Pavel Popovich - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, cosmonaut



Professional Pilot Pavel Popovich was the hero of the Soviet Union, awarded a dozen medals and state orders. During the first group flight, the East-4 ship commander did a number of the most high steps in the space program.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Romanovich Popovich was born on the territory of Ukraine, the beginning of the brightest biography was 1930. The ancestors of the future cosmonaut, the people of the working professions, did everything so that the family name knew and remembered the Soviet people.

Father, a native of the village of Uzin, mastered the Crafts of the Kochgar, the mother attached to the state farm brought up three sons. Despite the difficulties with money, parents did not forget about the spiritual development and education of adheft children.

Popovich remembered the weekend in a family house for a long time, friends who appeal to the village came to visit the breadwinners. Women were preparing dinner, and then sainted songs, men thoughtfully talked about future happy pore.

On weekdays, the boys dwells not far from the airfield, they liked the sounds of aircraft, informed due to forests. Admiration caused dressed in the form of soldiers who appeared in the district in the early 40s.

In that period, a terrible misfortune happened in the country of the Council: the leader of the German fascists unleashed world war. Pasha with parents and fellow villagers were in the center of events, his best years passed in enemy captivity.

The officers were considered a duty to mock the fragile teenagers, one of them taught Popovich's strangers alien words. Because of each small mistake on the body, the descendant of the Kochnayahara remained bleeding, which did not heal the scar for a long time.

The boy tried to revenge the fascists, piercing the car tires, the tricks strengthened the beatings and strengthened the anger of enemies. It turned out to cope with the enemy with the help of Soviet military, freed by a number of settlements and nearby cities.

After the war, the strengthened Paul graduated from rural school, in parallel was a fireman in the boiler room heating the village. People who knew and respected parents of production of production said that they were incredibly lucky in life.

With such support, the guy went into a professional school, then there was an industrial technical school in one of the Ural cities. As a hobby, Popovich chose the Aeroclub of Magnitogorsk and became the pilot of the aircraft in the early 50s.

Tracting for the sky pushed to admission to the university Novosibirsk, after disbanding which he graduated from the instructor school. When it was time to serve in the army, Paul was asked to one of the Karelian aviation regiments on the camshaft.

Personal life

In the personal life of the pilot-astronaut there were two legitimate spouses, the first Marina Popovich (Vasilyeva) also loved heaven. Woman - Military Colonel experienced fighting vehicles, behind the steering wheel she soldered almost circus wonders.

In marriage, which lasted before the early 1980s, two daughters appeared in her husband and wife. Girls Natalia and Oksana during the years of study in high school were the pride of mother and father and friends favorite.

On anyone not known reasons, a happy couple broke up, Pavel Romanovich again married the end of the 80s. Sit to get along with an ozhegova, an engineer-economist, a man, romance by nature, cost the great works.

Marina Popovich after a divorce became the creator of the book on the secrets of other civilizations "UFO over the planet Earth." In work on a large-scale project, her husband was helped by her own pilot skill and authoritative teachers.


In his youth, having friends with the sky, Paul led the squadron, his dream was a cosmonaut detachment created in the 60s. Herman Titov, Yuri Gagarin, Boris Volyn and in this division were right on leading central places.

Due to the innate ability to seek the goal of Popovich, I revealed with the leadership and became the party secretary. He passed through all the stages of the pre-flight training complex, days and nights working alone or with a partner.

As a result, the cosmonaut got a durable ship "East-4", the first collective flight took place in Tandem with East-3. Popovich and Andriyan Nikolaev, telecommunication specialists, amounted to an experimental scientific report.

This period was described in the book "I depart in the morning", at the end of the real characters became the heroes of the USSR. Guys with call signs Berkut, Cedar, Eagle, Ruby and Falcon filed a positive example with reading people.

In the mid-60s, the pilot was preparing for a number of failed flights, he could be the first person who fell into the orbit of the moon. However, the American Apollors were ahead of Soviet prides, and the plans of the Soviet cosmonaut remained unfulfilled.

Popovich and Valentina Ponomareva worked on a joint program, they planned to make a single mixed crew. Photo of partners appeared in the central Soviet newspapers, the news about this experiment caused an excitement.

Soyuz-14 went to space in July 1974, Colonel Pavel Popovich commanded the ship. He made a manual dock with Salyut-3 near the orbit and for two weeks of experiments felt a creative rise.

During the flight, the cosmonauts investigated the earth's surface and the influence of an uncomfortable situation on the human body. The results proven by scientists after landing and the meeting were inspired by the followers of Pavel Romanovich incredible optimism.

The work of Popovich deserved a response in the environment of professionals, a cosmonaut was presented by a number of medals and state orders. The title of Major General Soviet Cosmic Aviation was assigned to pilot in the mid-70s.


Pavel Popovich resigned in the early 1990s and began to work in the collective of the Scientific Institute in Moscow. The pilot, who knew the earth's surface, led the cadastral top cover, trying to pensions to be a healthy country.

In old age, the astronaut moved to the friendly southern coast of the Crimea, he was a participant in television show and journalistic programs. In "Guests from Dmitry Gordon", a native of Uzina admitted that he was ready to join the intergalactic worlds.

Because of the disease, many ideas and plans were not embodied, the cause of the death of the cosmonaut became an apoplexy. The grave gathered relatives and close pilot hero, memorable speeches sounded against the background of mourning fanfar.


  • 1961 - Red Star Order
  • 1962 - Medal "For the development of virgin lands"
  • 1962, 1974 - Order of Lenin
  • 1962, 1974 - twice Hero of the Soviet Union
  • 1982 - Order of the Friendship of Peoples
  • 1985 - Medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth"
  • 1996 - Honor Order
  • 2000 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • 2005 - Order of Prince Yaroslav Wise IV degree


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