Cruise Beckham - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son David and Victoria Beckham 2021



On July 11, 2020, it became known that Brooklyn Beckham, the eldest son of David Beckham and Victoria Beckham, made a proposal of the hands and hearts by the girl Nikola Peltz. The couple reported on such a joyful event, placing eloquent text under the same romantic photographs in personal accounts in "Instagram". I could not resist the publication in the same social network and the younger brother of the groom Cruz, who, without holding back emotions, said that the lovers made the right choice.

Childhood and youth

At the end of February 2005, the 20th, the Star Chet took congratulations on the next replenishment in the family - on this day in the capital of Spain, Cruise David appeared. It is curious that the children of celebrities were born at different times of the year: Brooklyn Joseph Beckham - Spring (March 4, 1999), Romeo James Beckham - in the fall (September 1, 2002), Cruz, respectively, in winter, and the only daughter of Harper Seven Beckham - In the summer (July 10, 2011).

Known by their passion for nutrient drawings, happy parents made tattoos: the father "nubble" the names of all four heirs, and the mother "depicted" sons in the form of 8-end stars on the lower back. The family of ex-football player and ex-singer for many years already considered exemplary, their joint photos flashed here and there, and the latest news reports do without scandals in their personal life.

The former participant of the Spice Girls group does not hide the secrets of education from journalists. According to her, it is necessary to instill good manners and discipline in school, to pay sufficient time to each other, to file a worthy example, to show severity, but at the same time provide support.

"I am happy that I have a wonderful husband and beautiful, healthy, happy children. David and I explain to them what privileged life they lead. We tell them that in many places in the world, children are starving, sick, some have no home. They understand how important it is to help others, "Victoria recognized in an interview.

It is known that Cruz, together with a middle brother, visited the prestigious school of Wetherby Preparatory School, located in Westminster, and since childhood it was for music. On the Teenager page in "Instagram", numerous videos demonstrating its vocal abilities and virtuoso possession of a guitar and piano are stored.

Personal life

On the personal page in the social networks of the younger heir to Beckham's spouses often flashes photos with representatives of the opposite sex. But all of them, by virtue of age, either relatives (mother, sister, grandmother, daughter-in-law), or girlfriends, or stars (singer Taylor Swift, actress Libby Adams).

Cruz combined two passions of parents - music and football. In addition, the teenager loves to ride a bike and make morning jogging to school, confidently owns a snowboard and skateboard, comfortably feels in the pool and agrees to get up with his father in a couple when boxing. Together with close people, it can be found on all sorts of sports and cultural and entertainment events, including on modes.

"I think there is always a certain fear factor. Since the birth of a child, you are constantly worried about him. Children are the most wonderful thing in the world, but you bring children to the world where they must protect them. My children have a wonderful life, and I want to protect them from everything that happens outside the family, "the head of the family in an interview was recognized.


Each child of Four Beckham does not sit and has his passion and hobby. For example, Brooklyn is photographic art and model business, Romeo combined tennis with a feshen-industry, and Harper with his head went into ballet and chess.

No lag behind them and Cruz, who managed to release a debut song at the end of 2016 called If Everyday Was Christmas. All reversed funds were aimed at charity. A few days later, the novice musician presented a clip on it, who climbed over 3 years more than 4 million views of Youtube.

The first creation of the performer did not leave anyone indifferent. Fans hurried to paint it with a new Justin Bieber. And he, in turn, stated that a colleague will eventually become a real superstar, and advised him to listen to the advice of parents.

True, in the future, young artist in the author's hits did not make much pleased, but preferred to the Cavalem of popular hits. For example, Love Yourself spouse Haley Baldwin or Watermelon Sugar Harry Stiles.

Cruise Beckham now

Cruz Beckham and now continues to practice music, like all the boys in the family, willingly play football and never ceases to admire the father and mother.

A week before the new 2020, an important event happened in the life of a teenager - he, together with his sister, Harper accepted baptism. The critic parents were actress by Eva Longoria, Stylist Ken Payivs, Singer Mark Anthony and Football Agent David Gardner.

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