Tony Iiomami - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Guitarist BLACK SABBATH 2021



Without creativity, Tony Aiomimi is now impossible to imagine the world of rock music. The Contractor is considered one of the influential and legendary guitarists of all time. The main brainchild of the Life of the British - the Black Sabbath group still does not lose popularity among metal fans.

Childhood and youth

Iiomami was born on February 19, 1948 in English Birmingham in the family of Italians Anthony and Silvia Mary. Since parents and her son lived in a dysfunctional area, local bandits were often placed to the boy. To be able to give "marginal personalities", the teenager took up boxing and even thought to make a career in this sport.

However, interest in music has changed the decision. In the youth, Tony dreamed of drums, but there was no place to place the installation in the parents' home. Father offered to buy accordion, but the son stopped the choice of guitar.

Searches for a suitable tool made it difficult, as the young man was left. After graduating from Birchfield Road School, where the future vocalist Black Sabbath Ozvey Ozborn also studied, Iioma settled to work at the plant.

Personal life

Personal life in the biography of the musician was saturated. He concluded the first marriage in 1973. Then the elected guitarist became Susan Snowdon. A couple introduced the manager of Sabbat Patrick Mihan. John Bonham, Led Zeppelin drummer, became a safer at the wedding. Family happiness lasted not long - in 1976, the spouses divorced.

In the 1980s, Tony married the American model of Melinde Diaz. It was a spontaneous marriage: the guitarist on the tour in Los Angeles called Vicaria and asked to marry them. Without finding a witness in a hurry, Rocker said that they will be a teddy bear, which found in the hotel room.

The daughter of Tony-Marie Ayami was born in marriage. Melinda was mentally unbalanced, and after the divorce of parents in 1985, the girl was taken from the mother and passed to the reception family. When the heiress was 12 years old, his father managed to arrange guardianship over her. Subsequently, the guitarist's daughter was engaged in music.

In 1987, Tony got acquainted with the Englishman named Valery. The couple was soon combined with a marriage. From the previous relations of the woman left the son of Jay, with whom Rocker had a strong friendship. Family Idyll continued until the beginning of the 90s, and in 1993, the spouses divorced.

In 1998, a guitarist began a novel with a Swedish vocalist Maria Sokholm. The wedding took place in 2005.


From the mid-60s, the young musician played the Rockin 'Caver group. Chevrolets. After receiving the initial experience of the game in public, he after the collapse of the team was listened to the Birds & the Bees project. At that moment the team was preparing for touring in Europe. Wanting to devote completely free time with music, Tony was going to throw work at the factory. For the fateful chance to the last work day, Ayami was distracted when working with the press, and the unit gave him a hand.

As a result, the musician has lost the tips of the middle and the nameless fingers of the right hand. Doctors said that he could no longer play the guitar, it was depressed by the performer. To get rid of the despondency, the Briton was able when he listened to the records of the Gypsy guitarist Dzhangu Reinhardt, who played two fingers after injury.

As a result, Tony had to look for new techniques and techniques, create special overlays for damaged limbs, buy thin strings. After semi-annual rehabilitation, he became a member of the pair of local groups, and soon decided to create his own rock project. So the Earth team appeared, in which, in addition to Ii, they entered Ozzy Ozborn, Bill Ward and Gizer Butler.

To get fame, rockers used a tricky reception. When there were already famous teams in the city, they hurried to the concert site in the hope that guests would not come. Once this method worked - the Jethro Tull group was detained due to a broken bus, and the organizers of the concert allowed Iiom and his colleagues to go on stage.

Anderson who came later, I was impressed with the game of "young and daring" and invited Tony to his group. The guitarist accepted the offer, but he did not like the atmosphere in Jethro Tull, and the performer returned to his project. Soon, Earth changed the name on Black Sabbath.

In 1970, the first album was released. Musicians sought to create compositions in which elements of hard rock and blues rock were mixed. Tomi himself composed the original riff, using the Triton interval, which in the Middle Ages was called the devilish. The record immediately liked the public and was separated by millions of chairs.

In the same year, in the fall, rockers released the second disk, called Paranoid, which turned out to be as lucky as the debut. A year later, the third plate of the Master of Reality command appeared. It includes songs with provocative topics. So, the track Sweet Leaf project participants dedicated marijuana.

In 1972, discography was replenished with the album of Black Sabbath Vol. 4. When writing, the artists experimented not only with sound, but also with forbidden drugs that give inspiration. Work on the fifth disk of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath took place in the castle, where, according to rumors, granted ghosts. Clushing, organ, bagpipes and others were added to the main tools.

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Subsequent discs received high ratings, and Iiomi in 1975 recognized the best hard-rock guitarist of the world. Conflicts in the group are studied with increasing popularity. In 1979, the guitarist dismissed Ozvey Ozborn and took Ronnie James Dio's vocalist, who previously worked in Rainbow.

New participant, along with Gizer Butler, began writing lyrics, but by 1982, releaseing two albums with a group, left it because of creative differences. Soon the Solist Deep Purple I Ea Gillan was invited to the team. The musician collaborated with rockers a year, and after decided to leave. Behind him followed Ward and Butler, and Black Sabbath broke up.

Since 1986, Iiomi began to look for a new composition for the project. Glenn Hughes became a vocalist in the group, but the addiction to alcohol and drugs quickly led to the dismissal of the soloist. Over the next years, the team members changed, while the popularity of the team did not decrease. In 1997, Black Sabbath appeared before the fans in the initial composition.

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From the beginning of zero Tony, he played together with the group, and also engaged in solo creativity. In addition, the guitarist created interesting collaborations with the leaders of different rock bands by Serge Tankian, Brian Meem and others. In 2019, Rocker supported James Hatfield in the fight against alcohol addiction in the instagram account, to which the joint photo attached.

Tony IiMimi now

In 2020, the musician continues to engage in creativity, meets journalists. So, in February, he gave an interview dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the release of the first album of Black Sabbath.


Solo albums:

  • 2000 - Iommi.
  • 2004 - The 1996 Dep Sessions
  • 2005 - Fused

With a BLACK SABBATH group:

  • 1970 - Black Sabbath
  • 1971 - Master Of Reality
  • 1973 - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
  • 1975 - Sabotage.
  • 1978 - Never Say Die!
  • 1980 - Heaven and Hell
  • 1983 - Born Again
  • 1987 - The Eternal Idol
  • 1994 - Cross Purposes
  • 1997 - ReUNion.
  • 2002 - Past Lives
  • 2016 - The End

With HEAVEN & Hell Group:

  • 2009 - The Devil You Know
  • 2009 - Neon Nights: 30 Years Of Heaven & Hell

With the group of WHOCARES:

  • 2010 - Out of My Mind
  • 2012 - WHOCARES.

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