Costa Hetagurov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Poet



The writer Alexander Fadeev for the multifaceted dating call Kosta Ketagurov Ossetian Leonardo da Vinci. Often the author of the lines "The whole world is my temple" characterize as Caucasian Alexander Pushkin, because the literature of Ossetia began with him. However, the biography of the enlightener is most like the fate of Taras Shevchenko: both Creators have implemented themselves in poetry and painting, created works both in the native and Russian languages, studied in St. Petersburg and did not gain happiness in personal life.

Childhood and youth

Costa Levanovich was born in October 1859 in Aula Nar, now a member of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya. The conception of the future poet contributed to the leave to order his father Levan Yelizbarovich, who was a man who dedicated life to the protection of the Russian Empire from external enemies spent with his family.

Costa, like Jesus, was born in Klelev. Levan Khetagurov on the background of neighbors was a secured person (the title of men corresponded to the modern Police Colonel), but the births next to cows and sheep were the tradition of Ossetian families.

Like the Malorosiysk "Kobzar", the Costa early lost his mother. According to one of the versions, Maria Gavrilovna died immediately after childbirth. However, most sources agree on the fact that the son and mother stayed together for about two years, as a woman managed to charge concerns about the boy Related Chandse.

Celebrating the 5th anniversary of the Son, Levan, who was already 54 years old, stopped going to go and took his wife's daughter Sukhiev's daughter named Hyzymad. Costa recalled that stepmother did not love him.

Since the summer of 1871, Hetagur junior studied in the male gymnasium of Stavropol and lived in the boarding room. In the gymnasium years, the young man wrote the first poems. After the 6th grade of the Costa, he tried to leave the school and appealed to his father with a request to send him to learn from the painter in the capital of Russia. However, Levan, who dreamed of his son's military career and embarrassed in the means, to implement the desire of the Sibling did not hurry.

Gymnasic teacher drawing B. M. Smirnov, seeing the artistic talents of a young miner, achieved the direction of Hetagurov to St. Petersburg Academy of Arts with the provision of Ossetian scholarship. Two years of Costa mastered in the city on the Neva, drawing and sculpting technique. And then officials unfolded Hetagurov's scholarship.

The Costa worked as a loader, he was taken for any one-time job and begged to be allowed to lecture free for free. But the petitions of the gifted Caucasian were not satisfied, and Hetagurov returned to Ossetia.

Personal life

The first love of the novice poet and the artist became Galya Smirnova - the daughter of a gymnasium teacher. Costa rewrote to the beautiful handwriting Opera Charles Guno "Faust" and gave the girl.

At the turn of 1885 and 1886, Hetagurov met the daughter of secured by Vladikavkaz Armenians Anna Popova, which became his muse. The girl also liked the poet, but the beauty did not dare to go against the family and responded to the proposal of his hand and heart with refusal. It is to Popova who addressed acrosth in joining the poem "Fatima. Caucasian Tale ", according to which the director Vladimir Valiev removed the film to the 100th anniversary of Hetagurov. From Anna Costa drew a picture of the "Thorough Angel".

The failure of Hetagurov ended in 1892 to the namesake of Popova Anna Tsalikova - the daughter of a friend of the poet, Alexander's priest, who has lived in Vladikavkaz during the year. The poems dreamed of creating a family and the continuation of the genus and in the spring of 1903 rushed to the daughter of another comrade Joram Hurumbov - Lelen. The girl accepted the offer, but so far wedding preparations were walking, the disease claimed the life of the bride.

Costa Hetagurov and Anna Tsalikova

All who knew Hetagurov noted the active kindness and selflessness of the painter and the writer. The Costa followed the rule of Lion Tolstoy, arguing that the writer who sells inspiration is similar to a prostitute trading.

Ossetians did not take money for the creation of literary works, and the income from writing portraits, registered webs, paintings of the temples and land plots that were inherited from the Father, spent the help of friends and unfamiliar people in need. The Costa ratified for the access of the Goringe to education, tried to open the school of painting in Vladikavkaz for talented children, helped countrymen write petitions and performed by their trustee in the courts.

Twice the royal government sent Hetagurov to the link. The cause of the first expulsion was the protest of the poet against closing in the Vladikavkaz of the women's school. The punishment of the Costa was serving in the village of St. George-Ossetian, founded by the Father in Kuban.

The second time Khetagurova was punished due to misunderstandings: at the wedding of the Russian dignitarily, the distant relative, namesake and the name of the poet, but the culprit of the scandal went to Kherson under the police officer, and Costa Levanovich. Thanks to the troubles of friends and relatives, the second link has shown him from five years to eight months. Being in exile, Hetagurov learned that the book of his poems "Ossetian Lira" came out in Vladikavkaz.


The value of the moral example and creativity of Hetagurova for Ossetians is so great that his behalf award is presented in North Ossetia, which is part of the Russian Federation, and in South Ossetia, which is an independent partially recognized state. Both in poetry and in painting a native village of Nar dominated three topics: challenges the beauties of the native land, a description of the heavy life of fellow countrymen and biblical plots. In Soviet times, the Christian worldview of the writer and the artist was silent or mentioned Casual.

The most famous works in the bibliography of Khetagurov are the ethnographic essay of "Essential", the story "Over the tours", the poems "Mount" ("Doda") and "Testament". In the poem "mother of orphans" Costa talks about a woman who lulls hungry children with conversations about Saw from the beans, which they are breeding. In fact, the burning knows that the sons and daughters will die from hunger, because the "soup" are not boils, but stones.

No less pierced plot paintings by Hetagurova "Children-Masonry". Other famous painter canvases are the "Race of Araki" and "to the source", as well as landscapes "Natural Bridge", "Teberdinsky Gorge" and "Zikar Pass".


Costa Levanovich died on April 1 (March 19, on the old style) of 1906. The cause of the death of Khetagurov was the progressive bone tuberculosis. The last years of life, a man was chained to bed, and all the concerns about the brother took over the sister of the poet Olga.

After 3 days after the death of the writer, they buried his father's grave in the village of Georgiyevsko-Ossetian. But after another week, Hetagurova, the younger was reburied in Ossetia, in the necropolis near the oldest Orthodox church of Vladikavkaz - the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Ossetian slide.

It was the burial of the founder of the literature Alanov gave the cemetery of the status of the National Pantheon. However, the modern tombstone on the grave of Hetagurov, whose photo is posted in all textbooks of Ossetian literature, was established only in 1979 - to the 120th anniversary of the enlightener.


  • Kosta Kostagurov museums are in the village of Nar, the village of Hetagurovo, Vladikavkaz and Stavropol
  • The name of Kosta Hetagurova was assigned to the North Ossetian State University, the South Ossetian Drama Theater, schools in Vladikavkaz and Ardon
  • State Prize of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alanya named after Costa Hetagurova in the field of literature and art
  • The peak of the Chief Caucasus Range (3680 m) and Hetagurova Pass (3780 m), located in the array of warm-archon, are named after Costa Hetagurov
  • Day of Ossetian language and Ossetian literature recognized the date of publication of the poem "Ossetian Lira" (May 15)
  • Kosta Kostagurova Street is in Vladikavkaz, Beslan, Stavropol, Pyatigorsk, Nalchik, Kherson, Tbilisi, Alma-Ata, Krivoy Rog, Ufa and other cities
  • Monuments of Kosta Hetagurov installed in North Ossetia, Russia, Georgia, Bulgaria
  • Kosta Hetagurov are devoted to movies, including the "Son of Iriston" and "The whole world is my temple! Costa Hetagurov »


  • 1891 - "Hunting for tours"
  • 1894 - "Essentials" ("Mountain Ossetian")
  • 1895 - "Poem"
  • 1899 - "Ossetian Lira: Duma Hearts, Songs, Poles and Baszy"
  • 1909 - "Poem. Letters and memories. Documents for biography »


  • 1886 - "Portrait of Anna Popova"
  • 1886 - "Savior Savior"
  • 1888 - "Furious Angel"
  • 1890 - "Portrait of Elena Fedorovna Krech-sock"
  • 1890 - "Kids Masonry"
  • 1891 - "Portrait of TKOSTOP
  • 1891 - "Portrait of Husin Baeyeva"
  • 1892 - "Natural Bridge"
  • 1892 - "Teberdin Gorge"
  • 1892 - "Zikar Pass"
  • 1897 - "Portrait of Anna Tsalikova"
  • 1900 - "Self-portrait"

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