Emelyan Bryud - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Cosmetologist 2021



Emelyan Bryuda is a controversial figure in the field of aesthetic medicine. Plastic surgeon and coach, which is called a scam, organizes training, without having a profile education.

Childhood and youth

The real name of the cosmetologist - Yang Nikolayevich Silav, and Emelyan Braud - a pseudonym, under which a man appears on social networks and leads classes for those interested. Coucha's date is April 17, 1983, but in an interviews there are other data on its age. So he is trying to increase the audience, because, as you know, lovers of the beauty industry are judged by the mastery of the doctor in the appearance of the specialist himself.

Brueud's hometown is Moscow, and this is the only thing that is known about the early years of the blogger and biographies to cosmetology. Set which information provided by a chain in an interview, truthful, and which remains is difficult.

Representatives of the media he declares that he graduated from two universities, but does not want to comment on personal life and does not apply to what educational institutions. In the "Instagram" profile, BRUSHE published a photo from student classes, but it turned out that the fraudster used other photos. It is reliably known that Silas does not have a diploma in medical specialty, which without constraint declares the Internet.

Personal life

Surgeon-impostor is married. Anastasia Silas is name, and, according to a man, the chief chosen to find a matter of life. Spouses raise a shared child, but there is no information about it in open access.

Propaging the author's equipment for increasing lip and unsafe cosmetology procedures, Emelyan Bored is blogging in "Instagram", as well as the Yutiub-Channel, reporting on its works

The growth of the cosmetologist, according to him, is 207 cm, and the weight remains secret. The fraudster monitors appearance, trying to meet the fashion trends and the created image of a specialist in the field of aesthetic medicine.


Career Yana Sovyusa began with attempts to build a business, but success did not succeed. It is known that Braud was engaged in resale products, used, working in second-hand.

In the Beauty industry, Emelyan came by chance. The spouse of men worked at Allegranplc, specializing in cosmetology services and thematic products. Having got a job in the organization by the courier, Bryuda was engaged in the delivery of the JuVederm brand's fillers and other goods. Deciding that any, any new specialist can do the provision of a aesthetic nature, the newly-made specialist began to do "pricks of beauty" on his own, and later launched a series of master classes for cosmetologists.

Public activities on the Internet Emelyan Braud began in 2017, having mastered the profile in "Instagram". Through a personal account, he began to promote the exterior correction services, demonstrating the photo of the procedures.

The dubious actions of the fraudster led to the fact that the first victims of manipulations began to appear. Injections in the lips led to their increase, but the Mount-Master did not observe sanitary and hygienic standards. In memory of the passage of trainings, he handed certificates, and the models left the unpleasant consequences of cosmetology experiments.

Braud operations quickly led to the emergence of victims. Some women complained about the negative outcome of the procedure, others stated that in the course of exposure was dangerous due to the negligence of the doctor and the neglect of the necessary precautionary measures. Despite this, a criminal case was not entitled against the fraudster, and he managed to avoid punishment.

Coucha courses and trainings are still popular. A wizard with enviable regularity publishes photos from seminars in "Instagram" and invites specialists in them in the field of aesthetic medicine and models.

Mass condemnation by the public and doctors prompted Briah to close the page on the social network. The Internet began to appear complaints with the attached photos and correspondence of doctors and interns from chats of events organized by the Coach. Pictures confirm the incorrectness of procedures, non-compliance with the necessary regulations and dosages.

For emerging issues from representatives of the media Emelyan Bryud, it is noted that the responsibility for what is happening with the model is solely the one who attracted a girl to participate in the seminar. The beautician adheres to the opinion that the "injections of beauty" can do in all conditions, and promotes this position and among the wards.

In an interview, Braud reports that it does not perceive models and patients for people, and sees "freebies" in them. The beautician frankly neglects the opinion of patients and is not interested in the issue of the client service.

Emelyan Braude now

In August 2020, a wider public has learned about the fraud of the mountain-doctor. This was facilitated by the appearance on the show "Let them say" are given Borisova. The celebrity talked about the sad experience of cooperation with the cosmetologist. Not all colleagues of the TV presenter embarrass the surgeon, with whom she happened to face. For example, Alan Mamaeva, a browned interview with Brude, stands up for him and does not cover the dark aspects of the professional implementation of the representative of the beauty sphere.

Earlier, an interview with Emelyan organized And Angelina Dubrovskaya. In the material blogger called a doctor by the genius of a PR and a honest fraudster working in a weak legal field.

Now Briah is still leading seminars, advertising them in a closed group in "Instagram". So far, about the arrest of a furist does not matter. The prosecutor's office studies materials that provide victims and Internet users.

In 2020, coach began to conduct seminars in Ukraine and abroad. He announces new master classes on blepharoplasty, lifting, breast increasing, as well as manual therapy courses. To avoid problems with models, the result of the service provided, Emelyan resorts to the services of bodyguards.

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