Makar Karelin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Liker 2021



Makar Karelin already in the early years of the biography was a creative person, which helped him to find devotees of fans. He became famous in the network as a positive blogger and the creator of entertainment video from Like.

Childhood and youth

Makar Karelin appeared on July 7, he was cancer on the zodiac sign. It is known about the parents of celebrities a little, a blogger has a very warm relationship with her mother, which he devotes posts in the social network and affectionately calls the princess.

The parent supports the Son in all endeavors and since childhood is proud of his success in creativity.

Personal life

In 2019, the blogger first appeared in public with Nastya Kos, after which rumors appeared about their novel. Celebrities are actively heated by the speculation, resting together, putting together joint video and romantic photos, but do not rush to publicly confirm the relationship, because of which they are suspected of piano at the expense of provocative personnel.
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It is known that the girl is older Makara, but this fact does not care about numerous fans who carefully follow the personal life of Liker. Much more they are experiencing that Karelin can offend or deceive Nastya, and carefully look for pictures of his former girls.


For the first time, the blogger thought about the possibility of sharing his work on the Internet as early as childhood, when he was 11 years old, and since then has been looking for a suitable resource for the placement of content. Soon, Makar registered on the "Like" platform, where users share short entertainment video.

According to Karelin, then the site did not cause him delight, so he decided to try himself in other resources. Since 2017, the blogger led "instagram" and laid out the pictures on which it was captured with a short haircut. Later, Makar reflected long hair, which became part of the usual image to the public.

After some time, the celebrity had a desire to return to the "Likes", and this time he decided to stay there. Thanks to the natural charisma and charm, Kareline easily conquered network users and scored a millionth audience. His video was obtained funny and interesting, showing both pre-thought-out scenes and funny improvisations.

In addition, the blogger began to cooperate with other Internet stars, publishing rollers, where they fool and having fun together. Visiting Makara was visited by representatives of the K Camp Tickeners, with whom he recorded several positive clips. Lyker also took part in the promotion of the "Ice" song of Nastya Kos.

Kareline tries to maintain a warm relationship with the audience, conducts with fans of the meeting and all its forces encourages activity on its pages. In addition to Lykov, at the end of 2019, the blogger registered the Yutiub-Channel to share videos of Challenge, Vlogov and entertainment events.

Makar Karelin now

In 2020, the guy had to face difficulties due to a coronavirus infection pandemic. He was located in Spain, when they announced a quarantine, and after returning was forced to spend 2 weeks on self-insulation, but admitted that it was worth it. Therefore, Lyker was not desperate and continued to please the public with positive video and stories about his everyday life. Now Makar remains active in the network and publishes photos in Vkontakte and In Stagram.

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