Nikolai Solodnikov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blogger 2021



In 2018, Nikolai Sododnikov launched the author's Yutyube show "ESCHENEPOZNER", where there is a weekly conversation with interesting people. And in December 2019, the hardworking and talented journalist was noted at the ceremony of presenting the second Russian premium in the field of the web industry, calling the interviewer of the year. The video brobler himself considers himself just a librarian who continues to engage in librarian business in Youtube space.

Childhood and youth

In the 20th day of the new 1982 in the city of Demidov, the Smolensk region, located on the Kasple River, the Childnnikov had a son, named after Father Nikolai. On June 11, 2020, a documentary biographical film "Throughout the Winter", dedicated by the author of a small homeland, home and beloved grandmother Tatiana Vasilyevna, appeared on the Yutiub-Channel "Enshepozner".

Touching family memories (about the gatherings on a bench with relatives and neighbors, about the ball lightning, flewing out the window), were interrelated here with deep reflections on life, from which it is difficult to hold down tears. The annotations to the film indicated:

"She is my childhood, and my memory. She is my faith into force, the unconditionality of human love. I love her very much and everything in his life owes her. In recent years, I am so rarely returning to her house. This has a lot of reasons. But I cannot fully explain to yourself. "

From an early age, the boy did read and stayed in the indescribable delight from the "Denisian stories" Viktor Dragunsky, "Viti Maleeva at school and at home" Nicholas Nosov, "Couplings, Pollottika and Mokhovaya Beard" Eno Rauda, ​​children's poetic works of Joseph Brodsky. According to him, he did not get out of the library - there was his house there.

At the same time, the child got a dream to become a military man, so on the last time he entered the Leningrad Suvorov School. However, we did not have to make it possible to make a young man there - the whole further life was somehow connected with books.

Nikolai was listed by the employee of the House-Museum of Korni Chukovsky, received a higher education in SPbgik, where he worked, he read lectures at Pushkino College. Here, an acquaintance with the director Alexander Sokurov, who helped him get into television.

Personal life

The personal life of the Sodennikov set aside from the second time when he took a colleague Katerina Gordeyev - a journalist, the author of documentaries and a writer. It was she in 2017, after a 15-year-old silence, he gave the first interview with the widow of Sergei Bodrov - younger Svetlana: in the late 90s, they were working side by side in the TV company "VID".

Familiarity of future spouses occurred on July 19, 2013. Long before Tet-A-Teta, the girl called the "Open Library" organizer and invited her to submit her own book to "defeat cancer" at the festival and meet readers.

"It was a rather fun way to Peter on that day, but the Petersburg morning was completely phenomenal: almost Tuscan down clouds, a bright sun, ringing air over the fountain, along which I was walking, something singing about myself and absolutely not imagining that, When I came down, meeting my destiny, "the chosen name of Nicholas recalled.

Subsequently, four children were born in the family, Alexander, Elizabeth, Georgy and Yakov. In addition, the man has a son Peter from the first marriage.

The photographs of the heirs can be found on the pages of the video unit in any social network: "VKontakte", "Facebook" and "Instagram". Important moments of their upbringing and characters are described in detail in the conversation of his second half with the correspondent of the Internet portal "Orthodoxy and the World".

Blog and projects

In 2012, the Solodnikov started teaching activities at the Institute of Culture, then a bright thought came to his head - to launch the "open library". Initially, the main goal of the social and cultural project was considered the reorganization of urban libraries and expanding the format of their work. Now, within its framework, the discussions of the best Russian-speaking speakers are arranged.

"Dialogues" were subsequently born on the basis of "OB" - public tet-a-tets and exchange of views on cultural and socio-political topics. Alexander Sokurov, Svetlana Alexievich, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Tatiana Lazarev, Danil Kozlovsky, were managed as the main characters in Lyudlavna Aleksievich, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Andrei Kuraev and other celebrities.

On June 26, 2016, Nikolai reported that the holding of further events is impossible due to the pressure of the "specific kind of services and structures". After that, he had to emigrate from Russia until September. At the moment, both brains of the journalist, or, as he himself prefers to call himself, the librarian continues to live - the schedule of free meetings and venues are posted on the official website.

In 2018, Youtube appeared on Russian Youtube, Yutube-Channel, a well-replenished new cognitive conversation with an interesting person appeared.

For example, the Oxxxymiron poetess of Vera Polozkova told about verses and friendship with Raper Oxxxxymiron. The media manager Andrei Vasilyev touched Konstantin Ernsta, George Reberg and the "frostbitten" woman. The writer Dmitry Bykov spoke of group sex and Zakhar Prilepin. Since May 2019, the "Bookmark" has been coming out here - a detailed story about books mentioned in issues and not only that can be purchased at a discount or get free.

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In addition, the Documentation films of Solodnikov ("Throughout the Winter") and his wife are stored ("Afghan. A person did not return from war," Joseph's children. To the 80th anniversary of Brodsky, "" Nord-Ost. 17 years " , "Albina Nazimova. 25 years without leaves").

From July 9, 2018, a married couple, together with the older heirs, became the leading television program "Eagle and Rushka. Family". According to the rules of the Travel Show, one parent with the child was to hold out in the specified country by $ 100, and the other is to be poured using an unlimited card. In 2019, for the program, they were handed over the prestigious Award "Teffi".

Nikolai Sododniki now

Nikolai continues to develop the projects "Eschenepozner" with the "bookmark", "Open Library" with its "dialogues" and "Eagle and Rushka. Family "on the TV channel" Friday ".

In the summer of 2020, the video brokero talked with Peter Shchedrovitsky and Artemia Troitsky, spoke about the life of the philosopher Merab Mamardashvili and about the history of the creation of an Internet publication "Medusa" and, of course, introduced with curious books.


  • 2019 - Teffe for a program for children and junior "Eagle and Rushka. Family"
  • 2019 - the second Russian premium in the field of the web industry in the category "Interviewer of the Year"
  • 2019 - National Prize in Paul Television "Golden Beam" in the nomination "Best Online Channel / Video Balog"


  • "Open Library"
  • "Dialogues"
  • "Bookmark"
  • "Throughout the winter"
  • "Eagle and rush. Family"

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