Arthur Chilingarov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Researcher of the Arctic 2021



Arthur Chilingarov is a tireless researcher of the Arctic and Antarctica. He fell on the bottom at the point of the North Pole, he lived on a glacier almost without a provisional, brought up white bearish. The polar star was repeatedly hung on a hair from death, but every time I was lucky on his side. Now Arthur Chilingarov - Hero of Russia, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Vice-President of the Russian Geographical Society.

Childhood and youth

Arthur Nikolaevich Chilingarov was born in Leningrad on September 23, 1939. By nationality, he is Russian Armenian: the Caucasian blood went from his father. For childhood, the polar explores fell out heavy years of blockades.

The house in which the Chiligarov family lived was often subjected to bombardments. Once at night, the ceiling collapsed because of the explosion. The life of Arthur and his parents saved the iron backs of the beds - the roof hung on them.

Arthur Chilingarov in youth

Another time Chiligarov almost died on the hands of his own mother. She was stolen with bread cards, and she, who was not able to endure the deprivation of Leningrad's blockade, decided to commit suicide, and to poison sulfur, scratched from match boxes. From the crime, a woman was killed her sister, Aunt Chiligarova: She brought her products.

"That's how I was born, maybe in the second or third time," recalls the polarist.

Thanks to Tete Arthur did not suffer from hunger. She worked in the hospital and took the nephew for "feeding". For such a strictly punished, so the boy had to hide in the morgue. The polarist ironed in an interview:

"" Felling "" in the dead saved from hungry death. "

Fate with the Arctic and Antarctica Arthur Chilingarov tied up at the order of fate. He wanted to enter the Leningrad Higher Naval School: they fed well and provided a beautiful form. But to get to the prestigious mechanical faculty faculty.

Arthur appeared to their estimates on passing exams, so he fell to the Rector of the Rector of School Vladimir Nikolayevich Koshkin. He suggested a young man to go to the Arctic Faculty, where budget places remained.

"" What is the Arctic Faculty? " I asked Koshkin's fallen voice. He replied that he finished him himself and no longer regrets. I thought that the head of the school was quite good, and immediately agreed, "the chiligarov told about his past.

Simultaneously with study, the student passed the practice on the stormy waters of the Kara Sea. At that moment, an amazing fact turned out: in the youth of the polar explorer heard strongly. Sea disease managed to overcome permanent training.

Personal life

If Chiligarov's career was conjugate with a constant risk, then the calm was observed in his personal life - a pacifying, gentle. Tatyana Alexandrovna became the right companion of the polar explorer. In an interview, the hero of Russia recalled:

"I saw her and suddenly understood: it's time to tie with bachelor's life. There are a lot of friends, but the wife has not yet been a single one. In general, fell in love with never. "
Daughter Ksenia Chilingarova, Arthur Chilingarov, wife Tatyana Chilingarova, Son Nikolai Chilingarov

The expectations of Chilingaria Tatiana Alexandrovna justified over the norm. When the polar explores appointed the head of the department of hydrometeor service in Anderma, the village of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, he thought for a long time, how to present his wife's news. She, having learned, said the only phrase:

"Where is my toothbrush?"

Nikolai Chiligarov, Son Arthur Nikolaevich and Tatiana Aleksandrovna, born in 1974. He became a businessman, now the co-owner of the company "PromstroyProekt". In 1982, the daughter of Ksenia Chilingarova appeared in the family. In 2009-2012, she was married to the violinist Dmitry Kogan, but the name has kept the surname. Judging by the "instagram", Ksenia Arturovna is connected with the fashion industry - there are her photos in Gucci and Versace.

Scientific activity

Chiligarov's track record is so great that the transfer of all its achievements and merit will be not one book. But also the key moments of his biography enough to realize: Arthur Nikolayevich was not in vain awarded the titles of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Hero of Russia.

Cellear's career began with the study of the Arctic Ocean. In 1969, he was appointed chief of the drifting station North Pole - 19 (SP-19).

One day of ice, on which the polar explosions are located stranded and began to collapse. In the ice water, we left the technique, tents, food. Only Miraculously Arthur Chiligarov managed to avoid human victims. The resettlement for a new place occupied 2 months. At the same time, scientific observations did not stop. As a result of the risky expedition, it was possible to find out that the northern seaway can be used year-round.

In 1974, Arthur Nikolaevich was headed by the Amdrminian Territorial Office for Hydrometeorology and the Control of the Natural Environment. After appointment, his team went to put the sensors, but the aircraft cluck at the height set. In an interview with Chiligarov, he recalls that the aviation food number was "bad" - 4243: in the amount it turns out a drawing of a dozen.

All 10 people who were aboard, managed to survive. They spent the day for the ice before their comrades were discovered. Since then, Arthur Chilingarov is always baptized before sit down.

Permanent danger made Arthur Nikolaevich Empat - he is used to rush without thinking. It so happened in 1985, when the research vessel Mikhail Somov was stuck in the ice. For this rescue expedition, the polar star and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was honored.

In 1991, Chilingarov was one of the first to fly to Antarctica on the "heavy" plane. A decade later, on a personal example, he proved that it is possible to get to the southern pole using light aircraft.

For the commission of a high-tech Arctic deep-water expedition in 2007, Arthur Chilingarov awarded the title of Hero of Russia. But it was extremely difficult to return from it. The polar star recalled in an interview:

"It was perhaps the hardest expedition, with chances of 70 to 30. 70 - that we will not return. This is the only time I wrote a testament. I wrote my wife there, who should me. Just kidding, of course! "


In 1993, Arthur Nikolaevich first sat down in the chair of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Until 2011, he represented the Nenets Autonomous District, which was already native.

In the legislative "piggy bank" of the polar explorer - protest against the adoption of orphans from Russia by US citizens, support to increase retirement age. He himself was co-author of more than 70 initiatives and amendments to federal laws. According to the official website of the State Duma, Chilingarov consists of a committee on international affairs.

Arthur Chiligarov now

Despite the old age, Arthur Chiligarov in the company Fedor Konyukhov, another tireless traveler, plans to immerse themselves at the bottom of the Mariana depression. The expedition was scheduled for 2018, but soon it became clear: the preparation would take longer than planned. The deadline was postponed by March 2021.

Arthur Chiligarov and Fyodor Konyukhov

Arthur Chiligarov and Fyodor Konyukhov are preparing for a dangerous journey not so much in order to get to the bottom, how much for the opening of new vertices - or, rather, the depths - for scientists of Russia.

Travelers turned to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request to provide organizational support for their expedition. As a result, instead of 6-8 years, Batiskof is planned to be built in 2-3 years.

So far, Arthur Nikolaevich leads a quiet life policy. As of 2020, he represents the interests of Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Territory and Tiles in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The term of his authority expires in 2021. Also, the polar explorer is a special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for international cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctica.


  • 1976 - Order "Honor Sign"
  • 1981 - Order of the Red Banner
  • 1986 - Hero of the Soviet Union
  • 1986 - Order of Lenin
  • 2002 - Order "Polar Star"
  • 2003 - Order "For Maritime Merit"
  • 2007 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" III degree
  • 2008 - Hero of the Russian Federation
  • 2014 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • 2014 - Large Gold Medal of Russian Geographical Society
  • 2019 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II degree

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