Liana Volkova - Biography, Personal Life, News, Arseny Schulgin's wife, photos, gave birth to 2021



Liana Volkova is a blogger, more known as the girl of Arseny Schulgin, Son of the singer Valeria and the producer of Alexander Shulgin. Popularity came to the girl with the beginning of relations with Star Supreme.

Childhood and youth

Liana was born in 1998 in Blagoveshchensk. In childhood, Volkova was fond of tennis, he was swimming and made the first steps in the model business, cooperating with the Giraff.

In his hometown, she studied at the Amur State University at the Legal Faculty. In parallel, with obtaining higher education, Liana tried itself as a model. So, in collaboration with the online publishing Mojo, an extensive frank photo session of the Volkovoy, which was placed in the section "Girl of the Month" appeared.

Volkov - the daughter of difficult parents, so it is not surprising that her biography does not replete difficulties and harsh tests of life. Mother Vera Volkov was a deputy of the city Duma, and also included in the list of members of the Communist Party of the Communist Party. At the same time, she did not consider him a communist. Father developed a construction business without spouse protection. Both repeatedly became the defendants of unpleasant proceedings.

Alexey Volkov as a representative of the developer was suused with the owner of a private house located on the territory preparing for the construction of the dwelling. There were rumors that the wolves survived the woman from the house, using the powers of the deputy, and the court was on the side of famous citizens.

The decision to move to the capital Liana accepted independently. This idea did not give rest since the graduation. Parents did not oppose her, but the surroundings found good arguments to dissuade the girl from the beginning of an independent life. It so happened that the family of wolves moved to the capital in full force, and from this event, the young model was in full delight. The dream came true, and she was not disappointed.

Personal life

With the son of Valeria Liana Volkov met already in Moscow. The relationship of young people developed predictably. Businessman and media person, Arseny Schulgin hung beautifully for the beloved, presenting flowers and gifts. Officially, they said in December 2019. Couple held the New Year holidays in the Alps and in China, and after some time Liana and Arseny began to live together.

After a year of relations, the engagement of lovers took place, about which they told fans and follovers through photos and video in "Instagram". Despite the young age, Shulgin was a romantic and a gentleman. He invited Liana to the restaurant "Moscow-City", and during dinner at the next building there was an inscription with a proposal of a hand and heart. Volkova answered agreement, after which she was presented with diamonds ring.

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For a personal life of a couple and preparation for the wedding, thousands of subscribers in social networks were observed.

Liana attracted Valeria and was approved by Joseph nice, but not all the arseny fans were able to accept his choice. Some folloviers, discussing the growth, weight and external data of his bride, notice that Volkova is similar immediately on all wives of modern rappers, football players and artists. The girl adheres to fashionable cosmetology trends and is not distinguished by bright individuality in choosing clothes or images.


Being a daughter of secured parents and the bride of a promising businessman, Liana can afford not to bother his thoughts about the need to earn. The girl does not build a career in some particular sphere. She devotes free time to his beloved man, meetings with girlfriends, cooking and blogging in "Instagram". Volkova's profile is divided by secrets of care and recommendations of favorite cosmetics brands.

Liana Volkova now

2020 was not easy for the bride of Schulgin. Preparation for the wedding took place during a pandemic of coronavirus infection, so some plans of future newlyweds turned out to be overshadowed by the entered restrictions.

This did not prevent Arseny and Liane to invite subscribers to a peculiar casting of wedding organizers. The son of Valeria published the requirements for potential contractors and service providers and together with the bride participated in the choice of suitable proposals.

In August 2020, the couple got married, and in October it became known that Arseny and Liana would soon become their parents. A happy event happened on January 1, 2021: the spouses had a daughter who was given an unusual name Celine.

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