked on historical treatises, where the fate of the prophets and ordinary people intertwined.


Yosef Bin Matetiam, famous for Joseph Flavius, was born on the land of Jews - in the ancient city of Jerusalem. In the family where the historian and the future warlord was brought up, there were a lot of famous high-ranking men.

Matthew's father was considered the descendant of the first ethnic Jews who used the authority in high priest circles. As a member of the religious Order of the Lord Defender of Lawyariv, he was the priest of the second temple, unlimited in rights.

Simon Pchello, Prapraded Joseph, was a density of the dynasty, as well as the sole patriarch of a prehistoric family. In the 100s to n. NS. The minister of the Church of Jerusalem threatened with the rulers of the Jews and lived in peace with people.

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The mother, the remaining unknown, had noble roots of the Middle Eastern aristocrats and long-dead kings. It was assumed that the warlord was the heir of the Ionophan and described in the McCaewic books of the ancient folk leaders.

Together with his brother, Joseph had to become a minister of the cult and take the honorable place in the "queue 24". Rabbi, who was responsible for the formation of members of the hosted clan, in achieving this goal, with the ability to help.

Flavius ​​was considered curious, gifted by a teenager, immediately earned respect for religious teachers. The boy was interested in the history of modern peace and narration about the life of high-ranking people.

The moral position was formed under the direct influence of the Church, the young man retired from society at the age of 16. Under the leadership of the wildlife of the bath, leading a closed lifestyle, a refrained ascetic was born in Joseph.

During the privacy period, Flavius ​​took about the teachings of Saddukeev, based on the ideals of the prophets of remote biblical times. The attention of the future historian attracted the identity of Moses, which united members of ancient scattered tribes.

To maintain a reputation created by the ancestors, Flavius ​​with the help of teachers learned Greek. The desire for self-knowledge forced the future commander to read and rethink a number of biographical books.

On the eve of the 20th anniversary, the former rejection joined the Jerusalem Pharisees, the religious and public the strength of young active people. Their views on John the Baptist and Jesus Christ of Nazareth were mentioned in the New Testament and a number of printed articles.

Joseph supported relations with the clan of influential Jews, whose acts were angry and annoyed procurators and kings. At the age of 26, he, thanks to the eloquence, achieved the liberation of the uninterrupts from the Roman Okov.

Over time, the inhabitants of Jerusalem rebelled against the dictatorship, and Flavius ​​became a warlord, who led 10 thousand troops. Osada Gamalu, Wirzavia, Tiberiads and Woodapata became a legend captured in the literature for the century.

Vespasian, attacked by the Museum of the Jews, forced Flavia to resort to the murder of comrades and friends. The descendant of the high priests surrendered to the future ruler of Rome, only when there were very few people in his squad.

Personal life

History with a warlord Titis Flavie Vespasian strangely influenced fate and personal life. Captured in Iosifa, Joseph predicted the death of Nero and inspired an inadvertent of the uprising incredible optimism.

The newly represented Roman emperor found Joseph my spouse, but the relationship did not work out for a number of unknown reasons. At the beginning of 71, the historian and the leader of the Jews received a pension and status of a free Roman citizen.

At the same time, he played a wedding with Alexandria Jew, three legitimate sons appeared in marriage. Flavius ​​Girkan, the continuation of the tradition of the Order of Lawyariva, became the only one of the children surviving the early years.

The Greek Jewish, the last official wife of Joseph became the Greek, her education and character attracted noble men. Children's weather Flavius ​​Yustus and Flavius ​​Simonide Agrippa had real chances to achieve public vertices.


In maturity, Joseph Flavius ​​lived on the territory of Rome, he was given the content, a house and a number of civil liberties. The participant of the uprising of the Jews was addicted to the literature and created books where the people alien to him was not a foreign hero.

The first fundamental publication that has reached the present, has become a multi-volume work "Jewish War". Based on his impressions, the author described the events that the Jewish country lived for a decade.

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In the preface, Flavius ​​took an excursion to the Jewish story and remembered Ahaz, the descendant of David, and other great kings. The siege and destruction of Jerusalem by the future emperor Vespasian caused a storm of emotions in it.

In the "Autobiography", referred to the years of the board of Domitian, Joseph continued to reason about the Jewish War. The task of a miniature work was the representation of thoughts that came to the former commanders.

The historian Yustus Tiberiad accused Joseph Flavia that he was subjected to humiliation hundreds of innocent people. The author denied that he was the first to raise the popular uprising, which caused several thousand no one who did not need deaths.

The acquittal of statements were present in the treatise "against apion" addressed to the grammar Plestonik - the representative of the Egyptians. In response to the "complaint about Jews", Joseph expressed an objection and stated that the position of the author is slander and deception.

The retelling of Jewish history became the book "Jewish antiquities", where the myths of the ancient Israeli tribes were used. Flavius ​​believed that the culture of the descendants of Judah and David dominated the rest with biblical times.

Proceedings of Joseph became the source of the most valuable scientific information, researchers of Jerome, Esubius and Terertullian restrained. From the middle of the XVI century, books written by Flaviem were worshiped as a full feud.


Nothing is known about the reasons and time of death of the commander's death, in recent years he lived and worked under the imperial courtyards. Domitian from the Flaviev dynasty, which came to replace Vespasiana, was probably present at the end of the 100-110 years.


  • "Jewish War"
  • "Life" ("Autobiography")
  • "Jewish antiquities"
  • "On the antiquity of the Jewish people"
  • "Against Apion"
  • "On the domination of the mind"

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