Kerry King - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Guitarist Groups Slayer 2021



On November 6, 2019, the world premiere of the Slayer film: The Repentless Killogy, consisting of two parts. The first mounted three music bands are mounted, woven in the overall story of stories about the fate of the former member of the Neo-Nazi Gang of Wayatt. The second shows the August concert of 2017 Tresh-Metalists Gary Holt, Paul Bostafa, Tom Arai and Kerry King. The latter in addition to everything they performed as a producers of kinocarthins.

Childhood and youth

On the third day of the summer of 1964, the son of the Kerry Ray King was born in Los Angeles, the son of a telephone company living in Los Angeles. The boy was a youngest child in the family (he has two senior sisters), therefore grew extremely spoiled. In childhood, adults with children if they moved, then no further than two quarters from the previous place of residence. On the one hand, this is good, declared the legend of metal scene, speaking of his own biography, on the other - prevented new acquaintances.

When a teenager studied in high school, then, according to his own admission, he visited not one educational institution, but at once three (including Warren High School). It thoroughly prepared it for the sphere of activity in which he succeeded.

The granite of the science of the young man gnawed without much difficulty, laid with mathematics and even managed to get a premium on this subject. But, as soon as girls got into sight, and the guy himself in the 12th grade received on Matanaliz, first the highest, and then low estimates, about lessons and adjacent was forgotten.

A huge role in the formation of the musician played father. A man not only relieved a 13-year-old offspring from a detrimental influence of a bad company, while putting the game on the guitar, but in the future he reconciled the debut album.

Kerry argued that the parent was immensely proud of the work of the heir, and he in turn gave him only the most innocent tracks. As for the character of the celebrity in his youth, he was not a rebellion, he never accepted drugs, however, he was addicted to alcohol, but, as it should be, upon reaching 21 years.

Personal life

Personal life is a severe metalist (height 169 cm with a weight of 75 kg), generously decorated the body with tattoos from the head to the legs, arranged from the second time. The information is not provided about the first selected guitarist, except that she gave him the only daughter of Shayan Kimberly.

Now Kerry is happily married to Aishe King - aerial gymnast and an instructor of air acrobatics, a big amateur of the brothers of our smaller, books, ballet and visual art. Spouses who celebrated in the spring of 2020, the 17th anniversary of the wedding, brought up a couple of numerous pets and declare that are atheists. Moreover, the head of the family is not shyling in expressions towards religion, considering it "support for weak people who are not able to go through their own on their own."

Celebrity is crazy about snakes. The passion for collecting reptiles arose from him since the basis of the group, and by the beginning of the 90s the number of "copies" approached 400. However, in the future King realized that the care of them takes more time than creativity.

After that, the artist distributed and solded the creep, but Ironically, it was the repeated entry into the marriage pushed him to return to the hobby. In 2007, he contained 70 scaly pets, saying that, while she was listed as part of Slayer, he would not lead them more than a hundred.


After graduating from school and not wanting to continue education, the graduate decided to seriously stand on the musical path and to lend his own team.

"I was in a group with my teacher on a guitar game, and he was in a group with Tom Araya, subsequently broken. Tom was free and lived in a quarter from the house of my parents, so when I decided to gather a new group and found guys, I immediately called to us and Tom. From now on, everything started, "the legend of metal scenes said in an interview.

Jeff Khannenan became the first member of the team, then Dave Lombardo and Tom Araya joined him. The first compositions of the public perceived critically, most of their listeners simply hated for songs like Evil Has No Boundaries and the Antichrist. But the guys did not pay attention and did what they really liked.

From 1996 to 1997, John Children was in the team, who became a concert musician in 2013, and her last composition looked like this: Araya, King, Bostaf and Holt. Since the foundation in 1981 and before the collapse in 2019, the Tresh Metalists managed to record more than a dozen albums.

However, Slayer was not the only group where he honed his skills of a single-fampot of horror king Stephen King. After the release of the debut collection and the next time he followed him, he stayed in Megadeth and drove on tour with Marilyan Manson. Its unsurpassed guitar solo sounds in some BEASTIE BOASTIE BOYS, PANTERA, SUM 41, HATEBREED, Rob Zombie and ICE-T.

As an artists who particularly influenced him, Kerry pointed Venom, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Mercyful Fate, Deep Purple and Black Sabbath. Glenn Titon, Kenneth Dauning, Eddie Van Chalen, Ted Newjent, Ronni Montrose, Toney Ayami, Richie Blackmore, Michael (Michael) Schungmaker, Dave Murray, Adrian Smith and Randy Roads.

Kerry King now

In November 2019, the final stage of a large-scale farewell tour of the Slayer group took place. The assumptions were put forward that the team would be collected for any musical events. However, a couple of days later, at the end of the tour, King's wife on his own page in "Instagram" pointed: there is no chance that the team will reunite.

At the end of March 2020, rumors appeared in the media that Kerry, who signed a contract with Dean Guitars, plans to restart the "killer", and to the place of the vocalist to appoint Phil Anselmo.


  • 1983 - Show No Mercy
  • 1985 - Hell Awaits
  • 1986 - Reign in Blood
  • 1988 - SOUTH OF HEAVEN
  • 1990 - Seasons In The Abyss
  • 1994 - Divine Intervention
  • 1998 - Diabolus in Musica
  • 2001 - God Hates US All
  • 2015 - REPENTLESS.

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